One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 51:

Sasuke patted the buttocks of Ino, and woke up the well-sleeping Ino, who opened his eyes and cried, and said, "Why, Sasuke, let me rest at you."

Seeing the cute performance of Ino, Sasuke couldn’t help but pinch her little nose and said, "Let's sleep! Get up, there is a situation."

Hearing here, Ino immediately returned to God and left Sasuke’s arms to make a look like an enemy. Seeing the appearance of Ino, Sasuke was funny and said: "Don't worry, there is me here, they are just a bunch of small chop, you don't have to do it."

Seeing the smile on Sasuke's face, Ikuno suddenly felt good, and Sasuke was her dependence. With Sasuke, she would not be afraid of any trouble.

Sasuke brought White and Naruto to let others guard here. The three men waited for the enemy to attack and rushed toward the enemy in the dark.

Yu Ren saw the three Sasukes who had attacked. They knew that their own appearance was exposed, and they no longer hided. They immediately attacked Sasuke.

For a moment, the rain of the hundredth wearing yellow clothes appeared in the sight of the Sasuke three. Seeing so many enemies, Naruto’s eyes flashed a glimpse, but they were immediately printed, multiple shadows, dozens of songs. At the same time, people attacked Yu Ren.

White single-handedly printed, dozens of ice-made thousands of condensed in the air, and instantly hit the rain. Under the white feet, the printing continued, and all the rains in the hands of the whites were hit by the white ones and became the water masses on the ground.

With the help of writing a round eye, Sasuke evaded the attack of rain and forbearance again, and then the body in the hands of the rainless and tolerant body, Sasuke quickly traveled through the rain and the group, with the movement of Sasuke's body, dozens Yu Ren was separated into a water mass.

"Sasuke, these rains are not going to die!" Naruto over there shouted to Sasuke.

Sasuke cut a rain-bearing neck with a shuriken, and saw a head re-raised from the broken neck and continued to fight with Sasuke. Sasuke Kazuo escaped a few rain-forward joint attacks and shouted to Naruto: "Of course I know, you should fight for a while, and then I will solve the battle."

Sasuke knows that these rains are all illusory with water. Only when the body is found can they solve them. Sasuke’s white saying goes over it: "You have to be careful, these are all avatars. I already know that their bodies are Where, I will solve them."

Sasuke quickly walked through the crowd, and soon went to an open space. Sasuke beat a group of water bodies guarded here, and quickly sealed in his hands. The blue thunder condensed in the assistant, and the thunder was loud, and the blue was blue. The thunder and light blazed, shining bright white light, reflecting the dark forest into a blue and white.

With the roar of Sasuke, the Thunder in his hand was inserted into the ground, like a knife-cut tofu, with a left-handed thunderous light reaching into the ground.

"Catch it! Hehe..." Sasuke’s mouth showed a hint of evil laughter. His left hand was thunderous, and the birds screamed in an instant. The dense thunder was madly injected into the ground. Because it could not withstand the erosion of the thunder, the surrounding ground began to collapse and crack.

Along with the glare of the thunder, the blood of the road splashed out from under the ground, and the painful screams gradually weakened. It was almost a moment, and the rain hidden in the ground was no longer moving. Sasuke left and saw that the ground quickly collapsed, revealing three unrecognizable rain-forbearing bodies.

Poor rain forbearance was easily killed by Sasuke. They didn't even notice the movements of Sasuke. They saw the hidden underground light, and the thunder of the blade would smash their bodies.

After destroying the rain that was hidden in the ground, all the rain and the body on the battlefield immediately turned into water and disappeared into the air. Seeing that all the rain and forbearance suddenly disappeared, Naruto was somewhat overwhelmed, as if the battles that had just happened were just hallucinations.

Bai found the Sasuke over there and saw the rain that was killed by Sasuke. He said, "Sasuke, it was them who attacked us."

"Uh-huh." Sasuke nodded, no longer seeing the body of Yu Ren.

Seeing the unrecognizable rain and forbearing body, Bai sighed and said, "We buried them. After all, Yu Rencun used to be my home. I don't want to see the corpse of my hometown."

Sasuke did not refuse the request for white, filled the pit with ease, and then returned to the camp with white.

When Sasuke was dealing with Yu Ren’s body, he searched for their book of ninjas. Fortunately, the book of Ninja was placed in a backpack and was not contaminated by blood. He then collected the book of Ninja. Yu Ren’s book of Ninja is a book of heaven. Although they can’t use it, Sasuke remembers that the book of Ninja of the Ino squad is a book of the earth, so the book of the ninja that was obtained from Yu Ren was given to Ino.

For Sasuke’s gift, Ino was taken away without politeness.

The night has already arrived. Sasuke and his team did not move on. They took a break. Sasuke and Naruto waited for several men to take turns to watch the night. Sakura and others rested beside the campfire. From time to time, animals and animals that have been passed from the woods, the dead forest in the middle of the quiet night, is even more horrible, unconscious, and the night is deeper.

The night passed quickly, and after a restful night, the tired body regained its vitality. Sasuke and other people took the rest first. He went to the front to explore the road. The rest of the team didn't say much, but he was careful to help him go early.

The forest of death in the morning was very quiet. Sasuke was flying all the way through the branches of the trees, and the feet slammed on the mossy branches. Sasuke moved forward for about ten minutes. No traps were found on the way. Sasuke looked at the surrounding environment and roughly understood the landscape.

Everything is clear to the chest Sasuke who achieved the goal immediately turned back to the camp.

At this time, Sasuke heard a beast from the distance, and there was a female scream in it. Someone was attacked by a beast here? !

Sasuke heard the more and more eagerness of the life-saving voice, and the body shape flashed, and immediately rushed to the other side with a blink of an eye.

Next to a pond in the forest, a red-haired girl faces a brown beast. The huge body of the beast is three feet high. The girl moves backwards and screams in her mouth. She is scared. I did not expect to encounter this situation for the first time to take the Zhong Ren exam.

The beasts continue to drip, and the long fangs are exposed in the mouth of the blood. The beasts push the girl to the corner, and the exclamation of excitement is rushing to the girl.

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