One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Festival

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Perhaps it is because of the hundreds of years of the thousand-handed and Uchi wavelengths, and the hand has a hint of curiosity about Sasuke. Going over, I looked at Sasuke in front of me. "Well, it’s really Uchiha. It’s still a dog-like model, just don’t know how strong you are.”

Sasuke stepped back, and Gong Sheng said to the master: "The master, the first time, please take care."

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, the novice nodded with satisfaction, the little guy knows the number of gifts.

However, the performance of Naruto on the side can be another situation. The mouth is not disguised, and he said with a big sigh: "Hey, you are the master, finally find you, now come back to Muye Village with us."

Naruto's impoliteness makes the master's hand very light, how to say it is also an elder, so I don't know how many rituals, really not educated! With a cold cry, I turned to look at Naruto and said, "Little devil, please call me an adult, have you never taught you?!"

"I don't usually call the celestial celestial person, oh, since you and the celestial celestial being are a generation, and you must be very old, then I will call you the mother-in-law!"


The head of the forehead bursts into the blue veins. She is most reluctant to hear someone say that she is old. Now, Naruto has completely violated the taboos of the master. As the saying goes, age is the biggest secret of women. Tianmei’s most taboo is mentioned by people, which confirms the sentence. Don’t guess the age of girls.

Seeing that the outline hand is about to erupt, the self-sentence also immediately said in the round field: "The hand is just a child, the child is unscrupulous, haha, childishness..."

Naruto still wants to talk again, but he is also stunned by his own mouth. He can only make a squeaky voice. It’s a fool, why not worry about it. I also transferred the topic and said: "Ha ha, the master, I haven't seen it for so many years, don't you invite old friends to have a drink?"

"If you want to drink, you can ask me, I don't have any spare money." The master made an iron **** look.

Hearing the answer of the master, he suddenly stunned his face. Last night, he spent his money on the "Heaven and Earth", and he was completely poor.

"What? Don't you?"

The master picked an eyebrow and was very dissatisfied with the performance of the self. She also said that she is also a woman. It is also a normal thing to ask her.

At this time, Sasuke came out to solve the problem and said: "If you don't give up, I will ask for this drink. I can be invited to such a beautiful woman to eat, I am very honored."

After that, Sasuke made a standard aristocratic etiquette and issued an invitation to the master.

I’m also grateful to see Sasuke, and this little devil is going to come.

Sasuke praised, the outline of the hand reveals a sense of satisfaction, but the face is still a faint look, said: "Well, since you insist on this, then I am disrespectful, but the wine should please the best Oh."

"That is of course." Sasuke smiled slightly, and there was no passing count between the movements.

I remembered the good wine to drink next, and there was a hint of light in the eyes of the hand, and finally I could drink the legendary one!

Excited in my heart, I immediately took Sasuke to the best pub in the town. Being caught by the hand, Sasuke’s heart glimpsed, and did not leave, so she went with her.

I also know that Sasuke is very rich. He insisted on treating the guests. He did not say anything. He took Naruto and followed the two men and rushed to the best pub in the town.

In the tavern, the enthusiasm of the enthusiasm sat down with Sasuke, so that he was sitting opposite the Naruto, and it was a mistress.

The decoration in the pub is quite good. The environment is very elegant, the calligraphy and paintings are decorated with plants and flowers, which makes people feel refreshed and happy. It is obviously a place of high grade.

The master called the bartender, sweared at him, and the bartender went out. In a short while, the waiter brought in a few bottles of beautifully packaged sake.

Open the jade cover, a burst of clear wine filled the room, like the forest clear stream, bleak and pure.

The outline of the hand reveals the intoxicating look, it is to enjoy this intoxicating wine.

"This wine?"

It is also apparently attracted to this wine, and he is the first to see such a clear and fragrant sake.

"This wine is the wine of the legendary immortal, I have long wanted to taste it, but the price is too expensive, there has been no chance." The sigh of the hand, immediately pour the wine into his cup, sip a bite I can't help but seduce me.

Seeing the performance of the master, everyone is very surprised, is there such a good drink?

I also took a cup of myself and went down. I was surprised by the light in my eyes. Although he was not good at wine, he even dumped it for this wine. He once again gave himself a cup and experienced a rare enjoyment.

Because it is a child, the law stipulates that drinking alcohol is not right. Sasuke and Naruto can only watch the hands and the self-satisfaction.

The scent of the clear wine is very attractive. Sasuke can't help but also pour a cup of wine. The mellow wine is swept from the throat, sweet and elegant, and a few people want to make a soul out.

Suddenly, a familiar atmosphere filled the heart of Sasuke, and the wine in the throat of the throat quickly turned into a warm stream to moisten the body, as if it was soaked in the hot spring, it was very comfortable.

how come? Sasuke looked at the scent of the wine with a burst of fragrance. This feeling has been experienced in his previous life. It is no wonder that he is very familiar. This is obviously the spirit of his past life.

Spirit wine, as the name suggests, contains a spirit of alcohol. When he was practicing in the past, he once brewed himself. When he was free, he drank a little relieved and relieved his mood.

Unexpectedly, I now encountered this spirit in the world of Naruto.

Sasuke’s heart is in vain, how can there be such a thing in the world of Naruto? Can you say that someone is practicing immortality?

Thoughts ~ ~ For a time, Sasuke actually stayed there.

"Hey, little devil, what are you thinking about?" Gang hand crashed into Sasuke, and then said: "Little devil, thank you for asking me to drink, or else, this life can not drink such a good wine."

After being attacked by the master, Sasuke woke up from his thoughts and said with a smile: "The master is polite, I said, it is my pleasure to drink."

"Giggle, little devil, I am very optimistic about you." The outline of the hand is like a jade, the corner of the mouth is a little curved, and the shoulder of Sasuke is photographed.

A scent of alcohol rushed to the surface, bringing a burst of fragrance, not just the fragrance of the wine or the fragrance of the hands.

As the hand is close, Sasuke has a hint of embarrassment. He clearly feels the stalwart of the chest of the hand, soft and flexible, and the sudden approach makes Sasuke feel at a loss. At this moment, his face is a little rosy, like a shy The little is too.

Sasuke’s performance was not thoroughly studied, but it was the normal reaction he had just finished drinking. However, seeing the performance of Sasuke, I have somehow laughed at the heart of the hand.

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