One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Festival

For a moment, in the ambiguous horizon, a black flame appeared in the air, and the black flame burned as much as the fire of the sky, and the fire was fierce!

It’s too late to dodge, and the sky shines around Sasuke. The hot flames are constantly consuming, as if to burn everything!

Knowing the abnormality of the sun, Sasuke's body is full of thunder and lightning, and the red lightning condenses into the field of lightning, which will help Sasuke to protect the burning of the sky.

The skylight collided with the thunder and lightning field, the sun really fired with the thunder, and the skylight that burned all things quickly gained the upper hand, and the lightning began to burn.

"I really don't care for the sky!" Sasuke is sinking into the water, and now the whole force is urging the body to check the carat, the lightning defense is more dazzling, and attempts to confront the sky!

Sasuke was trapped by the sky, and the scorpion and the sneaky had a breathing time. The moment was no longer hesitating, and the scorpion and the ghosts flew away from here.

"Naruto, help Sasuke!"

Since then, Naruto has escaped from the sneaky and stunned, and the two of them immediately went to Sasuke. At this time, Sasuke has been surrounded by the sky, and only a part of the thunder and lightning field has been eroded by the sky.

Sasuke’s situation was extremely dangerous. Naruto’s face was anxious, and he said, “Like the immortal, help Sasuke, and the strange flame will burn Sasuke’s body...”

He is also trying to find a way. He certainly does not want to see a powerful Konoha ninja die in front of him. It’s just that the sky is too fierce, he can burn everything, and he has no time to take it for a short time.

The situation is getting more and more critical, and Sasuke’s life is not guaranteed!

Is Sasuke really going to die here? Be sure to save him! Naruto's heart became a group, and you must not watch your friends save here!

Above the rooftop, the black fire of the sun will surround Sasuke, and the fiery tongue will devour everything.

Sasuke’s situation became more and more critical. Naruto saw Sasuke in a blazing flame, and his fear of turning his face turned into endless despair. Looking at the self, I saw that he shook his head and said that he could do nothing.

Is Sasuke dead like this? Is his strength not very strong? How can I die here!

Naruto felt that something important was going away from him, getting farther and farther.

No, Sasuke can't die like this! He began to pray for God, hoping for miracles, Sasuke, and never have anything...

Suddenly, Sasuke has a black brilliance around him, and the refining pot has noticed that the situation of Sasuke is extremely dangerous. The automatic guardian, in an instant, all the sun-fired whales swallowed and absorbed the black brilliance of Sasuke's body, exposing the body of Sasuke intact. Between the rest, all the black inflammation disappeared on the roof.

what's going on! ?

When Sasuke turned to safety, Naruto immediately went to Sasuke to see Sasuke’s situation. "Sasuke, how are you? Is it okay?"

When I heard the concerns and concerns in Naruto's tone, Sasuke gave a faint smile and said, "Nothing, black inflammation can't hurt me."

Sasuke knows that the refining pot has helped him, and he has absorbed all the power of the sun, otherwise he is not a simple thing.

Thanks to the refining pot, otherwise it is possible to die here. After Sasuke’s bursts, he was afraid that things would really go to that step. He would regret it. Now he can’t die. He hasn’t recovered Uchiha, he hasn’t killed him, and he hasn’t created a new system of tolerance.

Sakura and others are still waiting for him to go back. Now, he is qualified to die!

I also came over and confirmed with a mystery that Sasuke was really fine. This is what Sasuke said: "Sasuke, how did you get out of the black inflammation just now? In the face of such a powerful black inflammation, I have no way to solve it... ..."

Sasuke raised his head, wrote his eyes and disappeared, and looked at the self. Pretending to say: "Well, I don't know, just blink of an eye, black inflammation disappears inexplicably."

Is that right? I also looked at Sasuke with doubt.

Sasuke insisted that he did not know why, and he still argued that he could not tell others the secrets of the refining pot in his body.

The refining pot is the biggest secret of Sasuke in this life, and it is also his basis in this life. No matter who he is, Sasuke will not tell him this secret.

I haven’t delved into the truth. It’s just that the sentence is really magical.

Later, the three returned to the Huo Ying Building, and they also brought Sasuke and Naruto to report the incident to Xiao Chun and Men Yan. He heard the self-described narrative, and Xiao Chun’s face showed a dignified look.

“Is the strength of Xiao’s organization so strong?”

He also nodded slightly, and said to the two high-ranking officials of Xiaochun and Menyan: "Yes, they are all a group of s-class rebellious organizations. They are members of the scorpion and the big snake pill. However, the big snake pill does not know why. , from the Xiao organization."

Men Yan said with a deep voice: "What is the purpose of this sneaky and sly attack on the wooden leaves?"

The door inflammation is straightforward, and the core of the problem is asked.

"According to their movements and today's performance I guess it is for the tail beast..." The self has also indulged, and he is not sure about this speculation.

Tail beast!

Xiaochun and Menyan’s pupils shrink, and Xiao’s organization collects what the tail beast does? !

Seeing the shock of Xiaochun and Menyan, they also explained that "when they encounter peace and sneaky, they did say that they came for nine tails. I don’t know their purpose, but it is definitely not a good thing. ""

The atmosphere in the room was dignified. Several people were silent in the scene. No matter what it was for, collecting the tail beast. If such a thing is really successful, then the impact on the world of forbearance will be enormous, and even the whole endurance will be destroyed!

Naruto and Sasuke sat on one side, and they did not speak and remained silent. Sasuke is because he feels that there is nothing to say, and Naruto is because of the atmosphere of the presence, he has also converge a lot.

When I heard the situation of the organization, Sasuke’s heart secretly admired it. It’s really one of the three tolerances. The ability to collect information is so strong. Although there is no explanation for the situation, it’s not too far off.

Sasuke chose silence at this time. Although he knows the purpose of Xiao, he does not intend to tell anyone. After all, the butterfly effect is powerful. Once any link is changed, the whole situation will be affected.

Sasuke does not want to endure the development of the area that he can't control. At that time, his advantage as a passer-by will no longer exist. The unknown and unpredictable future is the situation that Sasuke wants to face the most.

After a moment of silence, Men Yan sighed and said: "No matter what their purpose is, we must make all kinds of plans, and we must not let the leaves be hurt again!"

The next day, the morning light was dim, and Sasuke’s three people set off on the cool morning.

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