One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Festival

After all, it is October, and the sunset is two hours ahead of summer. The north wind is not very strong, but it is a bit similar to the spring breeze, soft, blowing the tassel under the eaves, the wind chimes make a crisp clink. In the setting sun, couples cuddled each other, the body was dyed red, and the long shadow dragged into a shadow. Occasionally, I took a few wild cats from the room, the spots were black and yellow, chasing each other, and the screams of a few rushes were a bit harsh.

After the battle moves, the sun finally falls completely. A little starlight is accompanied by the clear glow of the silver moon. The night is cold and the temperature is gradually decreasing. At this time, only a hint of autumn is revealed. The north wind is cool, and the skin has some goose bumps, a bit like It is soaked in cold water, the pores are closed, and the sneeze is unconsciously sneezing. All this is a sign that people are coming in winter...

Uchiha House is located in the woody leaves, the popularity is not too strong, a large space, only a little bright light.

Inside the restaurant, the shadows of the people, Sasuke help the white, the usual ingredients changed into refined dishes. With the end of the dish, the three women and a man began to sit down.

As the young master of the Uchiha family and the head of the family of this small family, after all, it is a nobleman, and some etiquette still has to be followed. After Sasuke started, Sakura began to begin to speak. "I started." Then, the atmosphere began to be lively.

Laughing whispers, the lightly swaying cups and crosses, sounding in the silver-light dining room, the warm family dinner, diluting the depth and coldness of the night.

At the end of the dinner, Sakura, they cleaned up the mess, Sasuke was free to take it easy, watching their busy figure, the heart of a faint satisfaction.

The so-called family is such a thing, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how many mouths the family has, the most important thing is a harmony, harmony, harmony, occasional little friction, not arguing for some trivial matters, between family Keep a little slack, not too sticky or too dry, it is best to get along and get along. When I was young, my career was successful, my wife and children were full, when I was old, my children were filial, and I was in the same family. This is the most beautiful pursuit in my life.

In the home theater, Sasuke accompanied Sakura and they watched the soap theater. Time passed, and it was more than nine o'clock.

Soap operas, no matter which time and space are women's favorite, tangled and sad romantic bubble love story, thinking in the heart, must understand once the kind of unforgettable love.

Life and death? Sad love? The male and female protagonists can't live together for a lifetime because of cancer, or the male and female owners have lost their memories in a car accident, but they don't know each other, or accidentally, the male owner falls off the cliff to save the woman.

Qiong Yao is worth mentioning, dog blood is good, but what about these? These are all girls like, emotional they seek psychological stimulation, always looking forward to a Prince Charming to come and meet them.

Fortunately, Sakura is not too poisonous, but after feeling the tragic experience of the man and the woman, they have passed, and there is no exaggerated situation like moving and crying.

The night is getting deeper and the village is gradually getting into the darkness. It is time to sleep.

Uchiha House, several people said good night, each returned to the house, Sakura was with Sasuke to a room, after all, the two have already had a relationship, living together is also a normal thing.

Sasuke did not find out that Iwai had a look of anticipation in his eyes when he and Sakura said goodbye. She also hoped to go to that step with Sasuke and understand the feeling of helping her. After all, physical contact is the most convenient way to reach the heart. For any woman, being able to spend Wushan with a loved one is the most crucial thing to feel his love for himself.

In the house, Sakura is a bit shy, obviously many times, but she still has the first feeling, the kind of shyness and jealousy can not be swayed.

Slightly resisting the action of Sasuke, the complexion is more rosy, the eyes are blurred, and Sasuke feels caressing, kissing, licking, licking, and the heart becomes more and more shy, the tingling tingling spreads in the body, a kind of satisfaction, one Enrichment, flying higher and higher in the impact, the rhythm of the people, the sound of breathing, the slippery sound of the cockroach, the collision of the intertwined skin, the night, the pink, the blur, the entanglement...

The night is horrible, and at midnight, the whole world has fallen into a quiet.

The moonlight glides through the window, like water, like oil, and the cool silver glow climbs over the tatami, and finally falls on the big bed.

The human body is entangled, and the white skin is exposed to the outside, but it is Sasuke and Sakura.

Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes opened, carefully detached from the sakura-like octopus limbs, covered the quilt for Sakura, simply put on the pajamas, and left the bedroom lightly.

In the practice room, Sasuke wearing a light color pajamas sits cross-legged, Lieutenant, transferred to Chakra, resonating the demon pot, Yingying black brilliance shrouded the body.

Be careful to exercise your mental strength and use your exploration secrets to check your condition.

Through internal vision, Sasuke clearly saw every tissue structure inside his body, and even the cell gap was clear.

The deep blue Chakra is constantly pouring out from the gas sea, turning into a rushing flow in each meridian, the flow mode follows the natural and natural way, the mysterious method is difficult to understand, and it is the trajectory of the vitality of the past life.

At the heart of the black refining pot slowly rotates, like a guardian, will protect the **** heart organs, with the rotation, the dark energy continues to emerge, most of which is absorbed by the heart, a small part flows to the body and other Organ, Sasuke knows that this is the refining pot that keeps warming the organs.

Black light surging, between the **** heart beats, the faint black streamer does not scatter, it is the same frequency fluctuations as the heart beats, after all the six or six, all dark streams flow into every cell of the heart. The soft energy expands the cells, and the protein particles and peptides increase in a large amount. Under the biochemical reaction, the cells become younger, and a lot of life force is constantly flowing out. The heart is sprayed thinly, forming a black mist, all dirty. The device became awkward in the dark fog.

Silently obeying the words, keep a glimpse of the spirit, the mind of the Dan Yuan word guards the spirit, the lungs and gods are vain. The liver and the dragon's cigarettes contain the words, and the stagnation of the smoke is the main turbidity. The kidney **** Xuan Ming word baby, the spleen is often stopped in the word soul. The daring dragon is the word Wei Ming. The six quintessence of the five Tibetan gods are all in the heart. Staying up late and living forever...

The black mist was quickly absorbed by the organs, the streamer flashed, and the enormous force of life cycled, turned into a Tai Chi-like pattern. () "One Piece's Bounty System" only represents the author's views of the three countries Han Shao, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete the treatment, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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