One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Festival

gosh! ! When I heard it, Sakura and Ino immediately reacted. It turned out to be the case. It is no wonder that White has been attacking Ding times with thousands of copies. It turned out that he wanted to keep spinning and faint.

Looking at the number of Ding times that was carried away by the medical staff, Bai said with sympathy: "Under my calculations with Sasuke, Ding was finally fainted. Losing this game, I must not be reconciled. ”

Seeing the kindness of Bai, Sasuke smiled a little, really is not white, no matter when, always think more for others.

When Sakura heard the words of white, she shook her head and said, "If you lose, you lose. If you lose the king, what is unwilling."

Indeed, the process is not important, and the final outcome is the key, as is the real world. The soldiers are not detested, there is no right or wrong between victory and defeat, history is also written by the winner!

They did not continue to discuss on this issue because the third exam is about to begin.

The moonlight blast appeared on the field. Under his command, the electronic screen quickly changed the name of the candidate. When the display stopped, Sakura and Iye’s face showed an incredible look.

Waiting for the display to stop, Sakura and Ikuno's face all showed an incredible look, which was written on the top, Haruno Sakura vs. Yamano!

No, how can it be so smart? !

There was a smile on the faces of Ino and Sakura.

Knowing their embarrassment, Sasuke stepped forward to hold the hands of the two women, let the two hands hold together, and encouraged them to say: "You can have a peace of mind, the outcome is irrelevant, no matter how you are the best friends."

With the encouragement of Sasuke, Sakura and Ino are quickly relieved, and the outcome is irrelevant for them. The friendship between them is the most important.

"Let's go to Kasuga Sakura and Yamano Ino!" The blast sounded like a sick ghost again.

Sakura and Ino went hand in hand to the playing field, and then stood opposite each other. At the beginning of the blast, Sakura and Iye were fighting together.

The two people who did not have any special skills chose the simplest method of competition. First, a round of shuriken shooting, and then close combat, when they were not together, they were far from attack.

Seriously, the current Sakura is not the opponent of Ino, Sakura does not learn any strong ninjutsu or body skills, and she can only display some simple ninjas learned at Ninja School.

With a round of attack to avoid the wilderness of the field, Sakura got a breather.

Using the avatar again, the four sakura rushed to the field, and the field could not distinguish the authenticity. Only the shuriken could attack the four sakura at the same time.

With a bang, the four sakura were turned into smoke. Ino saw four sakura all fake, his face with a look of horror, suddenly, a strong wind attacked from the sky, Jing Ye looked, Sakura took her sword to stab her.

Ino's body shape was linked, and he only escaped Sakura's shuriken attack.

Taking a breath, Ino said to Sakura on the other side: "Sakura, I didn't expect your basic ninjutsu to be really strong. I can't tell which one is your body."

Sakura smiled and said: "There is nothing to be proud of. I only have some basic ninjutsu."

Ino clearly understands the strength of Sakura. Now she is not her own opponent. If she uses her heart to turn to the heart, Sakura will definitely lose.

Looking at the Sakura over there, Igano made a decision in the heart. In this game, she fought with Sakura and ended up with a draw.

Sakura, who fought with Ino, noticed her thoughts. Looking at the opposite side of the field, Sakura showed a smile on her face. This ending might be the best.

Subsequently, they seem to be delaying the time, no longer use any ninjutsu, just simply doing the most basic offensive and defensive warfare.

The unhurried battle on the field was very unrelenting. Most of the ninjas in the stands began to sleep, and the game was too boring.

I loved Luo to see the performance of Ino and Sakura. In the eyes of a pair of pandas, it was obvious that they were tired of the light. They simply turned around and closed their eyes to no longer watch the game on the field.

Time passed quickly, as Sakura and Iye expected, and they ended in a draw. Because the test did not have a tie, the last two were brushed down.

Sakura and Ino returned to the stands, and Sasuke looked at the two men holding hands. Jun smiled slightly: "You are doing very well. This game is very exciting."

Sasuke’s white side also praised Sakura and Ino’s performance. Bai Yingying smiled and said: “Your game is very exciting, but I am more happy to see you and Sasuke.”

Upon hearing Sasuke and White's affirmation, Sakura and Ieino met and smiled. In their eyes, the game was irrelevant, and the friendship between them was the most precious.

The game continues, and the name of the player on the electronic display changes again. When the display stops, it shows Naruto vs. Canine.

Naruto saw the round of his own appearance, and the exclamation of excitement attracted the attention of everyone on the field.

In the call of the blast, Naruto and his teeth appeared on the stage.

Looking at the teeth in front of me, Naruto's face showed an excited look, and finally he was going to play for him. Now he has to prove everything with his own strength!

Naruto looked at everyone in the stands, and his eyes finally stayed at Sasuke.

Noticing Naruto's gaze, Sasuke smiled at Naruto and nodded to cheer him up.

With the encouragement of Sasuke, Naruto’s heart was fixed, and he turned his head and said to his teeth: “I will not lose to you, I must win this game!”

Hearing Naruto’s provocation, his teeth smiled and put the red pill on his head in his arms and said, “Hey, I think so too! When Naruto arrives, don’t cry, haha...”

Naruto made a precautionary posture, staring at the opposite tooth, and his heart was slightly condensed, and he could see the movement of the tooth.

The more intense the atmosphere between the two, with the start of the blast, Naruto first made a man, throwing two shurikens, and quickly attacked the opposite tooth.

Multiple shadows! Naruto quickly printed, six Naruto attacked the teeth from different directions at the same time.

Naruto's movements did not make the teeth nervous escaped the shuriken and placed the red pills in the ground.

Just listen to him and shouted: "Red pills, go on!"

Under the teeth, the knot is fast, and the beast is forbearing.

A black whirlpool similar to a tornado swept the audience, and the wind blade raged.

Uh... The white smoke keeps on, and the six avatars of Naruto are quickly disintegrated under the spiral attack of the tooth. The Naruto body standing in the distance draws a few bitterness from the tolerant bag, and the strength of the hand is flying, all the pains are not directed at the center of the vortex.

Two screams, and the attack was bounced off. The black vortex immediately turned in the direction, and the thunder's momentum swept through Naruto.

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