One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 47:

Then Sasuke looked at Xiao Li behind Ning, and said to him: "You are Li Lock, I am looking forward to your body skills."

When he heard Sasuke, Xiao Li was shocked. Sasuke was able to talk to him on his own initiative. That means he acknowledged his strength. He thought of Xiao Li’s heart and said: “I am also looking forward to playing with you. Advice."

Looking at the day next to Ningji, Sasuke was also friendly and she said hello, "You are every day, I heard Kakashi teacher talk about you, today is very beautiful." Said the last even Every day, Yan Yan smiles.

Seeing the smile on Sasuke's face, every day, my heart leaped, my face was faint and faint, and said: "Hello, Sasuke, and a lot of advice later."

In the future, I will give a lot of advice, and Sasuke will think about it, and then I will leave here without a trace and go to the place where Naruto is.

At this moment, Naruto is working with them in the young field. At this moment, the young field is standing in front of the Naruto, and some of them are red-faced and talking to Naruto. Naruto has a tune and adjusts to the young field, and talks to the teeth by the way.

Seeing the shy-red field in front of Naruto, Sasuke’s eyes flashed a trace of light, and the young field was really like the one in the original, a shy girl. Looking at the childish field that is somewhat childish and shy, Sasuke’s heart sighs. It’s really a woman’s eighteen changes. Who can think of a few years later, the young field will be turned into a gentle and beautiful lady.

Naruto, who was talking with the younger man, saw Sasuke coming over and immediately waved to Sasuke and said, "Sasuke, I am here."

When Sasuke went to Naruto, Naruto took the initiative to introduce Sasuke to Sakata and said: "He is the first newcomer of this year, Sasuke, and also my good friend." There is obviously a hint of pride in Naruto's tone. Sasuke is a long face of a friend.

Hearing the introduction of Naruto, the tooth and oil woman could not help but look at Sasuke. The tooth first said: "You are the newcomer of this year. I am the tooth and I am next to the Chino and the young." Said.

Sasuke gave a slight smile, and gently held it and let go. Looking at the side, Zhi Nai nodded and said that he had already met.

Sasuke saw some timid young fields, and suddenly thought of evil in his heart. He wanted to tease the young field and said, "I think this is the young field, the big lady of the Japanese family. Hello, I am Yuzhi. Bosuo, the young master of Uchiha's family, is very happy to know you." Sasuke then reached out and gestured to the young field.

Seeing Sasuke’s action, Hiroshi’s body shrank, and she was really embarrassed to shake hands with a strange man, although the man was handsome and very graceful.

"How? Miss Akita? Do you want to shake hands with me?" Sasuke decided to eat the young field. He knew that standing on the family stand, the Japanese family had to give Uchiha a face anyway, even though it is now in the village of Muye. Uchiha has only one person left.

"No, not..." When he heard Sasuke, the eyes of the young field quickly became blushing, and the voice said little: "I am a child in the field, I am very glad to meet you, Uchiha Sasuke."

The young field is very cowardly and Sasuke has a hand. It is better to say that it is a caress.

"Well, I would like to express my friendly greetings to the Japanese people on behalf of the Uchiha family. Our two families will be very good friends, Miss Hata, I hope you can bring this sentence to your father." Sasuke looks at the young Tian said.

At this time, the younger family was not so weak for the family's reputation. He looked up and showed a sense of pride in his face. He replied, "Well, I will."

The Naruto on the side heard Sasuke and Hsiao’s official words, and his face looked uncomfortable. He muttered, "Don’t you be so serious? It’s like a meeting. Sasuke, you just scared the young. The field is over."

"Well, I will pay attention." Sasuke turned and said to Naruto.

Subsequently, Sasuke smiled at the young field and expressed regret for the seriousness just now. Seeing the mild smile of Sasuke, the younger face did not live up to the faint blush, quickly bowed his head and stopped looking at Sasuke.

It’s a shy little girl, Sasuke’s heart is dark. No longer disturbing the young field, they said goodbye to them, and took Naruto to the Sakura trio.

At this point, Sakura three people seem to have trouble, but there are really a few long-eyed perverts who want to come and tease them, but they are easily stabbed into a hedgehog by the white ones. Looking at a few people lying on the ground and twitching, Sasuke didn't say anything and threw a few people out of the door.

Seeing the end of a few people, other people who are unsuccessful have also put away their minds and have not come to harass the three women.

Sasuke is not worried that the invigilator will find them trouble. He believes that if they are invigilators, they will support them to do so. After all, Konoha is notoriously known in the world.

In this way, Sasuke and Kobayashi’s Xiaoqiang are officially recognized, and the Zhongren exam is about to begin.

I took a picture with Twelve Kobayashi, and the first test of the Numou test began.

A knife and a face in the hand with a test paper came in, Sasuke knows that this person is the special forbearance of the wood leaves, as the captain of the torture department of the dark leaf, Senai Yibi.

Ibie walked onto the podium and took a vigorous shot of the table with his hands. He looked at all the candidates present with a patrol look and said, "I am the proctor of your first exam, Senai Yibi, then we are preparing for the exam. I hope that you can't be found by cheating little tricks, or else..." Speaking, Ibi was forced to work hard, and the corner of the table was pulled by Ibie.

It’s a violent madness! Most of the candidates who attended the scene saw the action of Ibie, and immediately dispelled the cheat.

Sasuke looked at Ibie, and his face was depressed. This guy was more capable than him. Then Ibi Xi let the examiner give the testimony to each With the order of Yibixi, all the exams will start to answer immediately.

Looking at the dense questions on the paper, Sasuke felt a big headache. It was the same as in the original. With his cultural knowledge, it was impossible to answer all the questions in just one hour. Only Xiaoying could do this. This brain is genius.

Because the test number is disorderly, Sasuke did not sit with the seventh class. Next to him was a man with glasses every day. Sasuke recognized him as a running dog and a pocket around the snake.

At this time, I was burying my head and answering the question. I noticed Sasuke’s gaze. She looked up and gave a smile to Sasuke. The smile was very friendly, but Sasuke knew that he was completely laughing.

The sinister and sorrowful Sasuke of the original book has already seen it. The guy who had not entered the stream eventually became the oss who cooperated with the soil. He competed with the ninja coalition force and finally summoned the strongest king.

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