One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 670: Festival

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Soon Uchihao came to the front of Lei Rentou’s collar and cut it to the leader of Lei Ren. At this time, Lei’s head stretched out his right hand and was full of thunder Chakra, a knife that grabbed Uchiha.

"What?" Uchiha was surprised to see Lei Rentou grab his own way, then his face sank, and without a word, when he took the lead and did not react, he quickly pulled back his knife. Jumping away from the leader of Lei Ren.

"I really didn't guess wrong." This is why Lei Rentou did not catch up, but said: "You can't use Chakra now."

"" Uchiha faintly looked at the leader of Lei Ren.

"Since you don't have Chakra, there is nothing to be afraid of, and the brothers are together." Lei Ren's leader shouted to everyone behind him, and said that Lei Ren's leader first ran in the forefront.

Sure enough, after hearing the leader of Lei Ren, the men behind him were relieved, and then they looked at each other with a sullen look, and then they followed the leader of Lei Ren to rush to Uchiha.

They didn't see it. At this moment, Uchiha's mouth was full of conspiracy smiles, but it quickly disappeared. At least Lei Ren did not see it.

"Knife. Three-day dance." Uchiha suddenly shouted at the opening of the front of the thunder, and then the thunder leader only felt a flower in front of him, and Uchiha’s phantom rushed to his body along the trajectory. Lei Ren’s leader was surprised, but he was not very worried. After all, Uchiha didn’t break the thunder shield on his body without Chakra.

However, when Uchiha's knife was about to be cut to the thunder leader, Lei Ren’s leader suddenly saw a faint white light on Uchiha’s knife.

Uchiha and Lei Ren’s leader passed by. “How is this possible?” Lei Ren’s leader looked at the faint road in front of him, and then a scar suddenly appeared on the face of Lei Ren’s leader, directly dividing Lei Ren into two halves. The waves slowly received the knife into the sheath.

"The boss is dead, run fast." Those who followed the thunder did not react at first, but then after seeing the situation, immediately fled behind.

"Call." Uchiha also allowed the thunder to leave, and then gently sighed, but immediately felt a sweet throat, squirting blood "hey."

"It seems that after the forced use of Chakra, it is still less." Uchiha looked at the blood of his hand and smiled and shook his head and said to himself.

Then turned and walked to the side of the beautiful.

"How are you?" Uchiha looked at the beautiful way of sitting on the ground.

"I didn't expect you to be Uchiha Uchiha, I knew that I would kill you." Zhao Mei stared at Uchiha.

"Oh, you can't do it now." Uchiha did not care about the beauty of the words, faint.

"You" can't do anything by discovering the present.

"Well, it looks like you are not hurting, or you should find a place to deal with it first." Uchiha smashed the meditation of the beautiful way, and then wanted to help the beautiful, did not expect to open the beautiful Uchiha's hand.

"Without your concern, I will go by myself." According to the beauty of the United States, Uchiha shrugged helplessly.

After that, I wanted to stand up as a beautiful woman, but I tried it several times without success. In the end, Uchiha was really unable to see it. I took it and looked at it, and I held it down and said, "I want to struggle." If you don't get a good injury, how can you kill me in the future?"

After that, I didn't pay attention to the reaction of the beautiful, and left directly. After I heard the words of Uchiha, I didn't struggle any more, let Uchiha took it away.

However, what Uchiha didn't know was that after they left, two people appeared here. A mysterious man stood on the ground full of blood, and there was a dead body in the dark part of the wood.

The mysterious man with a black coat in the fight, looked at the scene in front of him: "Sure enough, you, Uchiha Uchiha." After the talk, the mysterious man disappeared in the same place, and here also restored the calm of the past. .

Besides, Uchiha, who has been rushing with the beauty of the United States, has finally found a hidden place not far away.

Yu Zhibo gently put down the beauty, and then said: "There should be no one here, you should take a break."

"Well." Zhaomei first nodded in the conditional reflex, then reacted and shouted to Uchiha: "I want you to manage." Then he turned his head in a pique, pretending to ignore Uchiha.

Seeing this kind of behavior, Uchiha was not angry. He smiled and said nothing, leaving some wound medicine, and then left here directly to go outside to guard.

When Uchiha turned around, he did not notice the beauty of his eyes and looked at the back of Uchiha.

"呜呜" was in the midst of a beautiful time, suddenly a familiar flute sound came from outside. This is the sound of Uchiha’s flute. "This is his flute, but why is he?

In a cave, inside a pile of fire, Uchiha and Shinmei are sitting next to the fire, Uchiha twirling the barbecue on his hand.

"Come and have something to eat." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 照 照 照 照 。 。 。 。.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, I looked at Uchiha’s eyes and said: “I am not hungry.”

"Oh." At this moment, there was a sound coming from the belly of the beautiful woman, so that the beauty would be awkward.

"Eat, eat it and force me to lift the bar." Uchiha waved a smile.

Zhaomei hesitated for a while, took over the barbecue of Uchiha, but said: "I am too lazy to lift the bar with you."

“No?” Uchiha asked.


"Okay, don't eat it." Uchiha doesn't care.

Seeing Yu Zhibo’s admitting defeat, Zhao Mei’s face was proud of eating barbecue, and while eating the meat while eating, he vaguely asked: “Where are you going to take me next?”

Uchiha took a look at Mei Ming and then said: "Look at your It should be good tomorrow. We will go to the direction of Wuyu Village tomorrow. I will send you back to the fog. Village, then I will return to Kono."

"Oh." Hearing the words of Uchiha, he suddenly put down the barbecue and looked down on his face.

"What's wrong? Isn't the barbecue good?" Uchiha said that he was incomprehensible.

"I am full, I want to sleep."

"Well, let me go outside, call me if you have anything." Uchiha stood up and started, then slowly left the cave.

As the beauty quietly looked at the departure of Uchiha, it slowly began to shed two lines of tears from his eyes.

"Hey." Uchiha rubbed his hands against the stone wall outside the cave, watching the moon at night sigh.

What about Uchiha Uchiha? "Under the beauty of the mood, I fell to my own words."

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