One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 15:

However, Sasuke never showed his strength in front of others. In other people's eyes, Sasuke is more powerful than the children in the ninja school.

The reason why Sasuke hides his strength is also a last resort. He does not want to cause the attention of Konoha Ninja.

Sasuke is not easy to let the three generations stop the assassination of the group and others. If they let them know that his strength is progressing so fast, they will definitely regard him as a time bomb that threatens Muye peace. Those who are worried about Sasuke’s revenge on the village will definitely remove him soon.

In a week, Sasuke will graduate from Ninja School, which means they will officially become the ninja of Muye Village.

Think of the word ninja, all students except Sasuke will feel a burst of blood. In their eyes, Ninja is the greatest profession in the world, and the ninja can protect the village, protect the people they want to guard, and become ninjas. It is their biggest dream.

To be honest, Sasuke is not too cold for the ninja. When the ninja is not the same for him, his ideal is only one, that is, the Guangfu Uchiha family changes the tragic fate of the Uchiha family since ancient times.

In June, in the early summer, the sun is shining, everything is thriving, everything looks so beautiful.

In the Ninja School in Muye Village, a group of 12-year-old men and women are nervously conducting an assessment of throwing a bitterness. This assessment is one of their graduation exams.

It is not easy to throw a bitterness, but it has fully tested the basic skills of the ninja. In the past years, many students could have graduated, but they were forced to repeat because they failed to pass the assessment. Therefore, in most students, this training is very important.

The training playground is full of students, they are all students who are graduating this year, and they are watching the training venue nervously.

Under the name of the relevant teacher, the students went on the stage to receive the assessment.

What the students have to do is to make the pain not hit accurately on the wooden stake 10 meters away, and must score a certain number of leaves to score, and the teacher also determines the number of fallen leaves in the shot. Their achievements.

The candidates went on the stage in turn, and they finished the assessment in a short time. When they finished the assessment, some people were happy and some people were embarrassed. The results of the assessment can be seen from their faces, and the students who are scowling must not pass the assessment.

"The next step is Haruno Sakura."

A teacher wearing a wooden leaf village Ninja protector looked at the roster and shouted the name of the person who was about to appear.

In a short while, I saw a girl in red dress coming out of the crowd. The pink long hair was lightly bundled with a red ribbon, exposing a smooth forehead. A pair of light green eyes are full of self-confidence, and a good face implies a faint smile.

She is Chunye Sakura, a girl who was slightly green five years ago. At this time, she has begun to reveal the unique beauty of young girls.

In the past five years, the inferiority of Xiao Ying’s heart was replaced by self-confidence, and the second personality in her heart disappeared. Sakura’s second personality is actually a psychological hint in her heart for perfection. Now Sakura does not need a second personality to spur herself.

Sakura stood on the field, and quickly pulled out three bitterness from the pocket of the ninja, and smashed his hands, threw them, and the movements were all in one go. The sorrows thrown by Sakura all hit the stakes, and each bitterness After hitting the stakes, the number of fallen leaves is exactly the same, all three leaves.

Seeing the performance of Sakura, all the students present at the scene showed their horrified eyes. It is really a talented girl Sakura who combines wisdom and beauty.

At this moment, the invigilator's face also showed a satisfactory smile, and finally came out with a perfect score, the heart, it seems that the quality of this student is not as bad as expected.

At the end of the assessment, Sakura quickly came off. She passed straight through the crowd and found a familiar figure on the side of the stands.

A girl in purple dress is holding a boy in a blue blouse and white trousers. The girl stayed golden and long, and she became a tall ponytail. A golden yellow head was intentionally left in front of her forehead, and she was made into a bangs of personality. The white-faced melon seeds are inlaid with Xiu Qiong nose, and a pair of pale golden eyes are smart and lively. All of this shows her youthful vitality. This person is the mountain middle of the field.

Needless to say, the boy who is in the field is Sasuke. After five years, Sasuke has fully demonstrated his handsome side. The face of the original green is being replaced by maturity, and the sculpted face is full of confidence and unswerving. At this time, the breath revealed by him was enough to make countless young girls crazy. In the school, if both Ino and Sakura announced that Sasuke has been privately owned by them, it is estimated that Sasuke has been swallowed up by a group of girls.

"How? Sasuke? My performance is OK." Sakura eagerly hopes that Sasuke will affirm her Very good, Sakura, you are doing very well. Sasuke’s eyes contained a faint smile, and Sakura said in front of her eyes.

Upon hearing the praise of Sasuke, Sakura’s mouth curled up with a nice arc, and the joy in her eyes was beyond words.

On the side of the field, Iye also expressed his opinion on the performance of Sakura. "Sakura, you are really amazing, your performance scared me." Iino left the Sasuke around, and pulled up the thumb of Sakura. Said.

"Thank you, Ino." Sakura's praise of Ino was very calm.

"Ino, what is your assessment result?" Sakura could not help but ask.

Due to the large number of people receiving the assessment, the field test site of Ino was arranged in another place. After the field was completed, Izui came to Sasuke and Sakura.

It happened that Sakura was the turn of Sakura’s assessment. Sasuke had wanted to see the Sakura competition in the past, but he had to pick up the Ino, so Sasuke had not rushed to see Sakura’s assessment.

"My, it's a little worse than Sakura." Iino looked envious of Sakura.

"However, it is also excellent," added Sasuke on the side.

"Oi Ye, you are also very good." Sakura said, holding the arms of Ino.

Jingye looked at Xiaoying Jiaoyan's faint smile, although she couldn't compare with Sakura's performance, she was very satisfied.

Sasuke looked at the two men who were touting each other. The handsome face showed a smile, and it was really peace of mind. Their relationship was really good. They didn’t have to worry about the incidents in Shura.

The assessment on the competition field is still going on, the assessment has been going on for some time, and there are not many people who have not yet participated in the assessment.

The invigilator shouted at the roster: "The next step is Naruto."

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