One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 46: War Green Ghost Dongli

Thunder: "mr.3 Gard Dino, Superman's ability to wax wax fruit, character is sinister and sinister, is a person who fights for victory, but the ingenuity is good. There are 7 strokes of good ability. ”

"Candle Ball, Wax Museum, Candle Lock, Candle Wall, Extra Large Service Candle Wall, Mud Carving, Extra Large Service Candle Feast"

Speaking of this, Tianlei could not help but think of it. In fact, you still have two powerful moves, but it is a big move that you developed when you entered the city. The power is quite big. This is why I am looking at it.

The highest art of the Candle Champion Cup "Mr.3", in addition to the head, can cover the body of the candle armor, shaped like a huge robot, through the "MissGoldenWeek" "coloring" to strengthen the power, this move is advancing In the city, it was once destroyed and destroyed 42 million Berry wanted criminals.

The champion's boxing "Ploughing Boxing" made a continuous punch in the "Candle Champion Cup" state.

4,200,000 Berry wanted to commit a second of time, at least to the strength of hundreds of millions! If you add his armed color domineering, it will be strengthened!

Mr.3 Gard Dino listened to the words of Thunder, and knew that everything in his hands was in the hands of the Rear Admiral, or he would not know so much about himself and his partner Miss Golden Week. Even Miss Gold Week’s tricks are not known to them, but the other party knows it clearly.

Looking at his strength and trying to deal with himself is simply a breeze! Mr.3 Gard Dino looked at Miss.Valentine and Mr.5 who had apparently surrendered to each other. Immediately understand the meaning of the thunder, and understand why Miss.Valentine and Mr.5 betrayed, encounter such a powerful opponent who knows everything about it, unless there is no choice but to surrender.

Thunder: "I know, understand what I want to say with your mind!"

:"I surrender!"

Thunder: "It is not surrender, but join my warship and join the Navy."

When Gard Dino listened to the words of Tian Lei, his eyes could not help but he heard it. He first joined the Tian Lei Major General and then the Navy. Ambition is really not heart! But I like to be ambitious: "I am your subordinate now!"

Thunder will smile: "That's good." Turned to Miss Gold and said: "You guy!"

Miss Golden Week screamed: "Is there tea? Is there a scallop to eat?"

"This is a question to ask our chef!"

Noki Gao walked over and touched the head of Miss Golden Week: "As long as you are jealous, of course there is no problem!"

Miss Golden Week immediately sold a very cute saying: "I am super."

Thunder: "Today, I will divide it again. After that, it will not change. The first team is the sailor team, the second team is the swordsman team, the third team is the ability team, and the fourth team is the logistics team."

"The first team captain, the voyage of Yuxi, the team player Krabi, Yalita; the second team captain, the team Dezaa; the third team captain Bartol Romeo, the player Mr.5, Gard Dino; The four team captains Noki Gao, the team members Chennai, Miss Golden Week. Now all the staff go to buy me wine."

Soon, Thunder took a group of people with dozens of barrels of wine and came to the place where the green ghost Dongli and the red ghost Broki were fighting. The two men are still playing hard!

"First come over and drink some wine and fight how!" Tianlei knows the weakness of these two people, that is, a drunkard.

Sure enough, I heard that the wine squad Dongli and the red ghost Broki immediately stopped. Green ghost Dongli and red ghost Broki: "Navy? Why give us wine? You know we are pirates!"

Thunder: "It’s a pirate more than a hundred years ago. Our navy only catches those who are evil. Have you been here for more than 100 years? You haven’t hurt anyone at all. What do I do for you? ?"

Green Ghost Dongli and Red Ghost Broki: "Well?" They seem to be right at the same time. They are 100 people here.

Green Ghost Dongli: "What do you mean?"

Thunder: "This is not the time to go through here. People who listen here say that there are two masters of giants here, so I want to come over and try. You can do whatever you want, whether you win or lose these wines, you are half-pointed. How?"

Green Ghost Dongli and Red Ghost Broki listened to music, and Qi Qi said: "No problem! This kind of beauty that can fight and drink, we are willing!"

Thunder: "Ha! Ha! Ha! That is, fighting and drinking, a lot of fun in life!"

Green Ghost Dongli and Red Ghost Broki heard it even better: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Brother, you friend, we have made it." Sometimes it is a matter of making friends, and making friends is to vote. Casting!

Tianlei said to the companions behind him: "Let's put the wine down, let's drink a quick pass! It won't be late!"

After opening the huge wine barrel For a time, the wine is full of fragrance! This time, Tianlei has been under the blood, this is a good wine. A scent of wine came to ruin the green ghost Dongli and the red ghost Broki.

Thunder handed over half of the wine to the past: "Come, let's do it!" Thunder finished pouring a bucket of wine in his hand.

Red Ghost Broki also picked up the wine and drank it: "Cheer!!!!" Green Ghost Dongli: "Happy, good luck is not so happy! Come, come back! Hahaha!"

Tianlei is also not to be outdone. The wine is a bucket and a bucket. After three, the wine is all dried up. If it weren't for this world, the perverts that the human body couldn't tell couldn't really drink. After all, there were so many wines that were drunk.

Green Ghost Dongli: "The wine is also enough! Come on! Fight! Hahaha!"

Tianlei is also a heroic life, but also a haha ​​smile: "Then you have a green ghost Dongli, let's have a hard time playing it! Is life not so?"

Green Ghost Dongli: "Then I will be welcome." After he picked up the giant sword that was put aside, he came over.

Thunder is not afraid, he is wondering how much his strength is worse than the strong ones in these One Piece! Immediately pulled out the snow in his hand and greeted him.

"Hey!" After a loud noise, a huge shock wave formed immediately, and the barrels around him were rushed out. And Tian Lei's partner is also the same as the impact of the shock wave, but this time Bartol Romeo reacted quickly enough to immediately support the barrier, which blocked the impact.

Green Ghost Dongli: "Ha ha ha! Kid your strength is good! But if I don't use all my strength! Try again!" Green Ghost Dongli once again did not have any fancy one big sword smashed over.

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