One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Festival

I don't know when, the master's hand was awakened by the sudden nightmare, and the spirit was paralyzed. The scene that appeared in the dream was as real as it was.

"Rose tree..."

The eye of the hand unconsciously slipped the teardrops, the crystal tears slipped over the cheeks, and fell on the pillows. In the dark cabin, the hands clasped the body, and she suddenly felt very cold.

Really, over the years, the hands of the hands often shed tears in their dreams, the demise of thousands of families, the death of their loved ones, the disappointment of life, and everything that surrounds them is like a huge shackle, heavy and unbearable.

The master feels that he has to be overwhelmed by the pressure. Really sincere, now the master feels very tired, and for many years, it has been persistent.

However, once the dreams and hopes are no longer there, there is only one piece of paleness in life, drinking alcohol, gambling, jealousy, anaesthesia, body and mind, forgetting all the troubles, intoxicating and constructing the illusory world.

There, there is all the happiness in her heart, like the Garden of Eden, which is the last harbor in the heart of the hand.

Finally no longer hurt, the hands got out of bed, opened the bed table lamp, to the dressing table, there was a red-eyed blonde in the mirror, the messy hair flicked at random, the face was pale, showing a bit of withered.

Opened a ale, the painful alcohol swept across the throat, and the anesthesia on the body made the gang suddenly forget the sadness in the heart.

Over the years, the master has become accustomed to it. Whenever he is in a bad mood, he always drinks alcohol and relieves himself, and he is paralyzed by the power of alcohol.

Finally, the ale is finished, hehe! The bottle fell to the table. Looking at the decadent self in the mirror, the outline hand smiled, so she still has the name of Shang San Ren?

Ninja? What is a ninja?

The master does not understand, for many years, she has been looking for the answer to this question, to protect the people she loves? It is a pity that the people she loves are dead and talk about protection.

For the wood leaf village? In order to endure peace? Oh, shit! Since the day I left the wood leaves, the master has understood the hypocrisy of all this, just a bunch of fools are daydreaming, bragging about it.

Even your loved ones can't protect, and talk about protecting others!

After all, I can't understand it.

The night was darker, and the cold autumn wind blew from the window. The hands got up, opened the glass window, looked at the deep night sky, and the thoughts drifted away, and the eyes gradually disappeared...

As soon as a yang rises, Naruto finally wakes up from his sleep and stuns his dizzy head. Everything in front of him is clear, but it is completely strange.

"here is……"

Subconsciously got up and got out of bed, but found that his clothes did not know when it faded, and the chest was filled with lipstick marks. What is the situation? !

Naruto panicked and immediately got out of bed and picked up the clothes scattered on the ground, putting on his hands and feet.

The voice of the key turned from the entrance, and the next moment, a female voice came from a bit of a coquettish voice.

"Hey, kid, you woke up."

Naruto turned and looked, but found the woman who was hit by his chest yesterday.

"What happened? Sister, how am I here?"

Naruto faintly guessed what happened last night, but still asked in a hurry.

"What do you say?" The woman came over and pinched the face of Naruto and said, "The little devil, can't see you are quite powerful."

After that, he giggled and his eyes contained inexplicable meaning.


When I heard the woman’s answer, Naruto’s face immediately collapsed. It’s no wonder that I felt wrong when I slept last night. It turned out...

My virgin body!

Naruto did not dare to think about it, and quickly took the road and passed by the plague, and rushed out of the house.


Seeing that Naruto is panicking, the woman wants to talk and stop, and her face is stunned. Is it so terrible?

Naruto ran wildly, and his heart was very upset. He was lost in ignorance, and the sudden change made Naruto unable to adapt.

For the first time, it is always precious. No matter men or women, losing the first time will always be awkward. I feel that something important has gone away from me. The inexplicable loss is always unstoppable.

For the first time I haven't experienced the good Minato, this feeling is even stronger. He always feels that he has done something wrong. He doesn't know where it is wrong.

Rushing to the river, Naruto looked pale and sly, looking at his reflection in the water, nervous, lonely, and there were some lipsticks on his face.

Naruto hurriedly leaned down and washed the traces on his face. The drops of water fell from his cheeks, breaking the reflection in the water. The mottled pieces were like his mood.

"Damn, how can things become like this!"

Naruto's hands are slamming, really unwilling, and a confused woman has a good relationship with a dusty woman, inexplicably missed his first time!

The head slammed into the cold water, the huge water drenched the Naruto's collar, the flowing lake water came from the face, the chill was pouring into the pores, and the fearful heart finally had a calmness~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ Under water, Naruto eyes wide open, and small bubbles appear in the mouth and nose. The water quality is not very good. Some hair bun, under the stimulation of water pressure, only feels pain in his eyes.


Naruto came out of the water, and the mood was better after all, not as uneasy as I was.

Sitting next to the river, Naruto lay on the grass, and there was a scent of grass in his nose. Looking at the thin clouds in the sky, his mood fluttered with the clouds, his mind was hollow, and he did not think about anything.

"Maybe, this is the fate arrangement."

Naruto muttered to himself, gradually acknowledging the fact that things have already happened, and then regretted no troubles. The only thing that can be done is to adjust the mood and face the next thing.

Finally, Naruto thoroughly adjusted, and his heart was calm, no longer have any concerns. As old as the old, it is completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

Under the mood transition, at this moment, Naruto has entered the state of "enlightenment"!

In the heart of the ancient wells, Chakra in the body circulates, extracting the most pure Chakra, and gathering the power in his hands.

A little bit of blue light rubs the palm of your hand, and the small airflow rotates, and a bright blue spiral pill instantly condenses.

At this moment, Naruto did not stop, recalling the changes that Sasuke taught him, and his heart turned freely. The original spherical pellets gradually changed.

Under the continuous Chakra output, the sharp airflow converges on the surface of the spiral pill, and the airflow is continuously solidified, which turns into a sharp-edged aperture.

The sharp edge of the blade melts slowly into the blue spiral pill. Immediately, a powerful spiral of gas bursts out, and the surrounding air is also affected. The wind flows rapidly and the strong air convection covers the world.

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