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I haven’t waited for Uchiha’s sigh, and the hungry ghosts are expressionless and seem to have no pain at all. Only Uchiha knows that they are all specially made. Hungry Ghost Road’s right hand still extends to Uchiha’s right hand and grabs it. M.slk.tw

When two people fell on the ground together, when Hungry Ghost Road seized Uchiha's right hand, Uchiha said that Chakra in the body began to flow to the hungry ghost road. Uchiha could not help but withdraw. It’s a pity that I don’t have a single hand.

The house leaked to the night rain, just when Uchiha was caught, another black shadow appeared behind Uchiha, and Uchiha smashed, because Uchiha knows who is behind. Can't let his hand touch his head, or he will die.

In desperation, Uchiha can only bite his teeth and use his left hand to fill the belly of the hungry ghost with a fist full of chakra. A huge strange force hits the body of the hungry ghost. The feeling of the mountain peak pressed on the body, a force made his hand slowly break away from the arm of Uchiha, and the whole person flew involuntarily.

The tremendous power was not only to fly the hungry ghost road, but even the Uchiha wave was pulled out, just to avoid the palm of the human body behind him.

"Hey." Hungry Ghost Road and Uchiha Waves fell on the ground successively. They rolled on the ground and rolled them. They didn't know how far they stopped, and the ground also raised a dust.

"Cough." Uchiha stood reluctantly from the ground. The strength of the previous ones not only hurt the hungry ghosts, but also almost couldn't stand this strange force, which made his internal injuries worse.

Uchiha looked at the hungry ghost road that had already begun to stand up, and Payne and the human world behind him couldn’t help but feel a little tricky, because he had already seen Payne and the human world have been a bit stupid, and Payne started. It is printed.

"You can't drag on any more, you have to make a quick decision." Uchiha whispered in his heart, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and grabbed the dragon scale sword inserted on the ground with his hands. At this time, the hungry ghost road has begun to stand up.

I saw that the abdomen of the hungry ghost road has been smashed down, but the face of the hungry ghost still has no change, as if there is no effect at all, but from his staggering body, it can be seen that his injury is not light. At least it has not been sustainable.

Yu Zhibo slowly closed his eyes, one hand grasping the hilt of the dragon scale sword, and the other holding the sword body. At this time, the hungry ghost road and the human road opposite have begun to take action.

I saw the hungry ghost road that was still shaking at the beginning, and it has stabilized and began to rush.

"Sword skills. Streamer."

Uchiha opened his eyes fiercely, and the body disappeared from the place. In the eyes of the hungry ghost road, Uchiha shimmered with golden light, and then he lost consciousness.

"Not good." Unfortunately, it is already late. Hungry ghosts don't know what happened to them, but their eyes slowly lose their focal length.

In the human road behind him, I saw the things I used. I saw that the Uchiha, who was standing in the same place, was flashing, and then the hungry ghosts were split in half, and the rest of the movements were not made.

Uchiha 瞳 feels that his state is very bad. The injury he suffered just now is a bit untenable. After all, he used this sword to surpass his own limit. This is the sword of Uchiha, which is similar to the flash of lightning created by Fei Lei. Skills, it can be seen how difficult it is to use this trick. What makes Yu Zhibo feel frustrated is because of the continuous use of the sun and the monthly reading. Now Uchiha has begun to feel the sting of the eyes, so Uchiha is now only Can quickly and quickly, after all, the injury does not allow him to drag down.

Thinking of this, Uchiha took a look at the human path, which is precisely the Heavenly Wayne behind the human body, because Uchiha knows what he is going to do, and he sees the stones that are slowly rising around him.

Feeling the gaze of Uchiha, Payne was not nervous and looked at Uchiha, and a smile of victory appeared in the corner of his mouth, only to see him slowly open.

"Now let you see the ninjutsu that the six immortals used to create the moon."

If it was before, Uchiha would definitely ridicule him, then defeat him with more powerful ninjutsu, and then step on his head to tell him that this is a misinformation. Unfortunately, Uchiha has no such feeling.

He wants to beat Payne as soon as possible, otherwise he is really in trouble.

Feeling that a force that wants to **** myself into the sky is getting stronger and stronger, Uchiha squinted at the bigger and bigger stone ball in the air, and Uchiha looked at the opposite Penn again, holding it. The right hand of the sword is tight, but it is a pity that the human road has been silently blocked in front of Payne. This is self-evident.

"Because you die, the earth explodes."

With the order of Payne, suddenly the stone at the foot of Uchiha began to collapse, so that Uchiha and the stones under his feet were sucked into the air, and Uchiha did not seem to act as an appointment.

Although Payne looked at Uchiha’s unspoken voice, he was surprised, but he was left behind by him because he had absolute confidence in his ninja.

Just as Uchiha was about to be sucked into the core of the stone ball, Uchiha slammed the eyes that had just begun to close. What is even more strange is that Uchiha’s writing eyes have disappeared. Instead, Reincarnation.


"Come on, who? It’s so late." Naruto wiped his eyes and opened his door.

"Naruto Jun." Silent standing outside.

"Ah, it's you, is there anything?" Naruto saw the girl standing behind the abominable woman, and disappeared when she fell asleep, cautiously asked.

"I want to ask Naruto to give up and gamble about the master. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Silently watching Naruto suddenly excited.

"Ah?" Naruto looked at the sudden and excited excitement and muttered. He couldn’t help but touch his head and said, "Is there anything, isn’t it a necklace?" Naruto.

"This necklace is the lover of Uchiha, the lover of the master, and the sentimental token of the adult to the master. Even the grown-ups have not given it. The master has told me that the most precious thing she is now is the necklace of this day, so Please Naruto, you must give up." Silent and excited.

"Oh, it turned out to be the father of Xiaoyue. I heard that it is still a teacher of Kakashi?" Naruto was interested.

"Yes, since you know it, please let me know about it." Silent.

"No, I will not give up, I will definitely get the approval of everyone." Naruto is stubborn.

"Yes, if you do this, you will be bothered." Silent thought and left.

The Naruto behind him fixedly looked at the silent back, then closed his door firmly.

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