One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Festival

Sasuke keeps up with the body that I love to fly out, and my body is constantly flashing, like a phantom streamer, attacking the body of my love in the air.

At this point, the sand can't keep up with Sasuke's movements, and my love Luo's body is flying higher and higher under the help of Sasuke.

Suddenly, Sasuke made a big effort, but it was my love.

In midair, I loved Luo as a bomb and slammed into the ground, pulling out a huge pothole in the ground, the dust filled, and the shape of Sasuke fell smoothly from the air.

"Is this the strength of Uchiha? It's so strong!"

On the court, the audience saw Sasuke's high body technique, and his eyes showed a faint color. This degree is not something humans can achieve.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the big snake pill. "The body skills of Sasuke have become so powerful. It really is Professor Akai."

On the court, I saw that I loved to climb from the pothole. At this time, the armor of his body's sand had been cracked, and every movement would leave a lot of gravel out of the body surface.

Looking at the Sasuke who walked there, I loved the crazy look in my eyes, so strong! Really strong! It is this feeling, that's it! I have already felt my existence, my mother, the opponent in front of me is a very good prey! Mom, give me more power!

In an instant, I love Luo's body and burst out more evil. All the sand on the field was infected by my love, and the gravel was constantly beating and becoming violent.

Sasuke clearly felt the evil spirit of my love Luo, this feeling is... Sasuke recalled the scene of the past hunting of the monster, at that time, he also felt a similar atmosphere in the monster.

That's right, this feeling is demon!

Has the chakra that has been released yet? Sasuke's mouth evokes a trace of curvature, and is enslaved by a tail. This kind of strength is simply not enough!

Sasuke's body is flashing, his body is lightning fast, and the black afterimage is surrounded by my love Luo, and I am fighting with my love!

Surrounded by sand, I love Luo to control the sand to guard against Sasuke's attack. Because Sasuke is too fast, the sand is completely unable to capture Sasuke's movements.

The black light flashed, Sasuke suddenly appeared on the top of my love Luo, a squatting leg mixed with empty sound, hehe! The head of my love Luo was helped by Sasuke, and the figure fell, accompanied by a huge heading.

After the huge shock, I saw my love Luo's head sinking deep into the ground, like a green onion, buried straight in the pothole.

It’s just a single blow that will make me love Luo Da’s powerlessness. Sasuke’s strong advantage of physical skills is actually suppressing my love!

In the lounge, the handcuffs looked worriedly at the game on the field, and the palms were sweating. There was a trace of worry in the eyes. "Million, don't have anything..."


Very awkward, my love Luo's body shook a bit, then the sand on the ground continued to surge, almost instantaneously, the soil layer of the earth is assimilated with the sand.

The endless sand rushed from the ground to Sasuke, and the tumbling yellow sand turned into a huge palm, roaring, screaming, and the Thunder was too late to attack Sasuke.


The palms of the sand were shot to the location of Sasuke, and the shock wave splashed with the wind raging on the field. The yellow sand was rolling, and the heavens and the earth seemed to turn yellow.

Seeing that Sasuke was swallowed by the sand, Sakura’s three women were worried about the situation, how was Sasuke’s situation...

I love Luo's body was lifted from the potholes by the sand, and the figure slowly landed until the yellow sand was scattered. I saw the empty space.

Obviously, I love Luo's strong blow did not attack Sasuke.

At this time, I love Luo feeling a dangerous atmosphere, his body swelled! Immediately control the yellow sand to protect his body.

Hey! Thousands of thunder light covered my love, and Sasuke fell from the sky, the blue light was shining in the left hand, and the noisy thunder was everywhere!


In the face of my love, Sasuke is not soft.

Rachel and the guardian of the sand confronted each other, and the thunder and light shone, like a knife-cut tofu, and the sand guardian was quickly pierced.

Under the destruction of Lecce, the guardian of the sand is cracked quickly.

After the buzzing, my body of love Luo was finally exposed to Sasuke.

The blushing writing of the eyes was full of **** brilliance, and the more brilliant it was, the help was superficial, but it was in a moment to see that I loved Luo.


But I saw the thunder of my right breast, and the thunder glowed like a snake into his body.


The wounds of the original fists were once again destroyed, and large blood spurted out and stained the ground, like a mottled oil paint.

I love Luo, looking at his right chest, his eyes are full of dark circles, and his face is frightened. This is, this is...

"Ah!!" I love Luo suddenly burst into a painful roar, this is definitely not true, actually hurt!

mom! I was injured!

"This is my blood! My blood!"

Sasuke looked at the maddening I love Luo, took out the left hand with thunder, and jumped out of the five feet. Immediately, Chakra was running, and the blood stains in the left hand disappeared under the influence of thunder.

"I love Luo injured!"

In the audience, the handcuffs stunned my hand to cover my mouth, and I saw the love of the body that had been stained with red blood. The eyes were full of incredulity and worry.

I love Luo, there must be nothing...

Big Snake Pill and Maki saw that I love Luo, and my heart suddenly sinks, **** it! In this way, their plans were completely disrupted, and the plan to destroy the leaves was greatly disturbed.

On the court, I love Luo's painful grip on my right chest, still can't stop the rapid loss of blood, the pale pale face is already like gold paper.

Am I lost? No, absolutely can't be defeated! Uchiha Sasuke, I must defeat you! !

Suddenly, I love the sound of a charm in the depths of my mind. Do you want strength?

Hurry up and accept my strength!

I can give you powerful power, strength...

At this point, the monster in my love body began to work, but saw his mouth flowing out of the sputum, and the black eye was gradually replaced by a square-shaped pupil.

Power, for strength, what if you sell your soul to the devil? !

I love Luo has been tempted by the sudden appearance of sound, for strength, he will do whatever it takes!

"Awaken! Hidden in my heart!"

I love Luo suddenly screaming The purple-black chakra emerges, the purple light shines, and the chakra chasing me all over the body, seems to want to swallow my love.

"this is!"

Sasuke was aware of the more violent demon, and the chest of the refining pot suddenly shook the soul, and seemed to be eager to devour my love.


The more intense the shock of the refining pot, the help of the heart is a trembling, the blushing writing of the eye flashed a light, the hand rubbed his chest, finally awakened? Keep the crane!

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