One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 119: Festival

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Pressing the surprise in my heart, I also said: "Nothing, just want to test your strength, it is worthy of the Uchiha family, the strength is really strong."

Is that just the case?

Sasuke brows slightly wrinkled and snorted and said: "Now you are satisfied? If nothing happens, I will not accompany you."

After that, Sasuke’s figure flashed and left, and the empty roof was a mess.

Looking at the place where Sasuke disappeared, I have been talking for a long time. What is another force in Sasuke’s body...

The fog is sturdy, and the fog of the white clouds shrouds the village of Muye. The village of Muye in the fog looks a bit like a mirage, and the sight like a mirage is like a dream.

Above the foothills, two black men wearing red cloud costumes appeared, and with the fight they watched the calm Muye village for a long time.

Time seems to be still here, for a long time, only to hear a sigh, full of nostalgia and helplessness in the tone.

The breeze blew, and the tassels falling down in the brawl drifted with the wind, exposing the faces of two men, the ghost-faced man with blue skin, and the young man with two decrees. The two are the dried persimmons and the Uchiha wave in the organization.

Ghostly saw the embarrassing embarrassment and asked: "Hey, do you seem to have something to worry about?"

In the blink of an eye, a flash of light flashed, and I looked at the village of Muye, who had an inexplicable look on her face. She nodded and said, "Ghosts, let's go..."

I don't understand my mind, I feel like a ghost, but I still follow the footsteps of the cockroach. The figure slowly disappears into the fog.

Outside the village of Muye, several guards were helpless and guarded by the main entrance. Since the death of the three generations, the defense in the village of Muye has been much closer than in the past. After eating a long and wise, Konoha never allowed the incident of a big snake pill to attack the leaves.

With the strength of the wood leaf, if the protection measures can be tighter and the information in the attack can be conveyed in time, then the wood leaves will not suffer such a huge loss.

From that day on, Muye stipulated his own guard plan, changing seven times a day, each time fifteen ninjas, patrolling around the leaves all day, and once there was any change, immediately signaled to prevent the enemy from entering.

A patrolling ninja is preparing to go to the woods for convenience. Suddenly, there is nothing black in front of him, so I fainted.

At this point, a figure appeared beside him, and the red Chakra was vacated, and it instantly became the appearance of the ninja.

"Hey, Hirakawa, what have you been doing?" A small captain liked to call Hirakawa, who had just come out of the woods.

The voice called Pingchuan stood up and walked over to the captain, looking at him with a look.

"Ask you, Pingchuan, what have you been doing?!" The captain was somewhat impatient and was dissatisfied with the performance of Hirakawa.

At this point, Hirakawa's face showed a hint of ridicule. Then, his black and white pupils quickly became illusory, and the **** eyes of Sangouyu appeared in front of him.

This is, write the wheel eye!

The captain realized that things were wrong, and he was about to yell, and suddenly he was dizzy and fell to the ground.

Then, a man with a red cloud and black clothes appeared next to Hirakawa, and he looked at the stunned captain and smiled. "Hey, it’s really convenient for you to write your eyes."

The screaming voice of Pingchuan said: "Sneaky, you become his appearance, so it is much easier."

"Yes, this will be able to get away with it." The sneaky said that he would raise his hand to kill the coma captain.

Seeing the action of the sneaky, a flash of glare in the blink of an eye, "Sneaky, what are you doing?"

"It's not just killing a wooden leaf ninja, it's such a big fuss." The ghost stopped the action in his hand and said that the diaphragm was anti-shouldered, and the tone was dissatisfied.

I realized that I had just lost my mind. I said, "I can’t just create trouble, change quickly, and the task is tight."

"Yes." Ghostly screamed, his hand was printed, and he became the captain.

The smog outside the village of Muye became thicker and thicker, and the mist of the white smudged covered everything in the line of sight. The sly and the sneaky swindlers easily fooled the guards of the gate and smoothly passed through.

The sunlight gradually penetrated the dense fog, and the light was transmitted through the sunlight. Under the heat of the sun, the morning mist was continuously evaporated, and the field of vision gradually cleared.

Successfully mixed into the village of Muye, the scorpion and the sneaky scorpion did not change the red cloud black robe on the body, and walked across the city on the street, causing the audience to look at it.

It seems that there is no concern for the eyes of others. Under the fight, the sly and sneaky look of a leisurely self-satisfaction, go their own way, and are incompatible with the surrounding environment.

In fact, this is a deliberate attempt. He deliberately destroyed the nine-tailed hunting plan, deliberately caused the attention of the wood leaf ninja, and did not want to let the nine tails get organized, and he wanted to remind the existence of the wood leaf Xiao organization, let them get ahead of time. Be alert.

Several wooden leaves of the ninja caught up with the backs of sly and sneaky, ready to ask them.

I knew that I was being followed by others. Then I took the sneaky scorpion and avoided the road. I walked into an alley and my body flashed and disappeared from the alley.

Without chasing cockroaches and sneaky scorpions, several Konoha ninjas knew that the two men had to figure out the wrongdoing. For the safety of Konoha, they immediately reported the incident to Asma.

The scorpion Ninja, the scorpion and the sneaky figure appeared on the roof of the house, watching the prosperous Muye Village, and the sneaky doubts said: "When is the guard of Muye Village so strict?"

He bowed his head and looked at the ninja who was patrolling the street. His thoughts fluttered. He remembered the days before. At that time, he followed the ninja in the family, as a patrolman, guarding the safety of the leaves.

As time passed, the former Konoha guards disappeared because of the fall of Uchiha. Now the Konoha patrols are related ninjas or members of the dark.

I recalled from my I was deliberately revealing a little thought and said: "I heard that a few days ago, the big snake pill attacked the wood leaves, and the three generations died, perhaps because of that thing. ”


Upon hearing the embarrassing explanation, the ghosts remembered the big snake pill that had left the organization.

Speaking of it, the Big Snake Pill suddenly broke away from Xiao a couple of years ago. This incident made Peng, the boss of Xiao, very angry. He ordered the big snake pill to be the target of killing and killing, and let the big snake pill pay for the betrayal of the organization. .

"Hey, why did the big snake pill rebel? Didn't Payne say it? There is only one dead end in the end of the rebellion, why is he still doing that?"

Ghostly guessed that the big snake pill betrayed Xiao and definitely had a connection with the cockroach, and he knew what to ask and explored the sigh of sorrow.

I saw the glimpse of the fascinating light in the eyes of the ghost, and the face of the dead like a coffin did not show a surprised expression. Shen Sheng said: "Perhaps, he is pursuing greater freedom."

"Freedom?" Ghostly puzzled. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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