One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 668: Festival

"My ability is big, but you haven't found it yet." Uchiha said: "Give." Uchiha 瞳 gave a photo to the beauty of a barbecue.

"Less come, give you some color, do you still start the dyehouse?" According to the beauty of the Uchiha, the barbecue of Uchiha has turned white eyes. In fact, Uchiha and Shinmei are arguing every day. .

Uchiha took a bite and then looked at the beauty and said: "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Try to drag it, I have already given us those people, and I believe that it will not be long before the reinforcements will come."

What should I do? Uchiha looked thoughtfully at the barbecue in front of him.

"Hey." Zhao Mei shouted to Uchiha.

"Amount, what happened?" Uchiha asked, returning to God.

"What are you thinking about?" Looking at Uchiha, stunnedly, "I didn't hear me."

When I heard the beauty, Uchiha’s mouth curled up and joked: “I wonder if anyone will marry our sister in the future.”

When I heard Uchiha’s jokes, I couldn’t help but scream at the beautiful face: “What about nonsense?”

According to the beauty of the meditation, Uchiha couldn’t help but stay in the picture. As the United States saw Uchiha’s sluggish appearance, he asked: “What’s wrong? Is my face spent?”

"In fact, you are pretty good." Uchiha tweeted back to God.

Uchiha’s words are also to make the beauty of the beautiful red, the eyes drifting and not to dare to confront Uchiha.

"Well, it's not too early, I have to escape tomorrow. Let's take a rest now." According to the beauty, he said to the sky, and then quickly left the place.

Uchiha saw the back of the photo, and smiled. Then he took out his own jade flute from his waist. He originally made a weapon for red, so he designed a jade flute that can enhance the illusion. The material can just do two, so Uchiha has left one for himself.

Since Uchiha, I have found that my brain has become smarter. I thought it would blow badly. I thought it would be good, and now I can’t use Chakra. I can only rely on this jade. Cast illusion.

Uchiha took the jade flute and put it on his mouth, then took a deep breath and slowly blew it up. At this time, the photo beauty that had just ran out had already returned. When he was not far away, he heard a whistle. Come, Qingyuan is melodious.

"Is this his flute? I didn't expect to play the flute, but it still blows well. It seems that I have looked down on you." According to the beauty, Imagine Uchiha whispering to himself, and then not far from Uchiha. I found a place to sit down and listened to the sound of Uchiha’s flute quietly. I suddenly felt a feeling of ease. I felt like I found a feeling of being happy. I suddenly remembered the days with Uchiha, although I often felt that I was both bickering. Helpless and somewhat happy, think of this, according to the beauty of the meditation to focus on playing the flute, Uchiha said to himself: "If you can always do this, but I know that this is impossible." The heart is slowly changing, and a hint of love is born in the bottom of my heart.

Uchiha 瞳 吹 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

Zhaomei sat down on one side and listened to the sound of Uchiha’s flute quietly. He slowly felt that the eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and heavier, and finally slept quietly and unconsciously. The sound of the whistle of Uchiha continued to continue.

Although I don't know what will happen tomorrow, there will be any suffering waiting for myself, but at least it will be a smile tonight.

In a forest on the border of the fog, Uchiha and Shinsei are slowly moving through the woods.

"How long will it take?" Umi Bo, who was walking in front of the camera, said: "I don't know how to make a detour."

After hearing the beauty, Uchiha stopped and turned to look at the beauty behind him and said: "It is still safer."

"But does this not delay the time for the reinforcements to meet?"

"This is also a no-brainer. Even if I don't do this, I don't think it will be safe to meet with the reinforcements. When the reinforcements come, we are in danger. But don't blame me for leaving you running." Uchiha said that in fact, Uchiha wanted to delay for two more days, so that his chakra could recover some, so that he could leave the fog and return to the leaves.

"Well, it makes sense to say what you said." According to the beauty and helplessness, he always said that Uchiha waved.

"Then keep going." Uchiha snorted and then continued to think about going forward with the beauty.

Just as the beauty was ready to follow, suddenly Uchiha stopped and looked at him with a serious face.

"What's wrong?" asked the beautiful and confused.

"You don't have to go, the enemy has come." Uchiha faintly said.

"What?" Zhaomei was surprised to know that he did not find anyone. How could Uchiha found it? Zhao Mei looked at Uchiha with a strange look.

"No doubt, this is my special skill." Uchiha was stunned by the beauty of the United States, busy explaining.

"I don't believe it." According to the beauty, I don't believe it.

"Then we will wait and see." Uchihao sat directly in the same place, closed his eyes and raised his spirits.

After a while, the indifferent expression of Meimei began to slowly sink down. As a result, a group of Lei Ren slowly surrounded it from all sides. A leader who looked like a singer looked at Uchiha and Shinmei. I found you咻咻." Just when the leader was still opening, Uchiha said that he had directly prepared the bitterness that had already been prepared. Uchiha did not want him to say too much, or identity. It was exposed, and when it was time to illuminate, it would be possible to go back and collaborate with Lei Ren to kill himself. Therefore, Uchiha decided to give him a chance to speak directly.

"Be the first to be strong." Uchiha screamed and shouted.

"Well." There is no doubt in the beauty of the United States, directly rushed to Lei Ren.

"Kill them." Lei Ren’s leader also mistakenly thought that the beauty of the United States was to help Uchiha, so the two sides did it directly.

"Water scorpion. The technique of water dragon bombs." According to the beautiful hands of the United States, a water dragon flew out from the pond next to the beautiful body, rushing to those thunder.

"The bandits. The soil is in the wall." A thunder endured a pair of earthen walls on the ground and rose from the dead, blocking the beautiful water dragon.

"Hey." According to Mei Ming, he took a few bites to the thunder, "Hey." Another Lei Ren took the big knife and blocked the bitterness.

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