One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 43:

After Naruto greeted him, Sakura and Sasuke stood by Naruto, waiting for Kakashi to arrive.

After waiting for more than an hour, Kakashi’s figure appeared in front of everyone. Kakashi saw everyone saying: “I’m sorry, I just helped my grandmother cross the road, and then I lost my way on my life, so, sorry, haha. ""

"You lie!" Naruto's forehead has a big tic-tac, and it is obvious that Kakashi can't lie to anyone without sincerity.

Later, Kakashi looked positive and mysteriously said: "Today I am calling everyone to come for an important thing."

Looking at the mysterious Kakashi, Sasuke can't help but curiosity.

"Today, I am telling you to tell you something important, that is, the test of the endurance!" Kakashi said, making a very exaggerated posture, pointing to the three.

"Zhongren test?" What is that, Naruto looks confused.

When he heard Naruto, Kakashi was suddenly thundered. Even the Zhong Ren test did not know how he graduated from Ninja School.

Sakura on the side of the Naruto's silly and innocent expression can not stand, immediately came out, gave Naruto's head a burst of excitement, "Stupid! Zhong Ren test is to select some elite ninja from the endure, and then promote Cheng Zhongren’s election exam."

Naruto squinted his head and shouted that Sakura was a violent woman.

Kakashi cleared his throat, and then said: "As Sakura just said, the test of the Nation is a test of the endurance of the Ngo, and every year, the endurance of each Ninmura came to Muye Village to conduct the test, so The impact of the Zhong Ren test is extraordinary. As the ninja of Muye Village, we must have enough strength to take the test, so I recommended you to take the test, I hope you will not let me down." In the end, Kakashi couldn't help but look at Sakura and Naruto. In the seventh class, only the strength of both of them made Kakashi worried.

"Kakashi teacher, you can rest assured, no problem, what is the end of the test for me is just a piece of cake." Naruto feared to take a chest and said.

Seeing that Naruto vowed, Kakashi’s forehead was a cold sweat. I am most uneasy about you. I really don’t know if you are an idiot or too naive.

"Do not worry, Kakashi teacher. This test is absolutely no problem." Sasuke, who has been silent for a while, said.

When he heard Sasuke, Kakashi only let go of his heart. He knew that the strength of Sasuke was beyond him. As long as Sasuke gave the guarantee, there would be no problem.

"That's good, since you are so confident, then I will wait for the good news of your successful promotion." Kakashi said to the three.

After explaining the relevant issues of the Zhong Ren test, Kakashi left, and only three Sasukes were left on the field. When Sasuke was about to leave, Naruto stopped him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted to Sasuke.

“Hmm?” Sasuke stopped and looked back at Naruto.

"I will not lose to you!" Naruto said with a thumbs up.

When I heard Naruto, Sasuke’s mouth floated a little in a curve, and his face showed a faint smile. He said: “Naruto, I agree with your strength, and I am looking forward to fighting you!”

He agrees with me! ! Sasuke said he agreed with me! ! When he heard Sasuke, Naruto felt that something was broken in his heart. He couldn’t help but want to cry.

Someone finally admitted him, and finally someone agreed with his existence, and this person is Sasuke, the person he wants to defeat in his life.

Naruto remembered the bits and pieces between the two people, and remembered the scene of the two people's first knowledge. Sasuke, we are good friends for a lifetime, and I will use life to protect them.

"Thank you, Sasuke." Naruto said with a strong heart.

"Well, Naruto, you have to cheer." Sasuke finally waved to say goodbye to Naruto.

On the way back to Uchiha's house, Sakura has been holding Sasuke's arm and walking silently around Sasuke. The mood seems to be a bit low.

"What's wrong? Sakura? Is there any trouble in my heart?" Sasuke stopped and asked Sakura around him.

Sasuke’s question awakened the unspoken Sakura, and Sakura said that she was overwhelmed and said: “Nothing, Sasuke.”

Sasuke saw the troubles in Sakura’s heart and said, “Is it worried about the test?”

When I heard Sasuke, Sakura nodded silently, then looked at Sasuke’s eyes and said, “Sasuke, I am not very useless. I am not very good at physical or ninjutsu or illusion, I am worried that I am I won't be able to pass this exam."

Sasuke took his hands on Sakura’s shoulder and looked at Sakura’s big eyes and said, “No, Sakura has the advantage of Sakura. Sakura is very careful, it will take care of people, and there is control in Chakra. Very good, even I can't compare with you."

"But, I am still worried that I can't pass the exam." Hearing Sasuke's praise, Sakura's eyes brightened, but it quickly faded down, and the look was somewhat depressed.

"Don't worry, everything has me, I will stand in front of you to protect you." Sasuke said to Sakura.

"Thank you, Sasuke." Sakura's mood is a little bit stable.

Seeing Sakura gradually let go of her heart, Sasuke said later: "Sakura, you can try the career of medical ninja, I believe you will do very well."

"Medical Ninja?" Sakura looked at Sasuke's face with a hint of doubt.

"Well, medical ninja, the talent of Sakura in Chakra control, will definitely become an amazing medical ninja. If you are injured in the future, please come to you." Sasuke said with a smile.

After hearing the expectation and encouragement in Sasuke’s words, Sakura’s Yan Yan smiled and said: “Sasuke, I will not live up to your expectations and strive to be a medical ninja.”

" Come on. Let's go home, white and wait for us at home." Sasuke said, touching the head of Sakura.

"Yeah." Sakura cheerfully promised, and the ease and joy of it was beyond words.

After returning home, Sasuke gave a white voice and they wanted to participate in the news of the Zhong Ren test. Then Sasuke asked, she wanted to join them in the Zhong Ren test and become the ninja of Konoha.

For Sasuke's proposal, he hesitated for a moment. Although he wanted to accompany Sasuke to be born and died together, she was also looking forward to a peaceful life. Later, Bai gave her the answer. She wanted to join Sasuke, join the leaves, become the ninja of Konoha, and take the test of the endurance.

I got a positive answer. Sasuke and Sakura are very happy. After all, it’s not a way to throw a white person at home during the Zhongren test. Now that you have a white join, they will be together, and white will not feel alone.

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