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"Grandfather Grandfather, you are here? What happened to you?" At this time, a little boy suddenly ran over and stood in front of the big snake pill, curiously looking at the big snake pill. M.slk.tw

"Grandfather grandfather?" Seeing the scene in front of him, the big snake pill couldn't help but look at the little boy in front of him. When he couldn't help but be surprised, he couldn't help but shouted: "Uchiha Uchiha?"

"Grandfather grandfather, you are fine, I am Tianyu, how do you call the name of Grandpa, grandfather did not die just a few days ago?" The little boy curiously looked at the big snake ball, how is the big snake pill grandfather today Somewhat strange.

Tianyu couldn't help but scratch his head. "What, Uchiha Tianyu, Uchiha is dead?" The big snake pill was surprised. Then he couldn't help but ecstasy. He finally died. The man who has been pressing on his head is finally dead. Even if you have any use of ninja, you are not one step ahead, but I have eternal life.

"Ha ha ha ha." I thought that the big snake pill could not help but laugh, but the laughter was a bit sad.

"Grandfather grandfather?" Tianyu looked at the big snake pill that seemed to be a little unknown.

"Amount." Hearing the voice of Tianyu, the big snake pill reacted. Then he looked at Tianyu with a mad look: "You are the grandson of Uchiha! You have to write a round eye."

"Ah, Grandpa Snake Grandpa, haven't you already known it?" Tianyu looked suspiciously at the big snake pill and continued: "Don't you have it?"

"What?" Hearing the words of Tianyu, the big snake pill was first, then looked at Tianyu: "Do you want to run away?" After the big snake pill, raise the right hand and prepare to kill the little boy in front of him to capture his writing eye. .

"Yeah, Grandpa didn't give him his writing eyes before he died?" Tianyu was still ignorant.

"What?" The big snake pill was surprised, and then began to feel as if it was a little different. He called a mirror and then looked at himself in the mirror. The big snake pill couldn’t help but smack it. The writing wheel eye appears in the mirror.

"How is it possible?" The big snake pill whispered in disbelief.

Then a huge amount of information suddenly poured into the mind of Da Shemao. The past events appeared one by one, and the big snake pill saw everything he wanted.

Write the eye, the ban, the first and the eternal life, the big snake pill has been obtained, the big snake pill that should have been very happy, but unfortunately there is no half-happy on the face, which means a faint sorrow.

"What happened to Grandfather Grand Pills today?" Tianyu looked at the disappointing big snake pill and walked away. The scene left only the big snake pill in a daze.

After a few days, a figure of a squatting figure was worn from the woods and fell in front of the representative of the wooden heroes. This embarrassing person is the big snake pill. Since the encounter with Tianyu that day, the big snake pill has been full of brains. He was faint, and he didn't know how long he had been. He didn't know who he was and what he was doing. He kept going.

"This is impossible, how is this possible?" The big snake pill looked at the name of an acquaintance on the heroic tablet, and it was still a dull look.

"Uchiha, 自, 纲, 猿, 猿, ” ” 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着 随着

"Who am I? I am a big snake pill? Who is the big snake pill?" The big snake pill is still standing in front of the monument.

It took a few more years in a blink of an eye.

The hero is still the figure in front of the monument, but it seems that it has not been moved for a few years, letting the leaves cover, the spider silk netting, the big snake pill still has no movement.

"Yes, I am a big snake pill." The big snake pill in the silence suddenly woke up, shaking his body, his eyes began to have a focal length, looking at the name on the heroic monument, the big snake pill could not help but reveal a hint of sadness.

"Yeah, I am a big snake pill, are you gone? Is there only me alone? I have eternal life, huh, but why can't I be happy?" The big snake pill looked at the sky as always. Lightly said: "The sky is still the sky, but unfortunately people are no longer the people of the present." Talking about it, the big snake pill could not help but think of childhood, and the fight between himself and the self and the strength and the outline of Uchiha The task that the hand performed together was also the teaching of Dunton, the teacher of Fei Fei. Everything seemed to be the same as yesterday. Everything is so beautiful.

"Is this the eternal price?" A gust of wind blew, leaving only the whisper of the big snake pill.

The big snake pill walked in the darkness, and did not know where he was. He did not know how long he had gone. He just walked numbly.

"The value of life lies in whether it is alive rather than a length." Suddenly a cold-faced boy suddenly appeared in front of the big snake pill.

"Uchiha wave? No, this is impossible." The big snake pill yelled and said: "Your words are wrong, my eternity is right, it is impossible to say as you said."

"This person is really disgusting." One of the familiar figures appeared in front of the big snake pill, all looking at the big snake pill in disgust.

"Ah, you are all wrong." The big snake pill suddenly madly slashed at the people around him.

"Haha, you are all wrong, you are all wrong" until all the people are gone, the big snake pill falls to the ground, staring at the empty darkness, repeating this sentence, it seems that only this can make I think I am right.

"The big snake pill." Suddenly the cockroach flew in front of the big snake pill, looking at the big snake pill with a look of regret.

"Yu Fei teacher?" The big snake pill looked up at this familiar face and couldn't help it.

"You are too disappointing to me." Fei Fei shook his head and went to the distance.

Seeing that Fei Fei’s teacher is getting farther and farther away from her, Snake Pill can’t help but eagerly shouted: “Not like this, Fei Fei’s teacher.”

"Uchiha wave?" In the big snake pill, I ran for a while and saw the young boy's Uchiha stunned. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uchiha 瞳 just looked at the big snake pill and did not speak.

"How are you here?" After the reaction of the big snake pill, he looked at Uchiha.

As Uchiha's figure slowly disappeared, a white-haired boy suddenly appeared, watching the big snake ball: "The big snake pill I used to treat you as my opponent, you let me down."

"No, you also listen to me explaining it." The big snake pill hurried.

"Hey, why are you suffering from the big snake pill?" After the big snake pill just finished, the outline hand suddenly appeared behind the big snake pill.

"The hand is not my fault, it is you, you do not understand." The big snake pill suddenly shouted to the master, but the virtual shadow disappeared at once, and did not give the opportunity to explain to the big snake.

"Ah." Seeing this situation, the big snake pill is full of red eyes, standing in the void and shouting

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