One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Festival

Really, there is also a feeling in the heart of the hand. This kind of feeling was born when he was young. Later, although it was faded because the hand was separated from the leaves, this feeling really existed. Let him forget that it is absolutely impossible.

Seeing that Sasuke finally let go of the outline, he also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the back of the two, and his complex look.

In the atmosphere of the road, time passes.

Different from the time of arrival, the pedestrian’s footsteps were very fast. When the night fell, they rushed to the periphery of Muye Village.

The sky is dark, but the patrol troops outside the village of Muye are not afraid to be sloppy. They are strictly guarded around the village of Muye. Since the attack by the big snake, the guards of the wood leaves have strengthened a lot. It seems that there is a little cup of snake shadow. taste.

The patrolling ninja stood on the high wall and monitored everything on the periphery. Suddenly, several black figures appeared at the door of the wooden leaf.

"Stand up!" The Wood Leaf Patrol stood on a high wall, guarding a few people who suddenly appeared.

The searchlights were shot down, the dazzling brilliance drove the darkness, and the appearance of several people was exposed to the sight of the people. The three men and two women were also a group of people.

I was so stunned by the strong lights that I covered my eyes and said: "I am coming, please open the door!"

Is it also? !

The patrol squad saw the way it was, and immediately shouted to the guards in the city: "It’s really an adult, he is back! Open the door!"

After a while, the sound of the rotation of the machine, the door of Muye Village opened, the patrol squad will come in and several people will enter.

The captain stood respectfully in front of the self, and bowed his head and said: "They are also adults, and the spring adults let me wait for you for a long time."

I also nodded and asked: "Is there any recent change in Konoha?"

"Back to the adults, everything is normal these days." The captain answered with respect and respect, and then looked at a few people behind him. Sasuke and Naruto knew him. However, he and the mute had never seen it. Although I know that I will not bring people who are not in the woods to the village, but now I am in a sensitive period, I still have to ask, "I am also an adult, I don’t know which two are?"

Now, it is not convenient to say that the master is the fifth generation of Huo Ying, and he will perfuse him freely: "Oh, they are the guests of Konoha, don't ask so much."

The captain was also interested in knowing that this was something he shouldn’t have asked, and he pretended to be dumb, and immediately entered the wood with a group of people.

As night fell, the lights of Muye Village lit up the darkness of the night.

After the hand was followed by a few people, all the way to look at the night scene of Muye Village, the sudden emergence of things in the heart is a sense of human beings, when it is really like a rotten Ko. The current wood leaves are very different from the ones in memory. Although there are still outlines, the strong strangeness rises from the bottom of my heart.

Is this the village of Muye? Where do I want to protect in the future?

The night of Muye is very noisy, the commercial street is full of people, and several people are slowly advancing along the flow of people.

The huge volcanic rock appeared in front of the hand, and the lights of the night scene reflected it, which was extraordinarily mysterious under the dark night sky.

Looking at the first generation of rock carvings on the rock of Yingying, the memories of the past are like springs. Just like yesterday, she took the hands of the first generation, walked on the street of Muye, and snuggled in the arms of the first generation, feeling the love of her grandfather. When, I am really carefree.

Just, it’s already a thing...

There was a touch of loss in the eyes, and the hand followed the crowd silently.

When they arrived at the Huo Ying Building, several people walked straight into the building and informed the relevant personnel that a waiter took them to an office.

Slightly slamming the door, a somewhat old female voice came, "Come in..."

The voice is a bit tired and seems to have been waiting here for a long time.

A few people slowly entered the house, the light fluorescent lamp to drive away the darkness inside the house, a spirited 70-year-old woman appeared in front of a few people, it is Xiaochun.

I nodded to the first come in, and saw the outline hand coming in. Xiaochun immediately got up and went to her and said: "I have finally returned, and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The outline of the hand is a bit stunned. She used to be cared for by Xiaochun. She has not seen it for many years, and Xiaochun has become more old.

"Spring Master, I haven’t seen you for a long time, how have you been in these years?"

Listening to the familiar voice, Xiaochun excitedly grabbed the hand of the hand and said: "It’s good to come back. I have had a good old bone. How many years have passed, I am looking forward to your return to the wood. Ye, now, finally came back, good, good, good, cough..."

Speaking a little quickly, I finally couldn't help but cough.

The hands immediately patted Xiaochun’s back to relieve her breathing, and said with concern: “Spring, what’s wrong? Is it uncomfortable?”

"It's okay, it's like getting old, these two days may be overworked, and I feel so cold."

After a cold greeting, Xiaochun greeted several people and sat down and asked what happened on the road.

Hearing the big snake pill's key hand for him to treat the injured, Xiaochun said with some indignation: "Wuye really raised a wolf, regardless of Muye's kindness, killed his own teacher, so wolf ambition, everyone can Oh!"

The voice was a bit low. "There is a chance to kill him, but unfortunately he finally escaped."

"Escaped? What happened?" Xiaochun could not help but ask.

"I told him to let him go. If Chun Daren wants to punish even on my head."

The hand voice is faint, and there is no regret for what you have done.

Seeing the performance of the outline hand, Xiaochun sighed and sighed a little, knowing that there was another hidden feeling. She didn’t ask any more. Some things, let’s close one eye and let it pass, just say it. Increase entanglements.

Xiaochun then said: "The hand, this time to find you back, is for the sake of the Five Dynasties, I wonder if you think about it?"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Xu Gang said slowly: "I am willing to be a five generations of Huo Ying, contributing my strength to Muye."

Hearing the outline of the hand, Xiao Chun breathed a sigh of relief. What she was most worried about was that because of the previous things, the master was probably not going to be the fifth generation. The so decisive answer of the hand gave her a very peace of mind. As a result, Muye Village had no worries.

In fact, during the period of looking for the master hand, the group has been secretly working on the wood leaves in an attempt to plunder the power of the shadow. However, under the joint opposition of Xiaochun and Menyan, the group still gave up this kind of thinking, and he also knew himself. Without the people's mind, it is impossible to control the leaves in the short-term. In contrast, it is better to wait and see what is happening, waiting for the opportunity to seize the position of Huo Ying.

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