One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Festival

However, there is no way for the actor to shed tears. It is normal to rely on eye drops to shed tears.

Finally, after the scene was finished, the wind and flowers greeted everyone and the cabin was closed. After all, it was at sea. She wanted to escape and could not escape. It was better to sleep than to be bored.

Seeing the wind and flowers leaving, Naruto’s eyes flashed a trace of loss. After all, it was his idol, and he could see the wind. Naruto only felt that his world seemed to be brighter, which he never felt.

When I was young, Naruto liked Sakura, but it was just that I didn’t understand things when I was young. With Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto recognized the reality. The understanding of love was a bit deeper and I knew what he needed. What is needed is a half that can really give him encouragement, constantly inspiring him to make him go further and further on the road of ninja.

Seeing the movie starring in the snow, Naruto was deeply attracted to her. Although it was just a performance, the cool and graceful heroic posture of the wind and the snow in the Naruto’s mind seemed to be forever. Her firmness, her never give up, deeply shocked Naruto.

Naruto feels that in some respects, he and Feng Xue Xiao Xue are really suitable. Under the admiration of the heart of the idol, Naruto sprouted the love of men and women, he really hopes to have an intersection.

Although Fenghua Xiaoxue is not cold on Naruto now, Naruto believes that as long as he works hard, he will definitely let the wind change his opinion on him. After all, he likes him.

I have seen the scene of making a movie. I have a longing look. I look at the busy crew and have some envy. "Sasuke, I don't know if I can be like a Fenghua sister."

"Well? Do you want to make a movie too?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"Well, of course, I always feel that the life of making a movie is very exciting." White will honestly say what he wants.

Sakura also came to join in the fun and said: "I think too."

Sasuke is somewhat hurtful. To be honest, he does not want Sakura and White to go to the movies. On the screen, according to the direction of others, they will present their faces to the public. This situation is not what Sasuke wants to see.

Perhaps influenced by past lives, Sasuke is not waiting for the entertainment industry. In the entertainment circle, various hidden rules and various chaos are like a big dyeing tank. . If it is not a family life, the power is extraordinary, who can block the unspoken rules like a flood of beasts?

Perhaps, in the world of Naruto, the entertainment circle here is not as annoying as the past life, but it is always the entertainment circle, and some things can't be stopped. What does the director want you to do? This is the actor. Under the scripts arranged by others, I lived an actor who was hypocritical and had no free life.

Finally, Sasuke said, "Well, wait until there is a chance to say it later. Now we still have to carry out the task."

After all, both of them know Sasuke, and they saw the reluctance of Sasuke's heart. They didn't have any entanglement in their hearts. They pressed the actor's dream down. Although the actor is a career that envied them, the lover is still the first. If Sasuke is unwilling, they will never appear.

The setting sun is coming, the afterglow of the setting sun is like blood, and the vast sea surface is dyed with a layer of red glow. The red and bright waves are sparkling, the surface is flawless, and it has a magnificent feeling.

The big ship floated on the surface of the sea, and the seabirds screamed, trailing behind the big ship, trying to compete for the sea fish that was stunned by the propeller.

At dinner time, the wind came out of the cabin, and the look was a little confusing. It seemed to be just waking up, yawning, looking at the deck, but seeing that everyone had set the food waiting for her to sit.

I greeted everyone, and I was sorry to smile. "I'm sorry, I overslept."

"Miss Fenghua, everyone is waiting for you." San Taifu greeted the wind and said respectfully.

Later, everyone was seated, on the large deck, at the round table, everyone gathered together and the atmosphere was very warm.

In the atmosphere of joy, the dinner on the boat is over, and the people help to clean up.

The sea breeze noodles, the moon is rare, although it is a big ship, the shaking is not very intense, but there is still some vertigo.

Fenghua did not return to the cabin. After all, it was just after dinner. It is necessary to have activities.

Standing on the bow of the ship, overlooking the starry sky in the north through a wooden fence. A faint worry and a heart, home, finally arrived?

Under the sea breeze, the show of the wind and the wind swayed like a wave, patted the cheeks from time to time, and the salty taste filled the nose.

Suddenly remembered that when he was a child, his father had once again brought himself to see the sea. He said that the sea is the source of their country. In this magical sea, there are always many incredible things. There are various creatures on the seabed. It is full of colorful, just like the world on the 6th floor, people are infinitely yearning.

I think of my father, I have a look at it, how many years have passed, and I am returning again.

Since my father’s death, Fenghua has forgotten how to cry. Her tears have already dried up. Like a dry heart, there is no hope in the heart. For the future, I am confused...

At this time, the cabin door quietly opened, and an orange figure came out, it was Naruto.

Looking at some lonely winds, Naruto went to the bow and took the initiative to say hello.


Looking back, I saw Naruto, and I didn’t talk, but I continued to watch the sea.

"Sister, do you have any thoughts?"

Naruto made a very kind look, and wanted to make a good impression on him.

Fenghua did not speak, still watching the sea silently.

"Sister, I know that you have a lot of depression in your heart. It is also for this reason that you have escaped from the crew many times."

Naruto squatted at the bow and his voice was a little low.

"Sister, do you know? Look at your movie, I really admire you, what you said is still echoing in my ear."

"Sister, you said, no, there must be a road, I must find it will never give up!"

"Sister, although that is just acting, but I know that if you don't think about it in your heart, it's impossible to make it so realistic."

"Sister, I believe that no matter what the difficulty is, if you don't give up and stick to it forever, you will definitely see hope and see the spring..."

Said so much, the wind and some dead eyes finally fluctuated a bit, turned to examine Naruto, did not say anything, after all, returned to the cabin.

Looking at the back of the wind, Naruto smiled slightly. He knew that the words had just played a role in the wind. At the very least, he felt that the look of the wind was no longer the same as before.

"Is it finally able to face me? Sister..."

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