One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Festival

When attacking the crane with the red thousand bird sharp gun, Sasuke felt that the purple chakra in the crane body was constantly assimilated by the red lightning. A pure force is constantly pouring into Sasuke, although the amount is very small, but better than nothing.

The Shouhe was seriously injured at this time. Although there is no danger to life, the cranes can only be in a weak state for a while, and the defense and attack power are greatly reduced. Even at this time someone cut it with a knife, and the crane can not have any resistance!

Sasuke wrote the wheel eye to disarm, looked at the crane that fell to the ground in front of him, and made a slight arc of the corner of his mouth, finally reaching the moment of receiving the results!

The head of the guardian crane was motionless, and a pair of four-eyed eyes stared closely at Sasuke who walked into it. Sasuke’s steps were heavy, and the heartbeat of the crane was step by step. With the approach of Sasuke, the human face of the guardian cat was exposed. Fear of change.

Although I don't know what Sasuke wants to do, there is no danger of being in the heart of the crane. It is afraid of Sasuke, and it is vaguely aware that there is a terrible thing in Sasuke.

Sasuke stood in front of Shou Heshuo's big head and smiled coldly. The clothes on his body were windless and automatic, and the black airflow emerged from Sasuke.

In the next second, the endless black light shines, and the sly ink color darkens the whole sky, and the extremely cool breath suddenly breaks out.

The black light shines, a crystal black jade pot appears out of thin air, suspended in the top of Sasuke, it is the refining pot!

The great powers bring out an unparalleled gas field, and the body of the crane is pressed against the ground. The guardian crane is looking at the black jade pot with four corners. The endless fear envelopes the whole body of the crane. It is the pressure from the soul. In front of the refining pot, the crane can't give birth to resistance.

Sasuke’s mouth swelled in a curve, “Goodbye, keep the crane!”

In the next second, endless black light emerged from the refining pot, and the black brilliance of the black ink covered the crane. From the mouth of the refining demon pot, the power of powerful devouring, under the pull of the huge force, the body of the crane is gradually floating.

Under the entanglement of black streamer, the body of the crane is rapidly becoming smaller and is quickly taken into the refining pot.

Sasuke looked coldly at everything that happened in front of him. In the eyes of Sasuke, the crane is his food, providing food for strength.

The refining pot was shrouded in black brilliance, and the faint purple scent hung in the body, and the purple breath was quickly swallowed by the black brilliance. Guanghua flashed, and the body of the refining pot projected a civet cat, which is the crane.

The guardian is screaming in horror, and the face of the unknown is very panicked.

Being photographed into the refining pot, the guardian felt that the power in it was quickly lost, and the endless black airflow eroded its body.

Under the black brilliance, Chaka, the yin attribute in the body of the crane, was quickly stripped, and at the same time it was stripped of grievances that accumulated in it for decades.

Through the refining pot, the crane clearly saw that Sasuke was laughing at it, laughing inexplicably, and letting it burst into chills.

This little devil...

Looking at Sasuke, the brilliance in the eyes of the crane is gradually disappearing, and consciousness quickly falls into a deep sleep.

Dark whirlpools, memory cracks, endless abyss.

I love Luo huddled in the space, and it was dark all around, and it seemed that a little light could not penetrate the eternal darkness.

I don't know when, I loved Luo and woke up and shook his head. "Here is..."

Looking at everything around him, he clearly remembered that he was swallowed by monsters in his body. He thought he was going to die. How could it appear here now?

I love Luo somehow.

Although there is no light, to survive, I love to try to find a way out.

Just reaching out, it seems to touch a barrier, and the faint space fluctuations are like the ripples in the water.

Suddenly, as soon as the light broke through the heavy darkness, the endless darkness quickly retreated in this light, and the light in the field of vision gradually expanded.

The light shines on my love, and I am used to the darkness. I love Luo and I don’t consciously cover my eyes. Some dazzling light makes him feel overwhelmed.

"I love Luo..."

Suddenly a beautiful female voice came from the ear. When I heard this voice, my love Luo’s body trembled. This is...

Looking out from the crack in the palm of his hand, a yellow-haired woman appeared in front of his eyes, with a golden glow on his body, and the infinite light emanating from her body dispelled the darkness in the space.


I love Luo to see the woman in front of me, involuntarily reaching out, the trembling voice echoing in the space.

The yellow-haired woman nodded, and the delicate face glowed with a gentle smile, like the spring rain, "Child, come with me..."

During the talk, the yellow-haired woman went to the passage that was broken by the light, and her body shape became lighter and thinner.


I loved to see my mother disappearing, hurriedly followed up, through the golden passage, like a mirage, the passage space fluctuated a bit, and I love Luo disappeared into the space.

Here is a white world. I love Luo and my mother, reaching out to grab the mother's clothes, seemingly afraid that she will disappear.

The yellow-haired woman grinned and smiled. She has grown so big that she can't change her childhood habits. She remembered that when I was a child, I always liked to pull her clothes around, and she followed them wherever she went.

I love Luo and I am attached to my mother's time. As I am now with my mother, I don’t know how many times I have fantasized in my mind.

I sniffed the scent of the mother's body, and I loved Luo's face with some blushing, or the taste of memory, which made me love Luo's incomparable mother's taste.

I love Luo closely with my mother, and my breath is a little trembling. I return to my mother again. I love Luo and can’t conceal the excitement in my heart. The situation I had hoped for is realized. Really, I really want to stay here forever. For a moment, I stayed with my mother for the rest of my life.

I love Luo in front of my mother, like a child, for fear that my mother will leave. Just like finding a safe haven, at this moment, I love Luo Anxin, reunion with my mother, and once again feel the warmth of my mother. I love Luo for a lifetime and don't want to let go.

I really want to forget about the end of the world, stay here forever, follow my mother keep going, for a lifetime, this way, just fine.

"I love Luo..."

Huang Fa woman suddenly stopped and took my love Luo's hand away from her. The gentle smell of her body completely disappeared, and the cold eyes stared at me.


My love Luo is very inexplicable to my mother's movements. What happened to my mother?

When he looked at his mother's face, I loved Luo's heart and stung it.

What kind of expression is that, the dark eyes have no feelings, and the good face is full of frost, it seems to freeze the air.

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