One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 28:

Mo Ming looked at the more sullen look of the two people, and took a step back in the subconscious. He said, "If you kill me, you don't worry about your father's investigation!"

"Haha, joke!" Ink famously smiled. "If it was before, I would not dare to do it, but now, you are already a waste person. Even if you kill you, your father will not say anything. Yuan Pei, start!" ”

The voice is falling, and the ink stick is turned into a shadow.

Such a speed that makes the use of force lost, Mo Ming has no resistance, and easily is stunned to the ground.


In the dark night, under the dark sky, two figures appeared on the edge of the cliff. In the slight moonlight, the faces of the two men gradually became clear, exactly, ink and Yang Yuanpei.

"Big Brother, let's deal with him here. It will be suspicious to go back to my father too late."

"It’s here, in the wilderness, I believe no one will find it."

Ink famously nodded, and then the inscription in the hands of Mo Ming down, to confirm that after the movement, the two left the cliff.

The gray mist in the mountains filled everything, and the ink of the Ming Dynasty fell like a stone. The cliffs that were not seen at the bottom of the cliff seemed to devour his body.

In the dark night, everything is silent.

Since the fall of Sakura, it was almost a night, the temperament of Sakura was changed, the original green cockroaches quickly faded, and there was a feminine temptation between the gestures.

For the change of Sakura, people around him were also aware of it, especially Sakura’s mother. She knew that Sakura and Sasuke had already eaten the forbidden fruit. This Sakura mother does not object, she even hopes that Sakura does not return home every night, it is best to live in Sasuke's home, I am afraid that this mother of Sakura is the only one in the world.

After becoming a ninja, Sasuke’s daily life began to be busy, and he had to do various tasks during the day. After the task was completed, he would accompany Ye Ye and Sakura. In the evening, I will continue to practice. If Sakura comes to his house for the night, I can only accompany Sakura in one night.

There is no opinion on such life Sasuke. Compared with a few years ago, there was very little time to accompany Iwai every day, and Ino was really sincerely giving Sasuke as always. Therefore, Sasuke had a bit of apology for Ino's heart. He wondered if it was time to knock down Ino, and let her enter the house early.

On this day, as usual, Kakashi took Sasuke to the Huo Ying Building to accept the Ninja mission. Because Naruto is really dissatisfied with the continuous d-level tasks, Huo Ying is required to improve the difficulty of their tasks. For Naruto's request, the third generation of Naruto is also very difficult, but still promised Naruto.

The task they accepted this time was c-level, mainly to **** the architect Dazna safely to the country of Poland.

Sasuke knows that the **** mission is not superficially simple. The enemy they are going to encounter is one of the seven knives of the fog, and it is not too much to worry about Sasuke. But for the undeserved hand, there is no moon, but he is very concerned. He always wonders if the water is not male or female, or is the legendary Hideyoshi?

Under the call of three generations of Huo Ying, Dazner came in. Dazna is a rough-looking old man, and his perennial drinking makes him look a little decadent. After seeing the people they were escorting, Naruto looked at Dazzner with exaggeration. It is doubtful that he is the architect who wants to build a bridge for the country of Poland.

Then Dazzner and Naruto were very unsightly. The two sides began to ridicule each other. Under the blockade of Kakashi, the talents were settled down.

After telling Dazna about some of the precautions for the escort, Kakashi started the trip to the country of Poland with Sasuke.

Along the way, Kakashi and Sasuke escorted Dazna, around his left and right. Out of the village of Muye, went to a quiet woods, Dazzner asked everyone to stop and take a break.

For Dazner's request, Kakashi agreed.

Dazzner took a bottle of spirits from his backpack and took a sip. He suddenly drunk his face with a bottle of alcohol. He said to Naruto in a cellar: "The little devil in front, don't want a bite!"

Listening to the arrival of Zina, the song does not hit a place, this road only walked for a long time, Dazzner asked to rest ten times, according to this speed I do not know when I can go to the country of Poland. "Hey, can we hurry up?!" Naruto complained.

"You have to take care of the elderly!" Dazner leaned on the old man.

"You..." Naruto started to smack with Dazner.

Just as Naruto and Dazna chattered, Sasuke noticed the inexplicable water beach on the roadside. Sasuke secretly observed it with a round of writing. The chakra flow from it made Sasuke realize that it was a trap. . Sure enough, as in the original, Sasuke’s eyes flashed a sardonic look.

Sasuke turned to Sakura on the side and said: "Be careful, hide behind me."

For Sasuke’s sudden request, Sakura didn’t ask much, just nodded. She knows that Sasuke is sure to have his purpose.

Just as Naruto and Dazner argued that wine was a good thing, there was a sudden chakra flow in the waterfront of the roadside. Then four shadows appeared in the air.

Puff puff! A burst of air attacked Kakashi.

The next second, the back of Kakashi was put down by the shadows of the black shadow.

"Kakashi teacher!" Naruto shouted that he didn't realize what it was all about.

Four fogs wearing diving suits appeared in front of them. "There are only little devils, go!!"

With one of the people's orders, the four men quickly attacked the Sasuke three.

At this time, Sasuke moved, the blue figure walked through the crowd, and the bitterness in his hand easily pierced the two fog-bearing bodies.

It was just a face-to-face, and the two fogs that came to attack were killed by Sasuke.

The other two fogs endured a strong Sasuke, and the mask looked terrified. They underestimated the strength of Sasuke and stopped to attack Sakura and Naruto. The heart is timid and will turn away from this place.

"Hey, is that gone?!"

Sasuke Joe’s face showed a cruel look, and his hand quickly printed, fire. How to fire the ball!

The two fogs were just about to escape, and the body was swallowed up by the huge flames. Almost no screams were sent. The two were killed by the fiery flame of the fireball, leaving only the two charred bodies.

All of this happened in a few moments. The three people present at the scene looked at Sasuke’s face with an incredible look. This is... the strength and unrelenting means of Sasuke’s show. People are surprised.

Sakura's performance on Sasuke was quickly relieved. The stronger she is, the more she is proud. After all, Sasuke is her man.

On the side of Naruto, the heart is unbalanced, and the look in his eyes is awkward. why? Why is he so strong? !

Naruto’s heart has a strong sense of courage

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