One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 20:

On weekdays, the Sasuke Association will bury the loneliness and desolateness in the heart, even in the face of Sakura and Ino. He didn't want others to see his weak side, and he didn't want Sakura and Ino to worry about himself.

Sasuke, who came back home, opened the headlights of the living room and walked straight to the room that originally belonged to Meiqin and Fuyue.

Everything in the house remains the same, and it stays in the life of the Meiqin and the rich moon. Sasuke has never moved anything in this room.

Sasuke walked into the room, lit up the lights of the house, and walked to the corner of the room to stop.

Sasuke lowered his head and looked at the two white outlines on the tatami that had begun to turn yellow.

The white outline outlines the shape of two people, and next to it is a large black mark. Due to the long time, the black traces have also become blurred.

This place is where Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Miyin die. The white outline outlines the body posture of their death. The black trace is the blood left behind after their death.

"Dad, Mom, I am coming to see you guys," Sasuke said in a slang.

Since Sasuke woke up from the hospital five years ago, the scene of the night of the genocide has been flashing in Sasuke’s mind. The scenes of Meiqin and Fuyue’s death are deeply engraved in Sasuke’s mind. Whenever the night is quiet, Sasuke is doing the same dream. In the dream, he witnessed Meiqin and Fuyue falling under the knives of the knives. The overflowing blood stained his world, and finally there was a round of **** moon.

The scene of the day of the genocide is like an endless spider web that will be entangled in Sasuke. No matter how he wants to forget, he can't always. It can be said that the memories attached to Sasuke have become the nightmare of Sasuke, and he has become the heart of Sasuke.

This is not the way to go, Sasuke knows that the only way to unlock this nightmare is to defeat you and end the curse attached to him.

In the room, the lights were small, and Sasuke stood in the dark room, seemingly closed his eyes when he recalled something.

Deep in my mind, and the memory of Meiqin Fuyue’s life is like a flood that hits Sasuke’s nerves.

They are so clear in memory that everything is as if they are in front of them.

"Sasuke, you are so cute, mom likes you very much."

"Sasuke, go home soon after school."

"Sasuke, your father is talking about the topic that I often discuss with you in private."

"Sasuke, I will give you the fireball today."

"Sasuke, you really are not as talented as your brother."

"Sasuke, you really are my son."


The smile of Meiqin, the figure of Fuyue, the scene of the scene, like a movie, flashed in Sasuke’s mind.

The expression on Sasuke's face changed with the change of memory, and the tears of nostalgia flowed down from the corner of his eye.

Sasuke, goodbye, Sasuke, sorry. Mom and Dad are leaving, and you have to take care of yourself in the future.

Sasuke, sorry...

The figure of Meiqin and Fuyue in front gradually disappeared and disappeared, leaving only an endless blank.

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of grief, the tears on his face had dried up, and the faint traces were particularly dazzling. He bent down and stretched out some pale hands, stroking the white outline on the tatami.

Dad, mom...

Suffering in my heart, Sasuke’s body began to tremble, and everything was irreparable. The goodness of the past could no longer be returned...

Sasuke, who was immersed in the pain, suddenly felt his brain dizzy, a cold breath rushed to his eyes, and then his eyes were like a needle-like sting.

what happened? !

Sasuke grabbed his eyes with his hand and resisted the discomfort from his eyes. He walked over to the mirror of the room in the room to see what was going on.

With the hand removed, the black pupil in his eyes has disappeared, replaced by a blood-colored writing wheel. The single hook jade in the left and right writing circles began to rotate continuously. In a short while, another hook jade began to appear on both sides of his pupil and arranged in a symmetrical shape.

this is? ! Double hook jade!

Sasuke wrote a round eye from a single hook jade into a double hook jade.

The writing wheel has automatically evolved. Sasuke thought about it and found out what was going on. Writing the eye of the eye, also known as the eye of the mind, is a kind of technique that can transform the feelings in the heart of the master into power. This time, Sasuke recalled the days when he lived with Meiqin and Fuyue. The emotions emerging in his heart were echoed by the writing of the round eyes. Under the strong power of thinking, the writing of the round eyes was successfully evolved.

The evolution of writing round-eye evolution must rely on a variety of strong emotional stimuli. When the big love in the heart is lost, the power contained in the blood of Uchiha will break out. Or witness the death of a loved one, or kill the most important person in your heart. In short, you must lose the most cherished things in your heart.

This is why Uchiha is known as a family cursed by fate.

It’s really unintentional, and Sasuke is very surprised by this ending.

The unexpected evolution of this round of writing has given Sasuke a substantial improvement in its strength. After writing the wheel eye and developing it into two hooks, he can copy a variety of ninjutsu and can capture faster speeds and see through the action of stronger enemies.

Sasuke took a deep look at the things in the Meiqin and Fuyue rooms and gently closed the door, seeming to worry that too much noise would disturb their rest.

Back in his room, Sasuke calmed down and relieved the writing of the eye. Then I sat on the bed and started today's Chakrak practice.

Wait, I will use my own eyes to see through all the illusions, see through the future, let the Uchiha family flourish and re-establish themselves in the forest of ninjas!

A few days later, the graduates of the Ninja School ushered in their graduation ceremony.

The graduation ceremony was held in the school auditorium. The three generations personally came to give a graduation speech to a group of students. This is the tradition of Muye Village. When a group of students graduate from Ninja School, Huo Ying of Muye Village must attend and give a graduation speech in person.

Soon, the graduation ceremony of the students’ endless applause ended.

The next issue was to carry out the placement process, and the students were called to a large classroom to start the shift.

In the classroom, Sasuke is sitting in the middle of a group of students. He knows the results of today's placement. If there is no accident, he will be assigned to the seventh class as in the original book, and Xiao Yingming. a group of people.

Sitting next to Sasuke is Ino and Sakura. They are very curious about today's placement and want to know which class they will be assigned to. However, they all have a expectation in their hearts, that is, they can all be in a group with Sasuke, although the probability is zero. You know, there is a tradition when you work, that is, three people in each class, only one female ninja. They are aware of such regulations, but they still hope that there will be miracles.

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