One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Festival

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He was not grateful for the action of the sneaky. He glanced at the sneaky faint, and said faintly: "Ghost, you let it go, Kakashi handed it to me, you go to deal with Akai."

"Know it, you are careful!"

With the command of swearing, the ghosts immediately wrestled with Akai, and the diaphragm in the hand opened and closed. The violent offensive covered Akai's body, and the raging wind almost ruined Akai.

Faced with a violent storm and rain, Akai did not retreat, the door was opened, and the body turned into a green lightning. The fists in the hands were full of the sky, and the ghosts were engaged in fierce offensive and defensive battles.

At this point, Asma could only watch at the side. In the face of such fierce fighting, he could not insert it.

The body flashed and appeared on the water, facing Kakashi, ready to launch an attack.

Above the water surface, continuous ripples fluctuate from the feet of the two people, and the ripples collide constantly. Like the tide, the intense water splashes from the ripples.

With a bang, the water burst, and Kakashi’s figure was infinitely enlarged before the blink of an eye.

Kakashi's hands are sealed, water and water.

Huge water waves emerge from the feet of the air, and the sharp water power is endless.

Just when Kakashi thought that he was going to attack the cockroach, he was moved, and he did not see the action of smashing the knot. A completely identical water wall would protect it. The water was soaring, and the battle of the water wall soon ended. .

This time, I did not give Kakashi a chance, did not see the action of the pickpockets, dozens of bitter and no attack on Kakashi.

Then, the fiery heat wave spit out from the mouth of the mouth, and it is the technique of Fengxianhuo!

Fengxian fire and bitter collision, the suffering surrounded by flames carries a powerful power to cover Kakashi.

At this point, Kakashi dodge is too late, because the speed of the cockroach is too fast, almost a blink of an eye, the flames of the sky are already close to the front.

All the bitter endless hits the Kakashi body, but heard a bang, Kakashi's body turned into a white smoke dissipated, obviously this is only a avatar of Kakashi.

Is it avatar?

The gaze is condensed, and the corner of his mouth is sneer. It is really the first technician. If you can't help him.

On the other side, the sneaky and Akai are evenly matched, and escaped from the sneaky slash. Akai escaped from the sneaky attack range and looked at him and said: "I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. If so, how can you taste this? kind!"

Akai's blue light flashed, Dumen opened, and a powerful power formed a chakra whirlwind to condense the whole body, and the blue Chakra was not scattered.

For a moment, Akai moved, this time his speed is several times faster than before, and the fists with empty voices are infinitely enlarged in front of the ghosts.

Hey! The sneaky scorpion was flying by the great force, flew out of the lake, knocked down the guardrail, and fell to the ground in the distance.

The sneaky scorpion did not suffer much damage. He said that the attack was completely trivial.

Jumping up, sneaking at the Akai in the lake, the eyes flashed a strong war, interesting, really interesting, and fighting with him, it is so interesting!

The ghost smashed his muscles, and his feet were vigorously smashed. The figure turned into black lightning and attacked Akai. This time, his attack was even more fierce, like a shark, and the fierce action made Akai burst into horror.

This guy! Is it really a shark transformation? There is such a strong force.

Dumen has already been opened, but the sneaky can still draw a level with himself. This kind of strength is terrible. Akai knows that he has encountered his biggest enemy in this life, his own enemy of fate.

Standing quietly on the lake, it seems that I am closing my eyes and keeping my eyes together. My heart and everything around me are in harmony. The ancient wells in my heart are not wavering, and the water under my feet is constantly moving with my heartbeat.

According to the Taoist point of view, you have reached the realm of goodness and water. In this space, everything is in his grasp. He is this water, and he is this day!

When the heart moved, the cockroach flashed away from the distance. In the next second, countless water arrows erupted from the bottom of the lake, revealing the figure of Kakashi.

Kakashi's body has been lurking in the bottom of the water, thinking that to find the weak point, it will use the vortex water blade to attack the cockroach. Who knows that the soles of the feet are like long eyes, and easily escaped the ambush that he had planned for a long time.

With a blow, Kakashi looked at him with gaze, and now he has no solution. He can't find any weaknesses.

"Kakashi, do you know? There is a difference between people..." The opposite cockroach suddenly said faintly.

difference? What do you want to say? ! Kakashi is puzzled and looks at you with doubt.

A pair of writing circles are more and more crystal-clear, looking at Kakashi, the eyes reveal an inexplicable look, "Kakashi, the gap between you and me, the gap between man and God, you know?"

In an instant, the writing circle of the cockroach changed, the original three-jaw jade disappeared, replaced by a sickle hook, and the black sickle hook is full of mystery and killing.

this is!

Without waiting for Kakashi to react, he only felt that the scene in front of him changed quickly and rapidly. The original sky and water were quickly annihilated, replaced by a foreign space full of blood.

The **** sky, the **** moon, the endless source, the breath of silence fills the space.

"Here is this?"

Kakashi stood in the water and looked at the surrounding environment. His heart suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

At this point, the body of the dragon slowly emerged from the water, appeared in front of Kakashi, under the gaze of Kakashi, step by step to Kakashi. Every step is like stepping on the heart of Kakashi, and the powerful momentum oppresses the whole body.

The water surface fluctuated constantly. A gallows appeared behind Kakashi. Kakashi felt that his body was completely uncontrolled and was nailed to the gallows the next moment.

The pain of stabbing into the body is so strong, and the pain of the spurs stimulates Kakashi's let him stun.

When I got to Kakashi, the sickle-shaped writing wheel was full of coldness, and Kakashi’s painful expression reflected in his pupil, constantly struggling and getting deeper and deeper.

"Kakashi, this is the gap between man and God. Here is my monthly reading space, no one can escape. Everything here is controlled by me, time, space, touch, smell..."

As said, a huge black blade emerged from the sly red cloud robe, and the black blade shone with death. In Kakashi's surprised eyes, he pierced his chest.

"Hey," the blood flies, the texture of the blade is so strong, the real pain constantly stimulates Kakashi's nerves, and the sweat of the big ball drops from Kakashi's forehead.

"Here, you will have to endure three days and three nights of continuous torture. Now it only takes a second, and there are 259,199 seconds. In the following time, I will continue to torture you until the time stops."

The sharp edge of the blade continues to enter, Kakashi's nerves are about to collapse, such pain, like a thousand arrows to wear the heart, is simply not affordable for ordinary people. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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