One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 30:

No more! Hearing the innocent introduction, Kakashi was shocked. He knew that he would not be one of the seven great knives of the fog. He was chased by the country of water because of the assassination of the name, and he was no longer worthy of his strength.

This is a trouble, Kakashi looked at the eyes and looked at him again. He said to the Sasukes behind him: "You protect Dazna, this battle will be handed over to me."

Sasuke knows that he is not an opponent who is no longer awkward, so he obeys Kakashi and Naruto protects him and makes Sakura stand by his side.

Then, I saw that Kakashi’s left eye, which was covered by the forehead, was exposed, and a blood-red eyeball appeared in front of him.

"this is……"

Seeing Kakashi’s left eye no longer surprised, he recognized Kakashi’s identity, “write the eyes! You are the flag of Kakashi, the first technician in the wood industry!”

"I didn't expect you to know me." Kakashi looked at him again and made a prepared posture.

"Since you have met you, then this battle can not be quickly resolved." Saying, no more than a print in the hands, a slight look in the triangle eyes.

This print is... I haven’t waited for Kakashi to guess that I’m not going to seal it. I saw a sudden burst of fog in the air. Soon, the thick fog covered the entire space, leaving only one piece. White.

For the sake of thick fog, even if you open the Kakashi that writes the wheel eye, you can only see three steps. He screamed to Sasuke three people: "You are careful of this fog! Protect Dazna." Then he broke through the thick fog and searched for the unrecognized figure on the bridge.

Sasuke, who was obscured by the dense fog, knew that there was a danger at this time. He was no longer hesitant at the moment. Chakra was turning his eyes, and the crimson writing eye appeared in Sasuke's eye. He gripped Sakura's hand tightly, and protected Sakura and Dazna, always beware of attacks from dense fog.

Naruto heard the sound of the collision of the blade in the dense fog. He knew that Kakashi was fighting with him. His heart could not help but lift him. He could not see anything in this fog. He All I can do is protect Dazzner behind me.

In the thick fog, Kakashi is no longer in contact with the short-term soldiers, and they are not competing with each other.

With the help of the writing of the round eyes, Kakashi caught the unrelenting figure. He quickly appeared behind him. He used it without any thorns. The sword front brought a scream and he would not scream again. Sting a pair.

The sneaked face no longer smirked, and the body became a water element to dissipate. A black shadow stabbed Kakashi with a sword in his big knife, and the texture of the knife cut into the knife.

I don’t think I’ve stabbed Kakashi, but I saw Kakashi’s body slamming into a white smoke.

After the horror, there was an excited look in the eyes. This is the flag Kakashi. This kind of battle is interesting.

Kakashi, who is avoiding a blow, hides aside and wipes the cold sweat that appears on his forehead. The battle in the thick fog is very unfavorable for him. What should I do? !

Kakashi heard the sound of the blade breaking through the air, subconsciously blocked, only saw a big knife was blocked by his hardship, the big knife and bitterness did not intersect and made a sharp sound, so dangerous!

The other side of the Broadsword came no more than the harsh voice: "Kakashi, be careful!"

No longer disappeared in the thick fog again, Kakashi's line of sight left a blank.

Sasuke on the side suddenly felt a danger, what happened? ! He tried his best to write the wheel to search for the source of danger. In the thick fog he caught a vague figure, and an unusually large knife was stabbing Dazzner. not good!

Sasuke immediately released Sakura, appeared in front of Dazna, and used the bitterness to stop the blow. The sword hit and trembled.

"Hey?" From the side of the Broadsword, there was no surprise, and he was amazed by the fact that someone other than Kakashi could block his attack.

Upon hearing the movement here, Kakashi immediately realized that Dazner was in danger. He quickly appeared on the Dazna side and was about to wrestle with Sasuke’s wrestling.

The sound of the jingle sword spread quickly in the thick fog, and for a while, the sound suddenly stopped, and the dense fog dissipated.

what happened? ! ! When everyone was clear, they saw the scene where Kakashi was imprisoned in the lake again.

Sure enough, the same as in the original, what happened to Kakashi! ? Sasuke said darkly.

No more sinister look at Sasuke's side, then he single-handedly produced the seal of the water body, a body with no more than half the strength of the body quickly attacked them.

Just a avatar? Sasuke and Naruto, who were behind Sasuke, protected Dazna and quickly rushed to the attack.

I saw Sasuke’s blood-red writing eye, and then I was shocked. This little devil is Uchiha’s? Is Uchiha already annihilated? !

Sasuke quickly and unrelentingly smashed together according to the flexible body skills and no longer do confrontation.

The figure flew, Sasuke's blue figure blocked the unrelenting offensive, and then found a weak point that was no longer awkward. With a belt and a kick, a kick would kick out a few feet.

With a bang, the undivided avatar fell to the ground and became a dissipated element of water.

This guy! Seeing Sasuke who easily defeated his avatar, there was no horror on his face.

After defeating and not smashing, Sasuke immediately attacked him again. When Sasuke just stepped into the lake, he immediately launched the water wall ninjutsu. He saw four water columns quickly attacking Sasuke’s soles. Sasuke immediately started Chakra. The feet, jumping high into the air, escaped the blow.

In the air, Sasuke turned his body shape, and his hands quickly printed, and the fire was burning.

Nine red flames spit out from the mouth of Sasuke, and they did not hit the shell like a cannonball.

Seeing the flame is close to the body, and there is no time to resist it with water. There is no way to do it. I can only let go of Kakashi, who is in control, and escape to the distance to escape this blow.

The water prison immediately broke through, and the released Kakashi escaped from the dungeon, and the body shape immediately caught up with it and would not be blocked.

There was no way for Kakashi and Sasuke to force him, and he would not be able to launch Ninjutsu again, hoping to defeat Kakashi.

With the unmistakable seal, Kakashi began to bear the same print again, and when the unfinished Indian film was about to be completed, Kakashi pre-empted the seal.

"Water Margin. The technique of the Great Falls."

In an instant, the endless torrents flow into the waters, and the waters are soaring, like the beasts sweeping away. Under the impact of the flood, the body was not hit hard and soon dying.

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