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Some things in the Naruto world are always so novel in Sasuke. They used to be seen in anime, but now it is a personal experience. M.slk.tw

It was not until dusk that Sasuke stopped. He was too tired. He almost strolled for a day on the street of Muye Village. Sasuke’s day’s harvest is not small, and he’s already familiar with the general appearance of the leaves.

The summer evening is always intoxicating. At this time, the sun is slanting, and the sun is not very glaring. The warm daylight is on the body, making people feel infinitely lazy.

Sasuke found a small lake, sitting on the small pier by the lake, admiring the lake surfaced by the setting sun. Under the breeze, the lake surface rippled and shattered the tranquility of the evening.

It was a wonderful afternoon. Sasuke remembered a poem that he used to hang on his lips. The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk.

Sasuke quietly sat on the edge of the pier, faded the shoes on his feet, and gently slid his feet into the lake to feel the coolness of the lake. Looking at the calm lake, at this moment, Sasuke remembered the lost Fuyue and Meiqin, and remembered their voice and smile. I remembered the time I spent with you, remembered that sentence, forgive me Sasuke, next time.

Thinking this way, I entered God at a time.

Just as Sasuke entered the gods, on the road not far away, a yellow-haired child wearing white short sleeves just passed by the lake. The yellow-haired child is dirty, and there is a little sweat on his forehead. The most conspicuous is the six beards on his face. It can be seen from the smirk on the child's face that the child is very tricky. It seems that it was just a prank, and it was chased by others.

The yellow-haired child saw the small lake in front of him. He wiped the sweat on his face and prepared to clean it. After all, he also knew that he was very dirty. He didn't want to go back and dirty his crib. of.

Just as he was about to rush to the small lake, he saw the back of Sasuke sitting by the lake.

In the setting sun, Sasuke’s figure was drawn by the sunset, and the black figure seemed full of loneliness and loneliness.

he is? Huang Fa children said that they have never seen Sasuke.

The yellow-haired child seems to have seen the loneliness and sadness in Sasuke's heart, and the pace of progress has stopped unconsciously. He saw Sasuke. He wanted Sasuke to be the same person as him.

It turns out that he and I are the same, as if you have seen the long-lost friends, and the lonely heart of the yellow-haired child got a little satisfaction for the first time.

He wanted to communicate with Sasuke in the past, invited Sasuke to go to his house to play, and even wanted to make friends with Sasuke. But the inferiority of the heart made him give up such an idea. He knew that the children in Muye Village hated him very much. No one wanted to play with him and be friends with him.

When I was born, I didn’t have any parents. When I was born, I was called a monster. What qualifications does he have to associate with others?

In this way, the yellow-haired child stopped there and looked at the back of Sasuke.

Sasuke sitting at the lake suddenly felt the sight of a yellow-haired child and couldn't help but turn his head.

he? ! ! It turned out to be Naruto. I didn't expect to meet him so soon. Seeing him like it was just after the prank in the village, Sasuke saw the yellow-haired child look surprised.

When Sasuke looked at Naruto, he couldn’t say much about Naruto’s role. The reason was because he felt that Naruto’s character was too perfect, perfect and unreal, and that the early Naruto’s neurotic character really made him suffer. No.

Naruto on the shore perceives Sasuke's horrified gaze, and sees what strange things are generally looking at.

Naruto thinks that Sasuke knows the role of everyone in his wood leaf village, how come? How did he look at me like that?

Naruto felt that something in his heart was about to break. Unspeakable in my heart, I looked at him with a slight glimpse of it, made a face and turned away.

Amount, when did I get rid of him, Sasuke saw Naruto's mischief is very puzzled. Sasuke, who was speechless in his heart, turned his head and stopped looking at him. He continued to look at the calm lake and started to stay.

The Naruto on the road walked and couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Sasuke there. He saw a small black figure by the lake in the distance. He was sitting alone, silhouetted against the setting sun. It’s even more bleak.

It turned out that he didn't know me. When he saw the performance of Sasuke, Naruto denied the thoughts of his heart. He suddenly felt that his heart was full of happiness, as if he had been recognized by his friends.

Naruto, who was relieved, satisfied with a smile, and the pace at his feet was much lighter, and he continued to go home.

In this way, the two figures of black and white had the first intersection, and the gears of fate began to turn unconsciously. The figure of the two people was getting longer and longer in the sunset, and their life was just beginning. .

In an unknown cave in Yuren Village, the light is so small that the only light source in the cave is just a small candle. Under the faint light, the shadows on the rock wall in the cave reflect the shadow of ten people.

Looking through the faint light, you can see that these ten people are covered in large red cloud costumes, and the red blood red clouds are particularly dazzling in the dark caves. It turned out that they are the famous organization of the famous name in the fire shadow, an organization aiming at the implementation of the "eye of the eye" plan.

At the moment, they are conducting a daily meeting. The main content of the regular meeting is to welcome the addition of their new member, Uchiha.

"Uchiha, I heard that you have slaughtered your family. Is this rumor true?" asked a young yellow-haired man curiously.

Uchiha, who is wearing a red cloud robe, has no answer to his question. He just looks at everything in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rumor is of course true, Dida, you should not ask some idiots again. Is the problem alright? A ghost-faced man expressed dissatisfaction with the question that Didala had no insight.

"Ah, haha, Uchiha, how come you join us in the evil spirits, the evil spirits are very welcome to join you." A somewhat nervous man joins the cult.

After hearing the words of the nervous man, the people present at the scene began to talk about jealousy, and the atmosphere at the scene began to confuse.

"Give me a quiet moment, especially the flying section and Dida La are paying attention. Today, the purpose of our rally is mainly to welcome the new members to join, Uchiha, you introduce yourself to yourself." A short yellow hair The man said quite powerfully.

When I heard the short-haired man, the people present were quiet. It was obvious that he was the leader of Xiao’s organization, Tiandao Payne.

When I heard Payne’s words, there was a fascinating look in my eyes. "My name is Uchiha." I didn't say much, and faintly reported my name.

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