One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Festival

Back to Muye Village, Sasuke explained his experience to Akai's learning skills. For Sasuke's decision, Kakashi did not stop. He knew that he couldn't help Sasuke in his physical skills. Akay taught him to help him. It is also a must.

Sasuke and Sakura returned to the Uchiha House. After this competition, the relationship between the three women was even closer, especially Sakura and Ino, which were like sisters.

The house of the Japanese family is located in the middle of the village of Muye, where the style of the building is extraordinary, but the wooden architecture of the ancient rhyme is not lost.

Unlike Ukibo, which is crowded out, the Japanese family has always played an important role in the second generation of Naruto. The various affairs of Muye Village are responsible to the family.

Up to now, the strength of the Japanese family in Muye Village is even more remarkable. Together with the destruction of the Uchiha family, the Japanese family is said to be a big one in the village of Muye, and the Japanese family has reached the most glorious period in history.

After the end of the test, the young man returned to the house.

As a big lady of the Japanese family, the younger school must keep the rules of the family to the Japanese, and must comply with the rules. Back home, the young field immediately put on a white kimono, which is also a family rule.

In Muye Village, the powerful aristocrats are proud of wearing kimonos. They are very admired for the essence of the nation.

In a dojo in the house of the Japanese house, the fists are smashing, and the woman’s screams are heard from time to time.

At this time, the Japanese is teaching a soft boxing of a seven-year-old girl. Although the young girl is young, the strength she shows is not to be underestimated.

The wooden door of the dojo opened, and a pink figure approached the dojo, but it was just back home.

"Father, I am back."

When I heard the young girl, the Japanese stopped to teach the little girl and said, "Fireworks, your sister is back, come here today."

When the fireworks heard the Japanese football, they immediately looked at the young field. "Sister, you are back!"

When the fireworks said, he ran to the young field and put his body into the arms of the young child. He said with a spoiled voice: "Sister, you can come back, can you teach me soft boxing?"

When I heard the fireworks, the younger field showed a hint of difficulty, and taught the fire and soft boxing? I am afraid that I am not a fire-fighting opponent. It is not good for Chen Tian to directly refuse the fireworks. I am looking for the Japanese football.

"Flower fire, your sister just finished the Zhong Ren test, you will let your sister rest."

The Japanese team knew the embarrassment of the young field and immediately helped her out.

The fireworks are no longer entangled in this issue, but they still lie in the arms of the young, not meant to leave.

For the fireworks, her big sister is busy every day, and it is hard to see her. Every time I let the young girl accompany her to practice, the young field will use all kinds of reasons to smother the past. Although the fireworks complained about the young crops, her love for the young crops did not weaken.

The young field is not good at resigning the fireworks, so she has to let the fireworks stay in her arms.

The day came to the sun, and the face with the authority of the father and the patriarch's discouragement, said: "Shou Tian, ​​how is your endurance exam?"

When she heard the Japanese football, the body of the young girl trembled. In the face of the majesty of the Japanese, she did not dare to answer this question. She did not know what would happen if she heard about her failure.

I saw the hesitation of the young field, and I sighed in my heart. The young girl was not suitable for being a ninja. As a big lady of the Japanese family, how can she inherit the huge family business without tyrannical strength.

"Hutian, you have failed again."

The Japanese foot did not care about the feelings of the young field, and said the words in the heart.

"I am sorry for my father."

The younger man lowered his head deeply and hugged the body of the fire, seemingly seeking a spiritual pillar.

Chitian knew that her father was very disappointed with her, and her weak heart was only silent when she faced her father's blame.

The Japanese football team did not look at the young field again. He turned and faced the family pattern of the Japanese family. He said: "I heard that your opponent is the child who is separated."

"Yeah, it’s a cousin of Ning." Chen Tian replied respectfully.

The Japanese thought of his own voice, the endless embarrassment emerged in his heart, and he asked: "How is he doing?"

Some of the hesitant backs of the young field: "The cousin is very good, just..."

"What is it?"

"Ning Ci's cousin seems to hate us."

When Chen Tian said this sentence, he looked up and looked at the Japanese football.

The sun is sinking, is it still hate? Ning, so long, it is also necessary to solve some problems.

It seems necessary to see the following with Ning, the hands of the Japanese foot are tight, remembering the day-to-day difference of death, I feel awkward. His care for Ningji was too little, and the Japanese laid down the burden on his heart and finally got the courage to see his nephew.

The fireworks have been honestly staying in the embrace of the young field. The conversation between the older sister and the father is only quietly listening. She knows that she is better not to come out and interrupt.

Then the Japanese asked about the plot of the young game, the young field was not concealed, and everything that was born in the fifteenth and tenth was said.

When I heard that Sasuke saved the young field, there was a strange look on the face of the Japanese foot. The children of Uchiha’s family were so powerful.

When Sasuke said that there was a faint smudge on her face, her voice became a little trembling. She didn't know why she was.

The Japanese saw the expression of the young field, and his heart was awkward. He knew the temper of the young field, and he was the first to see this unique performance.

What is the relationship between the young girl and the child? The heart of the sun secretly thought of it.

Waiting for the young field to finish all the plots, the younger man looked at the front of the field and said: "Hutian, how do you think Uchiha Sasuke?"

When I heard the Japanese football, Hsiao’s heart jumped and some nervously said: “He, he is very strong!”

"Only these?" asked the Japanese foot again.

In front of the Japanese football, the young field did not dare to hide the slightest. Thinking of Sasuke, there was a faint smudge on the face of the young field, saying: "He is very handsome..."

Sure enough, when I saw the performance of the young field, there was a flash of light in the eyes of the sun.

Then the Japanese singer greeted the young man with a fireworks to practice Although the heart was reluctant, but the young field did not dare to disobey the will of the Japanese, and took the fire to another dojo to teach the soft fire to the fire.

After the young field was gone, the Japanese found a housekeeper and whispered a few words in his ear. The butler immediately followed the matter of going to the Japanese.

In the study room, the Japanese and Japanese are sitting on the tatami, looking at the information before the case, and his face is shocked.

"At the age of seven, I opened a round of writing. I graduated from the Ninja School in the first place. At the age of twelve, I went to Kakashi as a teacher. I killed the rebellious and no longer, and opened a high-level sorcerer."

"Is this your strength? Uchiha Sasuke!"

Some unbelievable Japanese football players once again confirmed the documents. After reading the information of Sasuke, the face of the Japanese and Japanese faces showed a cheerful expression.

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