One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Festival

Since the last rejuvenation pot awakens, Sasuke guessed the function of the refining pot, swallowed the anger of the beast, swallowed the power, swallowed the chakra, and turned everything into the power of the host. This is one of the functions of the refining pot.

Sasuke was very fast, and it didn't take long before he reached the hinterland of the forest behind the leaves. The woods are lush here, and the huge canopy blocks the sun.

Sasuke landed and threw my love in my hand on the ground.


The heavy fall of the sound of a forest bird.

At this time, I love Luo Luo people lying on the ground, the pale complexion has begun to pan-green, breathing gradually, but still have signs of life.

The wound on the chest has already stopped bleeding, and the purple light on the chest is shining. The pink new meat grows out and fills the wound that is burned by lightning.

this is……

Seeing the strong resilience of my love Luo, Sasuke’s heart is stunned. It’s really a raccoon cat. The vitality is not covered. Although it is a tail, the recovery can be compared with the nine tails.

"Nine life cat demon?"

Sasuke calmly looked at me, I loved Luo, and wrote a round of eyes to watch his changes. The faint purple chakra began to emerge from my love Luo. I love Luo’s injury and quickly recovered. The pale complexion first saw the **** color.

Purple Chakra Dasheng, the strong evil began to burst from my love Luo.

Exotic evils skyrocketed, and the animals in the forest fled and fled the center.

In less than a quarter of an hour, I love Luo's wounds completely healed, and the pink new meat grows. Only the holes in the chest and the red blood stains indicate that he was injured.

Purple Chakra all poured into the body of my love Luo for a moment, the brilliance of the light, my love Luo's eyelids began to tremble, apparently is about to wake up.

Sustained by Sasuke, I fell into a coma. During this period, his consciousness has always been embarrassing. His eyes are dark, I don't know where to come from, and I don't know where to go.

He wandered between the consciousness faults, where he saw his mother, still so warm and amiable, I love Luo to keep the mother, but now the mother's figure is like a mirror, and the starlight disappears in front of him.

The consciousness of my love Luo fell quickly. In a dark place, he saw a huge black shadow.

The darkness gradually disappeared, and a yellow spotted civet cat was caught in sight.

The cranes open their mouths with uneven mouths, and they laugh and smile. The eyes of the four corners show a humanized look. "Little devil, your body is accepted by the uncle..."

The crane's mouth is turned into a black hole. In the powerful airflow vortex, my love Luo's body is swallowed into the darkness.

As the spirit died, what I loved was a yellow woman in white clothes who seemed to smile at him.


In the forest, it is full of chill. I love to open my eyes and see Sasuke. The black figure is cold and deep.

"Sasuke..." I love the color of hatred on my face.

Seeing that I love Luo has woke up, Sasuke reveals a playful smile, as if looking at a fat prey, "Recover so soon, it is a tail!"

One end! I love Luo Xiaokong, how did he know?

Sasuke mysterious smile. "I love Luo, aren't you going to beat me? Now there is a chance to release the monster in your body. Maybe you can fight with me with its power. You didn't want to come out long ago." Is it? Keep the crane!"

Sasuke’s words were like a thunder in my love, and I saw the calmness on Sasuke’s face. I suddenly smirked on my face.

The body jumped, leaving Sasuke's attack range, standing on one side and looking at Sasuke, suddenly screaming, "Little devil, really smart, how do you know that this is my uncle?"

During the speech, my love Luo's eyes changed rapidly, and the crystal four-corner eyes appeared, and the momentum of her body increased sharply.

"Hey." Sasuke gave a cold smile, "Shouhe, your tricks can fool me into writing this round. You didn't want to occupy the body of my love Luo? I have swallowed up my thoughts." Very cool..."

"Hey, the devil, it turned out to be the descendant of the six old guys. I can't ignore it when I face you!"

I love Luo, no, it should be the crane, but see the seal in its hands, the strong Chakra fluctuations.

A roar, a huge shock wave will help Sasuke's body shape, white smoke dissipated, I saw a mountain-sized variegated raccoon cat appeared in the forest, the thick limbs micro-step, instantly shake the mountain.

Looking at the foot of Sasuke, the size of the ant, the head of the defending crane is raised high, and the four-corner eye overlooks Sasuke, and smiles. "Little devil, this is the body of this uncle, afraid of it!"

The look of the self-satisfying self-satisfaction is beyond words. In its view, Sasuke in front of him is vulnerable!

Sasuke's mouth angled a curve, and there was not much to say in the face of the crane. In his view, the crane is nothing more than a monster with a large body. There is nothing to fear.

Besides, Sasuke’s past life is a fairy, and there are many monsters he saw. The tail beast like Shouhe is only a relatively powerful monster. At present, the cranes are not even monsters. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Of course, the gap between the monster and the monster is an insurmountable gap. The monster in front of the monster is only the **** of less than five fighting power. If they are monsters, they are completely out of the beast's category. They belong to the mountain monsters. They are not within the six roads. They can be arbitrarily transformed, and they can turn the mountains and the sea with their hands and feet. The powerful demon emperor can even destroy the earth. !

Shouhe thought that Sasuke was soft and smirked. "Little devil! This uncle is going to kill you now, ask for more life!"

The strong atmosphere rises from the crane. Under the pressure of huge space, the ground begins to crack, and the ground shakes. The endless purple light lingers in the mouth of the crane, and the eyes of the crane are exposed to the cruel color.

"Dead! Air cannon!"

The purple air cannon condenses quickly, the spiraling airflow turns, and the powerful Chakra oscillates the turbulent space.


The purple-black air cannon dragged the long-tailed flame thunder and attacked The air cannon was infinitely magnified in front of Sasuke, and the horrible destruction of the atmosphere seemed to devour everything.

At this time, Sasuke moved, quickly condensed Chakra, wrote a round of eyes and gods, with a high body shape flying, the air cannon only hit Sasuke's afterimage.

boom! The air cannon exploded, and the ground was suddenly blown up by a dark hole with a diameter of several tens of meters. The powerful shock wave mixed with the wind attribute Chakra raged in the audience, the mushroom cloud rose, and the endless waves destroyed the surrounding forests.

Sasuke evaded the air cannon and stood at the place where the mushroom cloud is not far away. Looking at everything that is born, is this the power of the air cannon? It is no less than the power of a miniature nuclear bomb! Sasuke’s eyes are full of thoughts, but the air cannons in the district are just like this. I don’t know how powerful the tail beast is.

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