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In September, during the rainy season, there was a thing in the village of Muye that shocked the world. In the family of the rebellious world, the brilliant family of Muye Village was created. The Uchiha family was actually killed overnight. It is. M.slk.tw

It is said that it was annihilated, but there is still a survivor. He is the patriarch of Uchiha, and the son of Uchiha Fuyue, Zhibo Sasuke.

After the Uchiha family was destroyed, the village of Muye was still as prosperous as ever, and there was no influence on the village after Uchiha. The annihilation of the Uchiha family can only be mentioned in people’s post-meal talks.

In this way, the once glorious family was buried in the dust of history...

The sky doesn't know when it rains, washing the dirt in the air, and letting people breathe. The raindrops falling from the eaves hit the ground and made a squeaking sound. The air was filled with a slight cold, and the Yuzhibo site in the light rain was even more bleak and dead.

"It’s all dead." A child in black is sitting next to a small lake in the Uchiha House, and the black figure is full of loneliness.

The rain drenched his clothes, and the calm lake reflected the cute but slightly pale face of the child. He was the survivor of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Sasuke.

The white feet of the little feet plunged into the cold water, and the water surface fluctuated constantly, and the green face reflected in the lake was easily broken into pieces.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his reflection in the lake, and his tender face suddenly appeared a smile and helplessness that was not consistent with his age.

"I didn't expect my 9527 to be you~"

It turned out that this person is the 9527 that passed through. By chance, 9527 became the world's Uchiha Sasuke. On the same day, 9527 was killed by a strike by Taishang Laojun. At the time of his death, his soul was inhaled by the refining pot in his hand. Then I didn't know how to cross it. When he woke up, he found himself lying in a hospital similar to the 21st century, and the refining pot in his hand was not known.

The 9527 who just woke up felt that his head was dizzy and he fell asleep. When he woke up again, his mind was filled with the memory of the original owner of the body. Through memory, he learned that he actually occupied the body of the original Uchiha Sasuke.

And the world where 9527 is now is the world in Naruto, which he saw before he cultivated immortals.

In previous lives, "Naruto" is a comic book that 9527 prefers. It is a must-see for "Naruto" 9527, and it lasted for nine years. The only thing that disappointed 9527 was that Naruto was not finished after he was soaring. This made him always entangled in the finale.

As for why 9527 is lying in the hospital, he knows through memory that Uchiha Sasuke can't accept the fact that he has been annihilated, and he has a heart-breaking reading of Uchiha. Therefore, the soul of the 9527 has a chance to win the battle, occupying the body of Uchiha Sasuke.

Speaking of it, the predecessor of 9527 still likes Uchiha's role in this incomparable tragedy. Although he is dissatisfied with Sasuke's later actions, he still understands that I am afraid that any normal person will experience everything that happened in Sasuke. It will be like him.

Moreover, Sasuke's role is very real for 9527, he thinks this is a living person.

I don't know why, 9527 wants to change the fate of Sasuke, and I don't want Sasuke to be the same as the original. Although Sasuke was whitewashed at the end, it was still heartbreaking to think of some of the things that Sasuke had done before.

After all, it is a person who has cultivated a fairy, and his heart is still very good. At the very least, he can be safe.

I got the chance to be born again. The mood of 9527 soon changed. If I can't go back, I would rather accept the facts and accept the facts already in the world of Naruto.

Sasuke in this life must be a different life, I will not be like you, 9527 secretly determined, since it has become you, occupy your body, then you must shoulder your responsibility.

"Uchiha Sasuke, you and Uchihabo's embarrassment, you and the world's embarrassment will be with me. From then on, I am Uchiha Sasuke!"

On the lakeside, Uchiha Sasuke made up his mind to cut off the relationship with his previous life. He became a member of the Naruto world and became Uchiha Sasuke, who shouldered the burden of Uchiha’s revival.


The rain continued, although it was light rain, but Sasuke's clothes sitting on the lake were still soaked, the rain continued to slip from his hair, slipped over his cheeks and dripped on his chest, and the chill began to spread throughout Sasuke's body.

This rain is really cold.

Sasuke’s pale complexion showed a trace of sadness. Through the memory in his mind, he once again experienced the scene when the genocide was destroyed.

The red moon, the dripping blood, the dark mansion, the beautiful eyes of the beautiful piano and the rich Yue, the unwilling nickname, the shuddering body and mind, a pair of blood-red eyes, the dark sickle groove is full of killing and pain .

In the end, it is the words that Sasuke will always remember: my stupid brother, if you want to kill me, hate me, hate me, then sneak up and live, escape, escape, keep your life, Then, wait until you have the same eyes as me to come back to me.

In the face of the flood of memories, Sasuke is somewhat overwhelmed.

Once again, I recalled that Uchiha’s memory of the day of the genocide was attached to him through the monthly reading. Sasuke’s face was full of expressions.

Those **** memories are engraved in his soul, constantly replaying in his mind, as if personally experienced, the slaughter of the Shura field is disgusting, whether it is a dream or a reality, all this makes Sasuke somewhat unclear~www. Mtlnovel.com~ Is this the power of monthly reading? It is the most powerful illusion! It’s amazingly powerful. ”

Just like in front of you, the painful expression on the face of Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Miqin, the sound of the chopper cutting the human body, the sound of the two when they fell to the ground, all this is so real.

Sasuke of previous life did not admit that he was a good person, how perfect, but he knew that his parents were bigger than the sky, and he could not be sorry for his parents anyway, let alone killing his parents.

However, Uchiha’s actions touched Sasuke’s bottom line. Uchiha smashed his own physical parents, which is tantamount to killing his parents. This kind of thing is not tolerated by him. How to say it is extremely hateful.

Killing the people and killing the parents, for whatever reason, cannot be forgiven, even if your original intention is for the village, for peace.

Hey, even if you are forced, even if you have thousands of reasons, but the person who is the parent of the hand is you, the parents are dead under your knife, this is the fact that can not be changed anyway.

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