One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Festival

Running Chakra, everything is as usual, there seems to be no problem, and there is no discomfort at all. Just as Sasuke was about to give up his view, there was a huge pain in his heart, like a knife cut, feeling something was being stripped from his heart.

what happened? ! !

Sasuke’s pain in front of him was black, sitting down on the ground, his right hand clutching his chest, and there was a burst of cold sweat on his forehead.

Suddenly, a black brilliance emerged from Sasuke's chest. The next second, the black brilliance of black ink, the countless dark energy spewed out from Sasuke's chest.

The black energy quickly condenses in the air, gradually becoming a three-foot black jade pot, the body is crystal clear, and the black brilliance becomes deeper in the sun.

"this is!"

Sasuke raised his head and watched the black jade pot in front of him in shock. The black and white body was covered with inexplicable mantras. The mouth of the pot was the trend of the double dragons. The pot bottom was engraved with various wild animals.

"This is a refining pot!!"

Sasuke recognized the black jade pot in front of him and looked at the familiar and strange refining pot. Sasuke’s heart was excited. In the past life, he relied on the refining pot to defeat Li Jing and other day-olds. He was saved by the spirit of the refining pot when he died. With the help of the refining pot, he successfully crossed the world of Naruto.

The refining pot is not only his concern for the past life, but also his expectation for this life. It is the refining pot that changed his destiny.

After becoming Sasuke, the disappearance of the refining pot is his most regrettable thing. Now that the refining pot reappears, Sasuke is delighted.

Suddenly, Huaguang lit up, and a sinuous phantom appeared on the refining pot, and he struggled with a scream of horror.

The black light smashed, and the scorpion quickly shrouded in the refining pot, turning into a black energy and entering the refining pot.

After absorbing the last energy, the refining pot turned into a black light and poured into Sasuke's body and disappeared.

Sasuke looked at everything that happened in front of him, and the change in the refining pot made Surzo surprised. What is the situation?

Sasuke opened his chest and a black pot-shaped tattoo was adorned on his chest, which matched the crystal white skin. Touching the chest, there was a sense of warmth coming from there, and a strange energy quickly excites from the heart, and rushes in his meridians.

Almost for a moment, Sasuke felt that his body was full of strength, and the gentle but huge energy was full of ruin, and the feeling of strength made him feel refreshed.

Is this the power of the refining pot?

In the heart of the movement, the black tattoo turned into a streamer, and the refining pot appeared in front of him.

It seems that the refining pot has been successfully awakened and recognized the Lord. Sasuke thought of the situation when the Chinese was too hearty. It must have been something like blood and blood that entered his body. Finally, he gathered on his chest and succeeded in awakening the refining demon that had been lurking in his heart. pot.

Understand the reason of the matter, Sasuke let go of his heart, now he clearly feels the existence of the chest refining pot, the black refining pot is squatting in his heart, the body rotates, the black brilliance keeps pouring, the heart beats The energy is stimulated and nourishes his body.

In the mind, Sasuke understands the true use of the refining pot. It seems that the ability to refine the demon pot is the ability to absorb all kinds of different beasts, thus turning this energy into its own for the host to use.

This kind of thing is simply a cheat-like existence. As long as the ability to absorb the aliens is constantly absorbed, the energy provided by the refining pot to the host is endless. Just a text too provides such a huge amount of energy, so what is the energy provided by the tail beasts that are scattered in the world of fire?

Sasuke knows that with the refining pot, his future will be unpredictable and become a god? Sanctification? He can't imagine it.

Once again, he obtained the refining pot. Sasuke has more confidence in the future of the Ninja. He believes that the Ten Ancient Artifacts of the Immortal World will lead him to the peak of the endurance world and create his own legend in the Naruto world.

This Huo Ying world will be controlled by me! Sasuke looked at the distant sky, his face full of firmness and confidence.

It is night, the moonlight is faint, the mist of the mist occupies the sky, and the faint starlight is dotted with the dark gray sky. Unconsciously, it was already in mid-July, and the evening breeze blew away the heat accumulated during the day, bringing some coolness to the earth.

It was already late at night, and most of the villagers in Muye Village had rested. The large wooden leaf village gradually fell into the darkness, and only a few lights were particularly prominent in the night.

At the reception desk of Muye VIP, the tall buildings are not luxurious, and the ninjas who came from Shaminu Village to participate in the Zhong Ren exam lived here. In the meantime, there were a lot of people in the shadows.

At the reception's three-story penthouse, the vermillion windows were pushed open, and a 13-year-old girl appeared in front of the window, just the handcuffs.

The handcuffs are in front of the window, watching the moon in the sky, the eyes are a little blurred, the face is faintly worried, I do not know what is thinking.

The yellow double ponytail swayed in the evening breeze, stretched out the hand, and smacked a few strands of hair that drooped in the ear. Under the dim moonlight, the side of the handcuffs was particularly charming.

Looking at the village of Muye, the brows wrinkled and thought of their plans, and suddenly sighed in his heart, "Do you really get peace?"

For the plan to destroy the wood leaf, the handcuffs did not agree. When the four generations of wind and shadow suddenly proposed this resolution, she was very opposed, but the fourth generation was her father. In the face of the majesty of the father and the power of the shadow, the handcuffs had to bow. I recognized the plan of four generations of wind and shadow.

“I don’t know if the plan will succeed?” The look of the hand on his face was worried and he began to worry about the plan to be implemented. In the face of strong wood leaves, the strength of their sand-bearing village is not enough to compete. Although with the assistance of Yin Rencun, their chances of winning against the wood leaves are still very small.

The handcuffs in the wood leaves for a few days ~ ~ deeply felt the friendship of the villagers of Muye, the simple and enthusiastic Muye villagers left a very good impression in the hand.

Seriously, the handcuffs don't want to start working on the villagers.

If it is really the day when the wood leaves are destroyed, the handcuffs will not violate the orders of the four generations, nor will they harm any villagers in the leaves.

The sleepyness gradually came, the troubles in the heart under the hand, closed the window, turned back to rest inside.

The night gradually deepened, and the lights at the reception desk were extinguished one after another. The group began to rest. Soon, the whole village of Muye fell into a darkness.

Yu Zhibo's mansion, a black figure quietly came out of the mansion, his body flashed, jumped between the buildings, and rushed to the sand tolerant reception.

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