One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 652: Festival

"" I think of my mother's character, and I can't help but sweat. ???Chinese?W≤W≤W≤. ≤8=1≈Z≈W≠. ≥COM

"Well, let's have something to eat first. Let's talk about these things later."

"Well, my elder brother said yes, let's eat first, eat first." Far away and urged.

A few days later, in the front line of the wooden leaves on the sand-bearing village.

"Yu Xiaozi, Xiaozi, you recover very fast." Orange water looked far away.

"Uncle Orange, do you ask us to come over something?" Far from seeing the field and orange water asked.

"You stinky boy, it's not because of your kid, now Muye has let the chicken-flying dog of the emperor's big sister jump, and the grandmother of the emperor has also threatened to find me." Orange water thinks of the performance of the hand in the wood leaf I couldn’t help but smile.

"This" is far from authentic.

"But you have done a good job this time. I really didn't think that the face and the wind will kill you." Orange water began.

"Uncle Orange, in fact, this thing" is still trying to explain.

When the orange water interrupted the distance, he said with seriousness: "No matter what the truth of this matter, the village has already identified your credit. Now the village is negotiating with the people of Sharon Village, so Konoha now needs It’s that you guys who have killed the wind and the shadows are not four, but you know?”

"Yes, Uncle Orange, I know it is wrong."

"Well, that's fine." Orange water nodded, and then took a stack of information from the table and said: "This is the order of the village, let you go to Yan Ren Village."

“Iwamura? Why is this?” He took the information and looked at the orange waterway in confusion.

"Well, I heard that Uchiha had signed it personally," Orange explained.

"Teacher?" Kakashi and Red were surprised.

"If Uchiha, the big brother, decided this way, he has his own reason. Anyway, he will not harm you. You should prepare it." Orange water began.

"Yes." They answered in unison.

Looking at the back of their departure, Orange Water said to himself: "Yu Zhibo, my brother, you are very good."

A few days ago, in the Wood Leaf Huo Ying Office, Uchiha took a cup and looked at the opposite side of the flying road: "How can you find me to have tea so much today?"

When I heard Uchiha’s words, Fei Fei retorted: “Do you need any reason to drink tea with your disciples?”

"Less come." Uchiha scorned, then put down the cup and stood up and said: "You busy, you will come to me to drink tea, let's talk, what's the matter, if there is nothing I have to go."

"Okay, okay, I said that I can't do it? I can't let me be the old man." Fei Fei smiled, then took out a stack of information from the drawer and placed it in front of Uchiha: "This is our wood leaf." The latest news from the intelligence department, look at it yourself."

Uchiha took the information on the table and carefully read it and frowned. "Sha Niu Shadow Guard?"

"Yes, this is the shadow guard of the first generation of the shadows. This time, the big wild wood is really a heavy one for the three wars." Fei Fei said gravely; "Since the war, we have invested a lot of troops in the Yan Ren border. The battle with the army of Yan Ren has been glued. Now the enemy of the wood leaves, the Lei Ren army is not moving, and the sand bears also has signs of withdrawing troops. Therefore, the internal high-rises of Yan Ren Village have also been shaken. I don’t want to fight with the wooden leaves, so Ohno is in a hurry. , will send out the most powerful combat land shadow guards of Yan Ren."

"The Earth Shadow Guard is not often dispatched, but it is not difficult to see their strength from his record."

"I used to deal with the first generation and the second generation?" Uchiha looked at the information and wondered.

"Yes, at the beginning of the establishment of Yan Ren, the first generation of Tu Ying and the Shadow Guard team and the teacher between the columns handed over, it is said that it was a tie, and the teacher of the day had brought the army to Yan Ren Village, this is the shadow of the soil. The Guards took people to block the military power of the teacher. The teacher in the day was helpless to set up a covenant with Yan Ren Village." Fei Fei recalled.

"It's a good opponent." Uchiha stunned his face, but from the eyes of Uchiha, you can see the excitement of Uchiha.

"How is it okay?" asked Fei Fei: "It is also a time when the war has been played for so long."

Uchiha put aside the information and left, but left a sentence before leaving. "I know, it’s time to go out and stroll. After a long time without fighting, I forgot the taste of the battle." Boao left directly.

"Oh, Uchiha is still the same." Yu Fei looked at Uchiha's back and chuckled: "The Earth Shadow Guard, but this time the opponent is not simple."

On the Yan Ren border, "Is this the first few years?" Lying on the ground and looking at the blue sky, asked the red sitting next to him.

"It’s been three years." Red smashed his own flying show.

"Hey, this war really doesn't know when it will end." Far from the distance.

When I heard the far, the red smiled: "You used to not bother to come to the battlefield, how can you figure it out now?"

"I figured it out." Far sighed. "I want to be young and frivolous. I have murder or murder here. Every day, my companions and enemies fall. I can understand now that my father’s success is behind countless steps. The bitterness of human success."

Now that the third endurance war has been played for several Since the disappearance of the shadows three years ago, the sand-bearing sands that suffered heavy casualties began to formally withdraw from the Niuzi League and turned to Muye. And on the other side, Lei Ren also began to have signs of withdrawing troops. However, although Lei Ren Village has not retired, but has not continued to attack the wood leaves, this is a wait-and-see attitude, and as the initiator of this war, Iwamura Seeing this situation, the attitude of the village has begun to be somewhat unsettled. Because the main force of the wood leaves is on the front of the rock, so both sides have suffered heavy losses. The villagers in Iwanu Village have already been grievances, or if they are not the shadows of the wild wood. With personal prestige, maybe you can end this battle now.

The red side looked at the distance and listened to the distant talk.

"People are like this. It is always the most precious thing that is lost." At this time, he walked from a distance and said faintly: "Only the cruelty of war can understand the value of peace."

"Hey brother, how come you come, isn't it time for you and Kakashi brother to be on duty?" Far away, I felt that every time I talked about war, I was always sad.

"Of course we are not so free, you ran to the battlefield and talked about love." He looked at the far and red joking.

Suddenly, Yuan and Hong both made a big red face.

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