One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 650: Festival

"Is it Kakashi?" The red-eyed cockroach looked puzzled in that direction. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W≠W≈. ≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥COM

"That guy shouldn't use that trick. It's really a mess. If you don't care, maybe things will be big, and you will be lucky." Feng Ying saw a huge virtual shadow, and finished watching the wind and shadow. They ran straight in that direction.

"There will be nothing wrong with it." Far back to worry about them.

"We are also gone."

"Well." Yuan and Red helped the squad to rush to Kakashi.

"砰" a strong wind blew, countless trees were uprooted, and instantly opened a boulevard in the woods.

"Hey, Qimu Kakashi, where are you? Give me out." The human body turned into a tail and shouted at the surrounding.

In the surrounding area, Kakashi is hiding behind a tree and sitting on the trunk. "I didn't expect that the human strength is really strong." Kakashi whispered to his chest.

Turning his head and looking at the back, now that he is going in the opposite direction, Kakashi can't help but sigh. "If it's far away, only his psychic beast can fight against it." Kakashi Contemplative.

"Haha, I finally found you." Just when Kakashi was thinking about it, suddenly a big man looked down from Kakashi's head.

Kakashi saw a head that couldn't help but widen his own eyes. He still wanted to escape. But now his body does not listen to his own command. Now Kakashi can only sit still.

"Mu 遁. Four-column martial arts." Just then, the sound coming from the side, a wooden strip sticking out from the end of a tail.

"Oh." The one that was **** could not help but struggle: "Who is this?"

“Far?” Kakashi surprised, thinking that he was going to die. I didn’t expect them to come, but did they get rid of the shadows? Kakashi thought of it in confusion.

"Kakashi, are you okay?" asked Red in the support of Kakashi.

"Hey? What's wrong with you?" Kakashi looked at the red-eyed cockroach.

"Oh, we are all seriously injured." He glared at his chest.

"There is no time to explain. Now we have to find out that the wind has not yet been found, so let's go, or you will not be able to go after the meeting." At this time, I felt Kakashi's side and helped Kakashi.

"That's also true, then let's go." Kakashi allowed him to help.

"Do you want to run this?" This is the shadow of the wind on the head of the tail to help one end untie the tail of the body, and look at them away.

"Three generations of wind and shadow." Kakashi was surprised.

"It seems that we can't go." He looked at the wind and the light.

"Well." Far and red nodded.

"I didn't expect to deal with a kid, you will actually use this trick?" Wind shadow turned to look at the bottom of the foot and then to the people around him.

"Those people are not simple."

"I thought you used the technique of false squatting." The wind faintly said: "But it doesn't matter, now you can kill them."

"No problem." The human column was printed, and then the hand pointed to them: "The sand is tied."

A pile of sand instantly surrounded them, so they couldn’t react at all. "Far, look at you." Kakashi looked at the sand surrounding him and said to him.

"Well." Nodded a little, put down Kakashi and then put his right hand to his mouth and took a bite on his thumb. Then his hands quickly printed: "Hai-戌-酉-申-未."

At this moment, the sand of the human column completely surrounded them, and the human column shook hands and shouted: "The sand waterfall is buried."

"The practice of psychic." At this moment, there was a distant voice in the sand. The sand that surrounded the people was directly broken up, and a smog appeared in front of the human column.

"Is this?" Feng Ying and the human column looked at the smog in confusion.

When the smoke slowly dissipated, a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex was revealed. "Hey." I saw the dragon head and the dragon squatting, and they stood on the faucet.

" Far? How did you call me out?" Longba asked, and then looked at one and wondered: "Is this not a tail? How did you meet it? No wonder you want to call me out."

"Uncle Longba, we are confronted with strong enemies." Far bitter smile: "There is not only one tail but also the three generations of wind and shadow on the tail."

"What?" Longba surprised, then looked at the wind and shadow standing on the end of the tail and said: "I didn't expect you to be like your old man, you will pick your opponent, but things are going to be troublesome, let me deal with it. It’s not easy to have one tail at a time. If you add wind and shadow, there is no chance at all.”

"Uncle Longba, you just have to help us fight for a little time." Kakashi said.

"This way." Longba replied.

"Yes, Uncle Longba, the wind shadow will be handed over to us."

"Okay." Longba suddenly shouted with a mad look at his eyes: "Only a stronger opponent can make me feel excited and have fun fighting."

The wind and shadow watched the sudden dragon hegemony: "According to the intelligence, this dragon should be the psychic beast of Uchiha Uchiha, who is the one who has been forbearing. It is rumored that it has defeated the second generation of the shadow of the psychic. The beast is a psychic beast that can rival the tail beast."

"Hey, I have to try to know."

"吼", one end directly stretched out a hand to shoot the dragon, "Hey." Longba legs rushed to the end, a huge vibration on the ground.

Grasp one end of the hands with both hands, and then open the mouth, "water scorpion. Water cannonball" a water polo shot to the end.

"The wind is blowing. The refining gun." One tail is also a mouth. A cannonball full of Chakra is shot at Longba. Two shells collide in mid-air, two won't win or lose, one offset, and suddenly a storm is in the air. form.

"嗷 Longba's faucet stretched out, biting one's left hand, then rushing, and unloading one left hand.

Then quickly jumped away from the end, because Longba saw a **** iron pillar, and the falling hand slowly turned into sand.

"Damn." The human column looked at the dragon tyranny, and then quickly sealed the hand.

"What are you doing?" Feng Ying frowned and looked at the side of the column.

"I must kill them."

"You are crazy." Wind shadow was surprised.

"The technique of false sputum."

"Is this?" Longba frowned and looked at the movement of the human column.

"What's wrong?" asked far away.

"You have to prepare, and the next is the real tail." Longba is serious.

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