One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 89: Festival

There was a shout of handcuffs over there, and more than a dozen wind blades came. The wind blade was like a cutting blade, raging and destroying.

White fled to hide behind the big tree in the field, only to hear the sound of the sound, the wind blade left a deep trace on the branches, like a knife and axe, deep into three points.

Handcuffs see white to hide, cold screaming, increase the chakra output in the hands, the continuous wind blade surges, hehe! The big tree was cut off by the waist and lost the blessing of the big tree. The invisible wind blade surrounded the white. Seeing the situation is not good, white immediately use the avatar to avoid, hehe! ! The big tree was completely cut into pieces by the wind blade. The white heart was looking at the wood chips on the other side. It was really dangerous. If she was not sensitive, she would end up with the big tree.

Sakura and Iino see white and critical, with an anxious look on his face, and White Sister can never have anything...

In the lounge, Sasuke saw the whiteness of the danger, and stood up in the face, his face full of worry. what happened? How does the strength of the handcuffs suddenly become so strong! Is she going to be dead? ! Looking at the handcuffs in the field, Sasuke’s face was cold, and if the handcuffs were dare to hurt, he would kill her.

The audience on the field saw the stalwart of the handcuffs, and they all showed a surprised look. The ninja of the sand-bearing village turned out to be so powerful. They saw the whites on the court, and they all squeezed the cold sweat.

This will really die! There was a glimmer of light in the white eye, and the dodging action stopped, one-handedly printed, and a few feet of the devil's ice mirror appeared in the air. The blue light shines on the body, and all the ice mirrors rotate to protect the white body. The white figure moves quickly, moving closer to the distant handcuffs.

Ice mirror guardian!

Under the control of Chakra, the crystal ice mirror is always surrounded by white, and the white surrounding group is protected. This white trick is similar to the absolute defense of my love Luo. It is the purpose of using Chakra to control foreign objects to protect oneself.

There is still this trick! The hand gaze is condensed, the iron fan in the hand dances, and the giant wind blade of the size of the water tank condenses quickly, bang! The giant wind blade carries a powerful airflow to the white surrounded by the ice mirror.

Hey! The wind blade collided with the ice mirror, and the white footsteps stopped. The chakra controlled the ice mirror and made a wrestling with the wind blade of the handcuffs.

The harsh rubbing sound is endless, and the shock wave from the curved wind blade leaves traces on the ground. The ice mirror trembled, and the scattered scattered ice sprinkled on the ground, and it became crystal clear.

Hey! The ice mirror trembled a little, and the cracks in the road were covered with ice mirrors at once, and the eyes were broken. At this time, the Yuwei of the wind blade was gradually wiped out, and it became a strong gas disappearing into the air.

The wind blade disappeared, and Bai Xun repaired the ice mirror with cracks. The brilliance flashed, the ice mirror condensed again, and the white continued to approach the handcuffs not far away.

Seeing that my own blow did not work, the look of resentment on the face of the handcuffs must kill her!

The hand squats, condenses all the chakras in the body, and the wind has a strong wind attribute Chakra fluctuations, almost instantaneous, a blue fluorescent wind blade is condensed, this wind blade is at least the last three Bigger. Like a huge death slashing knife, mixed with sharp destruction of the wind, the Thunder's potential attacked white.

Realizing the power of the trick, White immediately manipulated all the ice mirrors to float in front of her, forming a thick ice wall to resist the handcuffs.

The ice mirror collides with the wind blade, hehe! There was a huge collision sound on the field, and the strong Chakra airflow blew the dust off the field. The faint blue Chakra aperture smashed on the handcuffs and white body, the clothes smashed, and the collision sound of the Chakra torrent became sharp. The blast.

Hey! Finally, the magical ice mirror can not resist the sharpness of the wind blade, the road cracked with ice mirror, hehe! The first piece of ice mirror broke quickly, followed by the second piece, the third piece, like a chain reaction, leaving only one piece of white mirror.

The crystal ice mirror was so fragile in front of the huge wind blade, the ice mirror continued to tremble, and the white mirror began to collapse.

The ice mirror shattered and gradually exposed the white figure. Oops! White did not think that the power of this handcuffs was so powerful, pull! A windy blade cut through the white arms and exposed the white complexion.

Can't be defeated here! The mind turned sharply, running Chakra to the soles of the feet, fleeing from here.

The wind blade cuts the air and carries a sharp shock wave to the side of the field!

Hey! The wind blade collided with the wall of the site, splashing with dust, and the dust settled. Only the wall on the site was destroyed by a huge curved hole. The cut was smooth, showing the extraordinary impact!

so close! ! There was a cold sweat in the white forehead. If it wasn’t hiding fast, she might have been cut off by the waist under the wind blade!

Even the three generations of Huoying, seeing this handcuff of the handcuffs is also moving, the slight jaw, did not think that the ninja of Sha Niu Village actually has such strength, sand endured the wood leaves?

Thinking of this, three generations of Huo Ying’s eyes showed a trace of worry, looking at the four generations of wind and shadow around him, Shen Sheng said: "The wind and the adults, I did not expect the ninja of your country to have such strength, it is really powerful."

The shadow of the big snake pill was indulged, and he did not expect that the strength of the handcuffs was so strong. The sand-bearing village was really talented. Looking at the handcuffs on the field, the eyes of the big snake pill flashed through the thoughts of the gods, and then said: "The Huo Ying adults have a reputation, and the handcuffs that child is still showing this strength for the first time."

"Is it?" The three generations had a meal, and this said: "Wind and shadow, who do you think this game can win?"

When I heard the three generations ask, the big snake pill eyes stunned and replied: "I guess this game is a handcuffed victory." Then I looked at the three generations, apparently asking about the views of the three generations.

The three generations showed an inscrutable smile on their faces. They shook their heads and said, "I don't think so. I guess this game?? It is the little girl who won the victory."

Dashenmao was surprised. Bai Mingming was out of disadvantage. How could he have a chance to On the field, Bai escaped the handcuffs and his eyes showed a dignified look. She was the first to be such a strong opponent. Encountered. As Sasuke said, the long-range attack of the handcuffs is very powerful. If you are not close, there is no hope of winning.

How to do? Want to give up?

Looking at the handcuffs that are waiting for him, the whites no longer hesitate, one-handedly printed, and several pieces of ice mirrors appear, like the method of processing, attacking the handcuffs.

Seeing the white attack again, there was a fluster in the eyes of the handcuffs. The previous Xeon strike almost consumed all the chakras in her body. Now she is already the end of the strong.

The crystal clear ice mirror shines in the sunlight, and the white body is protected like a crystal. The figure is flashing and the handcuffs are close at hand!

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