One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Festival

"It's really hard enough, so how about this?!"

In an instant, a chakra vortex full of fire attributes condenses in the assistant, and the strong fire attribute gives off a hot fire.

"Spiral pill!"

For the first time, Sasuke used the quirky move of the fire-spinning spiral pill. With the unique bursting characteristics of the spiral and the flame, the white bone was immediately burned in the instant of contact between the spiral pill and the white bone, and the molecular structure suddenly changed at high temperatures. It becomes a black substance in the form of carbon.

Originally hard as a diamond, the white bone guardian moment became a bean curd residue. It is very easy. The spiral pill is in the middle of the chest, and the strong spiral force turns into a fire-rated Chakra airflow into the body of Jun Ma Lu.


Jun Ma Lu made a muffled sound, and then, he flew out, and the big blood in his mouth squirted blood, and a large hole was blown up in the chest, and the internal organs and the like were faintly visible!

has it ended? Sasuke took back the spiral and looked at Jun Ma Lu, who had fallen over there.

"has it ended?"

Sasuke took back the red spiral pill that was once again condensed, and looked at the situation of Jun Ma Lu in the past.

Jun Ma Lu Wei is on the ground, his body is constantly shaking, the dark energy covers the whole body, and the white bones are constantly rolling out from the body, forming a huge bone white beard to surround his body.

"What is going on?" Seeing the change of Jun Ma Lu, Sasuke was slightly surprised.

The bone white sputum constantly emits dark energy fluctuations. After the three interest, the white pheasant gradually cracks, exposing the body shape of Jun Ma Lu. At this point, the big hole in his chest has been filled with white matter similar to the glue, as it is a huge patch, it is very weird.

The white cockroaches finally broke, and Jun Ma opened his eyes as if nothing was wrong. It seems that he was not injured.

"Are you Uchiha Sasuke? It is really powerful, and it forced me to use the talent of the Hui night family. If there is no such thing, I really may die." Jun Ma Lu no expression, like a dead man No fluctuations.

"Gift ability?" Sasuke doubts, he has not heard of this thing, in the original, did not see anyone mentioned.

It seems that there is an intention to explain to Sasuke. Jun Ma Lu said faintly: "The so-called talent ability is a special skill that the body automatically generates in order to adapt to the blood changes after the awakening of the limit. My talent ability is regeneration. With this No matter how many injuries, you can save your life in a short time."

"This way? It's really a terrible ability." Sasuke understands the so-called blood-given talent, and there is a hint of curiosity in his heart. I don't know what my talent is.

However, the ability of talented blood to continue is the existence of a bad street? The Hui night family, who has a relationship with the big tube wood night, has such a ability. Although it also has the blood of the immortal, it is really necessary to look at the fate if it can awaken the talent.

"Sasuke, although you are very strong, but you are absolutely not killing me, even if I am alive in the face of the wind, this is my talent!"

Jun Ma Lu is very proud of his blood talent. In the Hui night family, few people can awaken his ability, but all the Hui night people who have such ability are standing at the peak of the world of tolerance.

"I don't die, oh, then I will kill you!" The assistant's thunder light illuminates, and the violent thunder attribute Chakra condenses into a sharp thunderbolt.

Jun Ma Lu sneer

--0---0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Please be reminded: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading of the novel:

-0--0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

, then come on! Now I have to rush to Sasuke.

At this time, there was a scream of the big snake pill suddenly there, but it was that the big snake pill was burnt in the fire of the self, and it was constantly struggling in the tumbling flame.

"The big snake pill adult!" Seeing the critical situation of the big snake pill, Jun Ma Lu was anxious, and immediately changed direction, and swept away toward the big snake pill.

Seeing the painful appearance of the big snake pill, there is no mercy in the self, and a more pure Chakra is extracted from the body. In an instant, the fire is soaring and the air bursts sharply.

"Sharp of the sharp bone!"

Along with the abrupt voice, a long white cartilage whip passed through the flame, wrapped in the body of a big snake pill like a vine. Under the strength of one end of the bone whip, the big snake pill was dragged out and escaped successfully from the flame. .

Seeing that the big snake pill was rescued by Jun Ma Lu, and the eyes were also slightly condensed, and Shen Shen said: "Is the night of the family?"

At this time, Sasuke and Tsuna have also arrived at the same place, facing Jun Ma Lu and Da Snao.

Seeing the three people who surrounded themselves, the big snake pill flashed a stern look, and he decided to break the boat.

Seeing the determination of the big snake pill, Jun Ma Lu Xin led the gods, lightly trace the blood on the body of the big snake pill, the seal in the hand, the technique of psychic!

Space fluctuations are constantly coming. With the roaring white smoke, a huge purple body appears on the field. The body is like a mountain. The purple scales are row upon row, the first two corners, the snakes are swallowing, and it is a million snakes!

"It turned out to be a million snakes!" I also know that the big snake pill is really moving, so I no longer hesitate, and the hands are printed! With a bang, summoned the big cockroach of Miaomu Mountain, and smashed it.

The hand follows, and the spirits out of the wet bones.

"The hand, the self is also. For so many years, finally handed over again, this time, I will definitely not be merciful!" The big snake pill licked his tongue and saw the fierce light.

At the moment, the figure jumped and jumped to the top of the 10,000 snakes. Together with Jun Ma Lu, they stood together in the head of the Wan Snake.

Being surrounded by human beings, the heart of the snake is unhappy, and now it is going to be angry. However, when he saw 蛞蝓 and 蛤蟆, it took back the anger, and the anger between the cockroach and the snake still prevailed.

Knowing the hardships of this battle, Wansong will knock on the big snakes.

"Ang! Big Snake Pill, it is you If you summon me, the tribute is indispensable!" Wan snake screamed and yelled at the big snake.

"Of course, I will give you the tribute, but I still have to solve them now!"

For the order of the big snake pill, the 10,000 snake did not catch a cold, but for the tribute, it still obeyed the meaning of the big snake pill, the body shape was a roll, and the snake tail attacked the cockroach and the cockroach.

At this time, the master stood with the help of Sasuke and stood on the top of the head.

The tail of the snake is swaying, tearing the air, and the huge force is all on the body, bang! With a violent muffled sound, Yan Guang was pulled off the ground, hehe! Falling on the ground gave a huge movement.

A hit in the middle of the squad, the 10,000 snakes are not forgiving, and immediately attacked the cockroach, the huge body is swift and swift, and it is necessary to rush to the shackles.

The outline of the hand is slightly condensed, and the control is smashed. In an instant, a large amount of corrosive liquid is ejected, and it will fall on the Wan snake.

Knowing that the corrosive liquid is so powerful, Wan Hu is not entangled, and then the body is drilled into the soil and disappears on the ground.

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