One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Festival

After avoiding the attack of Chi Bronze, Sasuke jumped out of the attack range of Chi Bronze. Looking at the Chikhang Kay outside the five feet, his face showed a sarcasm and said: "Chi Tong Kai, I did not expect your body to be quite good. flexible."

Chi Tongkai thought that Sasuke was soft, and he smiled and said: "Do not worry, there is a big snake pill adult command, I will not kill you!"

Orochimaru! Sasuke’s mouth showed a smirk and said: “I will not give you a chance next! Let’s die!”

Sasuke’s eyes flashed a bright light, and the writing of the round eyes opened. The blood-red double eyes quickly locked the Chikhangkai. The men’s hands were fast-printed, and the thunder and lightning flashed. The noisy bird’s voice rang through the hall. For a moment, Sasuke’s left hand was thundered. surround.

Seeing that Sasuke used a thousand birds, Kakashi secretly assisted the idiots. Thousands of birds were used to assassinate and spur. They could not do any frontal defense. It was foolish to blatantly face the enemy with thousands of birds.

Chi Tongkai saw Sasuke’s move, and his heart was stupid. He found Sasuke’s self-defense weakness, and he no longer hesitated, and quickly went to Sasuke.

See the red copper Kay, Sasuke's mouth sneer, fooled!

The left hand locks the body of Chi Bronze, and when Chi Bronze rushes to the distance of Sasuke's two feet, Sasuke's left-handed brilliance, Lei Guang screams, a dazzling thunder rises, like lightning, it will be two feet away. The Chikhang Kay body stabbed a pair.

How can it be! ! Chi Bronze looked at the thunderbolt of his heart, and he only felt that his body was getting lighter and heavier. Looking at Sasuke at the end of the thunder, his eyes showed a look of bitterness.

Let's die! In the assistant, the output of Chakra was increased, and the thunder of the thorns in Chikhangkai changed again. The six beams of light burst out from the body of Chikhangkai. The chest, legs and head were all penetrated by thunder. Large blood flows from the wound.

what is that? !

Kakashi was shocked to see the Lei Guangli in the assistant, this is!

I did not expect that Sasuke actually did this step, and the thousands of birds were visualized for long-range attacks.

Sure enough, is the genius of the Uchiha family? Kakashi is very admired for Sasuke’s talent, and he does not think that he can do it.

The three generations were also surprised to see Sasuke on the field. I didn't expect Sasuke to be so strong.

Looking at the Sasuke on the field piercing Chikung Kay, the three generations remembered the way Sasuke was a child. The three generations sighed sighly. The chicks five years ago have become eagle, so he is a blessing to the wood leaves. ......

Blood quickly reddened the floor tiles of the hall and condensed into the blood of the big beach. Sasuke wrote the wheel eye to release, the thunder in his hand weakened and dissipated, and the lightning beam that passed through Chikhangkai disappeared. The body of Chi Tongkai slammed and slammed into the floor, and the black blood of the big stocks rushed out.

Seeing the red copper cascading down, the blast arrived on the field, and confirmed it at the side of the red copper, saying: "This game, Uchiha Sasuke wins!"

The blast voice just fell, and the cheers broke out on the field. Naruto squatted on the iron fence and shouted to Sasuke under the field: "Sasuke is good! It's amazing!!"

Sakura and Ino also cheered on Sasuke: "Sasuke is too good, I love you!"

Sasuke smiled at Sakura and Ino on the stage, and nodded to the white who had been watching him. The gentle color of it was beyond words.

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, I love the sound of excitement in the eyes of Luo and Ning. Especially when I love Luo, his body can't help but tremble. Uchiha Sasuke, is this your strength? I really look forward to fighting you.

Sasuke turned and left, went up the stairs to the stands, and stood with the seventh class.

Kakashi congratulated Sasuke for his victory. Sasuke smiled and said: "This is all the credit that Kakashi teaches."

When he heard Sasuke, Kakashi was very relieved, and Sasuke’s performance made him proud. Kakashi smiled and said: "What is the call for Sasuke to deal with Chi Tongkai?"

Sasuke replied: "That is the move that I only came up with in the past two days. It is called the Thousand Birds."

At this time, Sasuke sensed the light of the big snake pill over there, only to see the big snake pill licking his tongue, his eyes exposed a strong desire and greed.

Sasuke looked at the big snake pill on the other side and showed a strange smile on his face.

In the match with Chi Tongkai, Sasuke’s performance surprised everyone. Red and Asma went to Sasuke and looked at the handsome boy in front of him.

Red first said to Sasuke: "You are a Kakashi student. The game just was wonderful."

Sasuke looks at the red in front of him, wearing a tight-fitting ninja suit, outlines the bumpy body, the tall figure gives people the pressure, the blushing eyes are crystal clear, and the black long and thin scroll show is especially attractive with the face of the melon seeds. It’s a beautiful woman, Sasuke’s heart is thinking.

Looking at the red in front of him, Sasuke showed a hint of light in his eyes and said, "Well, you are the young teacher of the young team."

When I heard Sasuke, I showed a smile and said: "I didn't expect you to know me, right. You just used Lecce, but it's not the same as Kakashi."

At this time, Asma also showed curiosity. He was very impressed with Sasuke’s killing. He also wanted to know what Sasuke’s move was.

"It is a thousand birds sharp gun, I created it myself." Sasuke said very modestly.

Created by yourself? !

Hearing Sasuke's answer, Red and Asma also showed a shocked look. If it was made, then Sasuke's ninja talent could not be described as a genius. It was simply a monster.

At this point, Kakashi also came over, with a smile in his eyes, said to Red and Asma: "How? Sasuke's performance is not bad."

When he heard Kakashi, Red and Asma smiled bitterly, and his face looked helpless.

Asma said to Kakashi: "I really envy I have received such a talented apprentice. Compared to Sasuke, my few students..."

As a result, Asma looked at the Ding times who only care about eating there, and the deer pill that stayed on the side, and his two students would be able to have half of Sasuke.

However, envy is envious, this kind of thing is just thinking about it. For the reality, Asma seems to have some fate.

Asma knows that he can't get Kakashi in his life. He is like this. His students are like this. Looking at the arrogant Kakashi, Azma’s heart is floating.

The game continued, and the name on the electronic screen changed quickly under the command of the blast, and finally locked in the names of the water without moon and the autumn.

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