One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 24:

Seeing Sakura's mother's eyes on her own eyes, Sasuke feels like sitting on a needle felt. Is this the feeling of seeing the mother-in-law? !

"Well, I think it's still too early to do that kind of thing. To be precise, we haven't done it yet..." Sasuke said with a positive face, said to Sakura's mother.

Upon hearing Sasuke’s answer, Sakura’s mother’s face showed a surprised look: “What!! I haven’t done it yet! When are you waiting! It’s not too small now!”

Amount, Sasuke is speechless to Sakura’s mother again. Is this what is going to force him and her daughter to have something to do with love?

Sakura couldn't stand the mother. She hurriedly pushed her mother into the room and locked the door, blocking her amazing words.

This is really big, and the Sakura look back in the living room is sitting on the side of Sasuke with some embarrassment.

Sasuke didn't know how to speak. The words of Sakura's mother just made him very embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the living room was a bit quiet, and Sakura, who couldn’t stand the atmosphere, began to talk. "Sasuke, are you looking for me today?"

Sakura’s question ended the atmosphere that had just been smashed. Sasuke thought of his purpose here. He said to Sakura in a positive tone: “Sakura, don’t go too early when going to the forest training tomorrow, ten It’s okay to go around at the clock. Forget it, I will come to your house to call you. And tomorrow’s exam, don’t shoot, just give it to me.”

When she heard Sasuke, Sakura nodded and she unconditionally agreed to Sasuke. She knows that Sasuke must have his intention to do so.

Sasuke saw Sakura agree, and completed the purpose of this visit, and did not know what to say for a while. Then he casually chatted with Sakura about irrelevant topics.

Time passed quickly, and when it was not long, the sky was getting darker. Sasuke should also go, and it is also very rude to rely on other people's homes, even though his wife's mother is at home.

Seeing the time is not early, Sasuke will say goodbye to Sakura, Sakura will send Sasuke out of the door. Sakura opened up when Sasuke prepared to say goodbye to Sakura.

"Sasuke, I just asked if you don't mind my mother." Sakura said that Sasuke was full of shame.

Sasuke thinks of Sakura's mother's embarrassing performance can not help but shame, is really a sly mother, it seems that the original small cherry blossom from a lady into a female man is also a reason.

Sasuke nodded and touched Sakura’s head and said that he would not mind.

Sakura is very useful for Sasuke's intimate action. She said good things to Sasuke in Sasuke's ear and said goodbye to Sasuke.

Sasuke returned to his home in the dim sky. After dinner, he started today's cultivation. He is ready for tomorrow's assessment.

The night passed quickly. The next day, Sasuke called Sakura and rushed to the assessment site.

At this time, it was already more than eleven o'clock. On Nao's assessment field, there was only Naruto. Kakashi has not come yet, obviously, he is lost at the intersection of some life.

When Sasuke and Sakura came, the hungry Naruto immediately jumped up and his face was full of resentment. He said, "Sasuke, you are so embarrassed, knowing that the teacher will not come until now, nor Let me know. I have waited until 7 o'clock in the morning."

When he heard Naruto, Sasuke shrugged and said that he was helpless. Sakura on the side saw the savage Naruto, and couldn't help but snicker.

you guys! Looking at the ruthless sarcasm of Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto sat on the ground and ignored the two.

Sasuke and Sakura found a place to sit down and start chatting. Not long after, at around 12 o'clock, Kakashi's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Sorry, I lost my way at the intersection of life." Kakashi sighed with a long sound.

"You lied!!" Naruto, who was angered by Kakashi's lame excuses, stood up and said loudly.

Kakashi looked at the three people on the field with a patrol. When he saw Sasuke, his eyes flashed a little unknown light.

"Now let's start the assessment." Kakashi looked at the three people on the field.

"I have two bells on my body. No matter what method you use, anyone who can grab the bell from my hand will win. If he wins, he will officially become a tolerant person. If you don't grab the bell, the exam will fail, and the Ninja School will be rebuilt. Kakashi said to the three people with his unsalted voice.

That is to say, even if the bell is completely robbed, there will be someone who will be brushed down. Sakura thinks of it at this time and looks at the eyes of Naruto.

Deliberately use two bells to provoke discord between players? Sasuke knows Kakashi's intentions. This assessment is mainly to test the cooperation ability between the teams. Even if the bells are not grabbed, as long as the three have worked together, the test will naturally be given.

After Naruto heard Kakashi’s speech, there was a trace of blood on his face. Isn’t it a gun ring? Such a simple thing, hey, Kakashi teacher, can't help it. Even God! I also grab it for you!

With the start of Sasuke's hand pulling Sakura flashed into the bushes not far away, leaving only Naruto and Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at Naruto who did not hide his figure. He couldn’t help but sneak at Naruto’s idiots. Even the most basic sneak attack strategy, he thought he could grab something from the forbearance? !

Naruto looked at Kakashi with a squint and shouted: "Kakashi, a man, is a man who will face each other and fight!"

Amount, this idiot, when he heard Naruto, two cold sweats appeared on the forehead of Sakura and Sasuke.

Then Naruto shouted: "Receive, Kakashi teacher." I will rush to Kakashi.

Seeing Kakashi across the hand, he reached into the pocket, and Naruto thought that Kakashi would take out any kind of jewels and the like. As a result, Naruto's eyes fell. Kakashi took out a book, and he could see the name of the book, "Intimate Heaven."

I am going, isn't this the windy wood leaves? ! I am watching with my fight! I even looked down on me!

Naruto angered, rushing to Kakashi is a flying kick ~ ~ Kakashi bent over and easily flashed this blow, very busy feeling.

what! The Naruto, who was defeated, quickly turned and punched Kakashi again. Kakashi still flashed easily.

After several consecutive attempts, Naruto’s attack was completely ineffective against Kakashi. Naruto finally realized the strength of Kakashi, and then he left Kakashi to the side of the three feet, and set up the printing of multiple shadows.

"Multiple Shadows!" With Naruto's yelling, five Naruto appeared on the field and quickly attacked Kakashi.

Is there multiple shadows? Level b Ninjutsu, but unfortunately will not be used!

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