One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Festival

I saw the miracle of Sasuke’s creation. Naruto had a strong sense of frustration. The distance between him and Sasuke was out of reach, and it seemed that he could not catch up with him for a lifetime.

Seeing the lonely flashes in Naruto's eyes, Sasuke helped the Naruto with his heart, no longer hesitated, and went forward to prepare to teach Naruto the cultivation skills of the spiral pills he realized.

In Naruto's doubtful eyes, Sasuke put his hand on Naruto's back.

"Sasuke, are you this?"

"Don't talk, relax, and feel the chakra flow..."

Sasuke will chakra condense his palms, and the blue Chakra will follow the veins of the Naruto.

Chakra circulated and took Chakra in the Naruto.

In an instant, the blue light condenses the right hand of the Naruto, and the swirling blue airflow condenses rapidly. In Naruto’s surprised eyes, a swirling blue sphere condenses.

"This is!" Naruto's eyes widened and he looked at the blue sphere in his hand, and he succeeded! ; spiral pill!

Sasuke took back the palms attached to the back of Naruto. The blue spiral pill lost the control of Chakra and immediately disappeared into a spot of light disappearing into the air.

"How? Naruto, did you feel the feeling just now?" Sasuke said faintly.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with gratitude. He knew that Sasuke was teaching him how to control the spiral pill. He just remembered the Sakra running route controlled by Sasuke. Thanks in my heart, said to Sasuke: "Thank you, Sasuke, I have already understood."

Sasuke nodded and no longer spoken. He could only help with this step. If Naruto still can't learn, then he can only say that he really has no ninjutsu.

According to the running route recorded in the heart, Naruto controls the wind property Chakra in the body. In a moment, a blue vortex airflow condenses the right hand. With the output of Chakra, the blue vortex is solid and full. To a certain extent, Naruto ended the Chakra supply of the blue vortex, carefully maintaining the balance of the vortex.

Finally, a blue-violet spiral pill was formed, and the whirlwind inside turned into a small storm.

"I succeeded! Spiral pill!" Naruto looked at the spiral pill in his hand and danced. This time, he really is a spiral pill that is condensed by his own strength.

It was so simple to succeed! I was shocked and looked at everything that happened in front of me.

Just now, he has been watching the actions of Sasuke. When Sasuke’s hands were attached to Naruto’s back, the self was also very confused. He did not understand Sasuke’s intentions. This will help Naruto practice the spiral pill?

However, when I saw the spiral pill that was condensed in the hands of Naruto, how could it be caused by the waves in my heart? !

So easily condensed into a spiral pill! This efficiency is too high!

It’s the first time I’ve seen such a wonderful way of practicing, just sticking my hand on the back of the other person and learning the ninjutsu? This is too frivolous!

I was puzzled by myself and asked Sasuke: "How can you let Naruto master the control method of spiral pills? I have never seen your skills."

Of course, you have never seen it. This is the same method of comprehension. It is really strange that you can learn from the past.

Sasuke explained to the self: "It is to let Naruto feel the flow path and control feeling of Chakra, and it is much simpler to let Naruto practice according to this feeling."

Is that just the case?

I still can't understand it. If it's as simple as Sasuke said, there aren't many seas in the world.

It’s true that you think it’s right in your heart. It’s necessary to use your own Chakra to control the chakra flow of the other party. It is necessary to know the chakra flow in the meridians. Moreover, it is necessary to spend a lot of money to maintain the balance of Chakra's flow. This cannot be done by many people.

This is also thanks to the experience of Sasuke in the past. In the process of pre-cultivation, he has already understood the various ways of energy flow in the meridians. Therefore, the skill of controlling Chakra in this life will be so mature.

I also know that this is the exclusive method of Sasuke. He wants to learn and can't learn, so he didn't continue to ask.

Naruto finally learned the spiral pill and tried to release it a few times and it was all successful. The heart is not self-satisfied, although it was learned with the help of Sasuke, but the excitement of greatly improving the strength is still uncontrollable.

Although a bit clumsy, Naruto believes that as long as he keeps working hard, sooner or later he will be able to catch up with Sasuke's pace, no longer just behind Sasuke, watching his back for a lifetime.

After a day's journey, the three have completely left the sphere of influence of the country of fire. After exploring, I also know where the hands are now in seclusion.

A few years ago, he had repeatedly sought out the outline, but the master seemed to be deliberately hiding from him, and he could find the master every time he was almost.

After all, it’s a good friend of my youth. I haven’t seen it for many years. I’ve really missed my hand at It’s already night, and they’ve come to a small town, it’s dark, and it’s not going on. Convenience.

The three decided to take a break here tonight, and then look for the outline hand tomorrow, not far from the destination.

Say goodbye to each other, Sasuke three returned to their room, ready to rest.

In the evening of September, the autumn wind blows away the smog of the sky, the stars are a little bit, the silvery moonlight falls on the ground, and the silver swarf on the ground is like a dream.

Sasuke sat on the bed with his knees and a little black light came from his chest.

Guanghua circulates, a black pot-like phantom appears behind Sasuke, and the dark energy stream surrounds Sasuke's body, which creates a dark airflow.

The airflow circling, constantly solidifying, like a nebula, hovering three inches above Sasuke's head.

Sasuke’s heart is not in the middle of the well, and this airflow is constantly being manipulated to make it grow. Immediately, the dark air flow became deeper, and the dark cyclone swirled and turned, and finally turned into the shape of a monster.

It is the crane!

This black energy is the stagnation of the crane's yin property. The refining pot absorbs the grievances of the crane and a part of Chakra. Now it refines all the external energy and forms a rich energy that can be used by Sasuke.

At this point, the refining pot suddenly flew out from the chest of Sasuke, dripping in the air.

In an instant, the black light of the refining pot is flourishing. The power of black is spewing out from the mouth of the pot. The force of black is in contact with the energy of the crane at the top of Sasuke. At the moment of contact, the force of the crane is like a snow and ice. The power of black engulfs assimilation.


The force of black made a tremor of tremors. For a moment, the room seemed to be shaking, like a boiling water, and all the cranes were swallowed up in an instant.

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