One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 45:

On the side of me, I love Luo and handcuffs, and there is nothing to say when I hear Sasuke. The handcuffs are just looking and saying, "What do you mean?"

I heard that there was a trace of impatience in the handcuffs, and Sasuke received it. "Well, handcuffs, do you want to do it in Konoha? Three-on-two, it seems that you seem to have an advantage, aren't you?" Sasuke's mouth showed a strange smile.

When I heard Sasuke, the handcuffs did not answer, and my eyes looked at my love Luo in the tree. Obviously, I love Luo as their leader. All their actions are heard by my love.

Since I suddenly appeared in Luo, Naruto has been guarding my love Luo. The breath that I have brought from my love has made Naruto have a hint of fear. It is obviously a very powerful opponent. Naruto can’t help but bring a wooden leaf pill. Sasuke around, watching me love Luo.

Standing in the tree, I love Luo, saying nothing, silently watching Sasuke, Sasuke's handsome facial features and blue figure reflected in the eyes of my love Luo, he found that he could not see the people in front of him. It seems that he is a little cold, he doesn't know how much power there is in the body. I love Luo for the first time. I feel the strength of Sasuke. There is a shudder in the depths of his soul. It is death. Excitement and desire.

I have to say that I am a bit perverted at this time, and I seem to like to be abused. The more others are better than him, the more he wants to challenge.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and everyone in the room felt the tension in the atmosphere. Naruto looked at me silently, and my throat couldn't help but swallow. As soon as I loved Luo, he immediately acted.

Suddenly, I love Luo's body as a sand, appearing on the ground, and facing Sasuke. After a deep glance at Sasuke, I loved Ronald and turned to prepare to leave with the handcuffs and Kanjiro.

Seeing that I love Luo to leave, although I don't understand my intentions, I haven't asked Gejiro and the handcuffs. They put away the shackles and iron fans in their hands and silently kept up with me.

I saw Luo Luo and his party who suddenly left. Naruto’s look of doubt, is this finished?

After a few steps, I love Luo suddenly stopped. The handcuffs around him and the face of Kanjiro have a strange look. What is he going to do?

I stopped and walked, and I turned to Sasuke and said, "I told me to love Luo, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke replied.

I loved Luo for a moment and said, "Well, Uchiha Sasuke, I am looking forward to playing against you when I can take the test." Then he turned and left.

The handcuffs on the side saw that I loved Luo’s special performance, and my heart could not help but be surprised. I love Luo for the first time to ask other people’s names.

Is that person called Uchiha Sasuke? It turned out that he is Uchiha's family, no wonder he is so powerful, and, handsome!

I thought of the handcuffs behind my love Luo and turned to Sasuke. I saw that Sasuke was also watching her, and she smiled at her and seemed to have a good impression on her.

Seeing Sasuke's smile, the handcuffs couldn't help but jump, his face was slightly hot, and immediately turned his head and stopped looking at him. He followed my footsteps and loved Luo's footsteps.

When Naruto next to Sasuke saw that I loved Luo, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He found that his back was wet. When he was confronted with my love Luo, he had a cold sweat on his body. The man was terrible. .

Naruto’s heart and soul said to Sasuke: “Sasuke, the panda’s eyes are really terrible. Are they also taking part in this test?”

Hearing the fear in Naruto’s heart, Sasuke’s heart was funny, and turned to say to Naruto: “How? Naruto, are you afraid of him?”

When he heard Sasuke, Naruto immediately raised his chest and said loudly: "Who, who said I was afraid."

It was only after he finished that he began to feel guilty again.

"Well, I know you are not afraid. In my eyes, Naruto is very strong." Sasuke once again encouraged Naruto.

I am strong? ! !

When he heard Sasuke, Naruto moved his heart and said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, if you meet him, you can't beat him, even if I die, I will save you."

When I heard Naruto, Sasuke couldn’t help but look at the seriousness of Naruto’s face. Sasuke thought that this is the style of Naruto. It’s a **** teenager.

"Well, then I can expect you to save me." Sasuke looked strangely at Naruto. "Okay, I still have something to do. I will go first. You and Kiba are careful. Recently The village is chaotic." Sasuke left after he finished.

Naruto silently, looking at the far-reaching Sasuke's eyes flashed an inexplicable look, Sasuke, I will catch up with you! Look at it, I will prove everything with my strength.

In the afternoon, Sasuke found Kakashi and explained to him that he would join the wood leaf and take part in the test. Kakashi hesitated, what? White also wants to join. For white, Kakashi did not know much. He only knew that Bai was brought back by Sasuke. He believed that Sasuke did not ask for other situations.

"Are you sure that the strength of Bai can represent Muye to participate in this year's Zhongren test?" Kakashi looked at Sasuke and asked.

"Well, I can guarantee the strength of the white, the general can not beat her." Sasuke answered affirmatively.

When he heard Sasuke, Kakashi thought for a moment and said to him: "Well, I will fight for the white quota."

Upon hearing Kakashi’s guarantee, Sasuke’s face showed a smile and said: “Mr. Kakashi, thank you.”

Later, Sasuke and Kakashi left for a few words and went straight back to the Uchiha House.

At Sasuke received a notice from Kakashi, saying that he had already signed up for the white, and later the white is the ninja of Konoha, who represented Wood Leaf to take the test. By the way, the white leaf guards were handed over to Sasuke. From then on, the fourth member of the seventh class, and Sasuke assisted them in carrying out the task.

For Kakashi's efficiency, Sasuke is very admired. It can make the foreign population so easy to be a Koji ninja, and is not suspected of the former rebellious identity. Kakashi's ability is not generally strong. After all, Kakashi’s father was one of the eight colors of Muye, and he himself was the fourth generation of Huo Ying’s identity, and the original Kakashi almost became the sixth generation of Naruto, which shows that Kakashi is in the wood. The energy in the leaves is terrible.

Thanks again to Kakashi, Sasuke returned to Uchiha House and handed the wood leaf protection in his hand to White. He explained to her that she had officially become a Muye Ninja to take the Zhong Ren exam and became a member of the seventh class.

The white Jiao Yan who heard the news flashed a surprise look. Later, she could stay with Sasuke. How can she not let her happy?

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