One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 105: Festival

Said, the big snake pill released three generations, and the body went to the side of the four purple squad, said: "Yu Fei teacher, I have been looking forward to working with you, do not know if you are as brave as you are now?"

Three generations looked at the big snake pill, and the old face showed a steadfastness. "The big snake pill, I really regret that I didn't kill you that year. Now I have to make up for my fault and kill you to pay back all the crimes you committed."

"Ha ha ha, teacher Fei Fei, you are really confident, but now it is not so easy to defeat." Da Snao pill replied madly, to the extreme of his own strength to the extreme.

"Big snake pill, let it die!" Without any omen, the three generations of hands are fast-printing, fire, fire dragon bomb!


The fiery eighteen fireballs whistled and attacked the big snake pill, and sealed all the retreats of the big snake pill.

The flames soared, and the three generations of hands were again printed, bandits, and earthworms!

Suddenly, a huge faucet appeared from the dome, and spit out large and small dirt bullets in the mouth. The spurt of the muddy stream caught up with the fire dragon bomb. In a flash, the Tulongyan bomb and the fire dragon fire collided, bang! The combination of the two kinds of ninjutsu has become a powerful compound ninjutsu, a fire blasting bomb!

The fire-flowing inflammatory bullets are extraordinary, and the thunder's power is attacking the big snake pill, and the air is sharp and popping.

When the three generations were printed, the big snake pill was also printed, and the law was born.

Suddenly, a huge ghost head rose from the ground and held the body of the big snake pill tightly.

boom! The fire-flowing soil bomb collided with the Rashomon, and the blast wave bursted to destroy the dome's tiles. The Chakra airflow collapsed into an endless spiral wind and raged.

Finally, the contest between the Tulongyan bomb and the Luoshengmen ended, the huge Luoshengmen became red, and the ghosts of the face were destroyed.

After withdrawing Luo Shengmen, the face of the big snake pill showed a thumbs up and said: "Yu Fei teacher, really is not the three generations of Huo Ying, so the powerful compound ninjutsu is easy to display, it is not simple."

The three generations breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The big snake pill, you are still the same as before, the martial arts of the evil spirits."

Dashen Maru smiled. "Teacher, how about this?"

Big snake pill in the hands of the seal, the practice of psychic! !

In an instant, thousands of white snakes appeared on the dome, and the snakes of Sao Sao came to the surface, and the snakes rang, whistling and swept away to the three generations.

this is……

Seeing the Ninjutsu of the Big Snake Pill, the three generations of the pupils shrink, the hands are fast-printing, and the fire is burning.

The strong fire attribute Chakra is condensed, and a flame that is several times larger than the fireball is spit out from the mouth of the third generation. The flame rolls over the flame, and the hot temperature makes the water molecules in the air steam quickly.

boom! Hao Yanhuo swallowed the snakes, bursting with the scent of flesh and sizzling, and the fire gradually weakened, revealing the body of a white snake that turned into black charcoal.

The snake group was killed by three generations. The big snake pill did not give up the offensive, and the hand was printed, and the body turned into a serpentine shape, smashing into three generations, quickly and quickly.

Almost blink of an eye, the big snake pill appeared in front of the three generations, a straight fist whistling to attack the three generations of the facade, the fierce boxing wind brought the impact air.

The three generations have a shape, the body is slightly bent, and the subconscious arm is resisted, hehe! The huge force will fly out of the three generations, the big snake pill catches up with the three generations of flying in the air, and the hands are again printed, the latent shadow snake hand!

Seven or eight cyan long snakes hovered over the three generations of the body, vigorously under the three generations to the dome, bang! The cracks began and the ground was pulled out of a large pit.

Dashe Pill did not continue to pursue three generations, standing there quietly, watching the three generations get up.

Beyond the enchantment, a group of wood leaf ninjas are stunned.

The big snake pill is so powerful, or that the three generations are really old...

Da Snao Wan smiled and said, "Yu Fei teacher, you are really old, but your previous actions will not be so slow."

The three generations of the atmosphere were a little messy, and the face was white, apparently injured under the attack.

"The big snake pill, you are better than before..."

In the eyes of the third generation, a hint of dignity appeared. In the face of the big snake pill, the first time gave birth to a sense of powerlessness.

Four purple inflammatory episodes, a group of wood leaf ninjas firmly watched the situation of the three generations, saw the three generations hit by the big snake pill, their hearts mentioned the eyes of the blind.

What will happen to the three generations of old and young, facing the powerful big snake pill?

The big snake pill was printed again. This time, he did not keep his hands, and his hands changed his mysterious Indian style.

The ground trembled, the strong atmosphere of the dead spirit spread and spread in the four purple inflammatory circles. In the eyes of the three generations of surprise, a black and white ebony wood coffin rose from the ground, and the coffin board was written with two large characters in the first generation.

In the same way, the second coffin appeared quickly, and it was the second generation written on it.

this is! !

Three generations of binoculars, unbelievably looking at the coffin in front of you, the first generation of Naruto and the second generation of Naruto? !

"The process of reincarnation!"

The big snake pill laughed, the third coffin appeared slowly, and the third coffin appeared The three generations no longer hesitated, and the hand was quickly printed, and the endless chakras flocked to the third coffin passage. Suppress the third coffin.

Three generations faintly guessed that the third coffin summoned by the Big Snake Pill may be the fourth generation of Huo Ying, facing the four generations of the long-term, the three generations did not have any grasp of winning. Moreover, it is enough for the first generation and the second generation to drink a pot for three generations. The first generation of hibiscus and thousand-handed magical powers, the second generation of otters and space ninjutsu, facing the two strongest ancestors, the three generations did not win any Confidence.

Under the suppression of Xuan Gang's Chakra, the third coffin finally did not appear, turning into black light to dissipate in the open Hell channel.

Finally, the third coffin was stopped. The three generations of the forehead showed a few drops of sweat. Obviously, he had spent a lot of chakras to stop the bauxite reincarnation.

Two coffins were finally opened, exposing two people.

A middle-aged black man wearing a red and black warrior armor, wearing a middle-aged white man in blue and white warrior armor.

"Sure enough, it was the first generation and the second generation."

The three generations looked at the familiar and unfamiliar two people. In the old eyes, there was a teardrop in the general starting point. The scenes of the past scene came to the fore.

The teachings of the first generation still clearly echoed in the ears of the three generations. "The Muye compatriots are part of my body. The people in the village believe in me. I also believe in everyone. This is Huo Ying..."

The words of the second generation on the verge of death are still so clear. "Hey, you have to protect the village you love, and believe in the villagers. You must also look for people who can entrust the things of the next era. You will fly from tomorrow. You are Huo Ying... ”

"The first generation of adults, the second generation of adults..."

Off-site, Konoha Ninja saw the first and second generations, and his eyes showed an incredible look. How come? ! Are these two people not already dead? !

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