One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Festival

Blowing the snow, the white hail, escaping from the dense ice, watching the white hail, the flash of surprise in her eyes, her power...

I didn’t dare to care. The snow blocked the Naruto’s punch, and immediately broke away from the encirclement of the two. The figure flickered and jumped to a high ground.

White and Naruto chased them up, but they saw endless ice arrows falling from the air. It was a hail of snow. Ice rain!

The same is the hail, the degree and power of the white display will be much stronger, almost for a moment, dozens of ice mirrors will protect her and Naruto.

The ice arrow hits the ice mirror, and the sound of the dangling is not able to damage the ice mirror!

In the distance, San Taifu was worried about the wind and shouted in the distance: "His Royal Snow!"

Hearing the call of the three Taifu, the wind suddenly gave birth to a familiar feeling, his voice!

It's him!

Suddenly, Fenghua recalled San Taifu. When she was a child, she took her San Taifu. When she was a child, she was still the father of the father of the three Taihufu!

The previous scene appeared in front of the wind, the frozen loved ones, the palaces burned down, the nightmare memories rushed in, finally, the wind could not withstand the powerful impact, turned out to be a soft body, fainted to the ground .

The ice mirror resisted the ice arrow, and the white whirlpool unwrapped the Indian style, but saw the body of the snow blowing infinitely magnified in front of their eyes.

The huge shape of the blown snow falls like a cannonball, and the chakra armor on the body bursts into a strong halo, turning into a shining meteor that instantly hits the two.


Do not dare to resist, Naruto and white immediately separated, the body shape flashed immediately to hide around.


The snow blows into the ice, and in an instant, the cracks are four cloths, and it is actually a thick hole that hits a large hole! !

In the distance, the crew of the crew took time to shoot, so how can the wonderful combat be missed, they believe that such a battle will surely become the brightest scene on the screen.

Kakashi and the avalanche were doing a slap in the face of Ninju. With a round of writing, Kakashi cooked a copy of the avalanche hail.

Hail. Ice dragon breaks the tiger!

Between the ice layers, two huge giant tigers vacated, and the tiger screams to the world, like a comet, and instantly, the mountain shakes, and the great power can make traces of cracks between the ice layers.

This is not over yet, the avalanche is once again printed, hail. Horned whale!

A huge white whale is overwhelming like a white cloud.

Seeing the mighty power, Kakashi also produced the practice of the hornbill, and the two huge white whales collided, the cracking impact, the roaring sound, and the two men's skills were evenly matched.

For a time, it seems to be in a state of anxiety, Kakashi stared at the avalanche, and now he is stronger than before!

Sasuke continued to use the fire to attack the winter rain, grasp the gap of the winter rain, write the wheel eye to open, use the high body technique, the winter rain can not catch Sasuke's body shape. Suddenly, Sasuke appeared behind the winter rain, and the red spiral in the hand instantly condensed into a spiral pill!

The red spiral collides with the protective enchantment formed by Chakra's armor. The red and blue are in full force, forming a two-color light curtain. At a moment, the assistant in the assistant moves again, and the red spiral instantly turns into a blue-lighted thunderball. , Lecce!

Between the transition of Ninjutsu, the winter rain can't keep up with the rhythm of Sasuke. Under the two different forces, the guardian enchantment instantly collapses, and the energy core of Chakra's armor is completely destroyed. The armor is cracked. After all, Sasuke's left hand Turn into a thunder and puncture into the winter rain.

Oh! With the texture of the piercing, the blood of the blush came out from the chest of the winter rain, and the delicate body crashed into the ground.

Rachel is like lightning, and the body of the winter rain runs through!

"Winter rain!"

The avalanche in the distance saw the winter rain being killed by Sasuke, and the sorrowful cracks. Winter rain was his girlfriend, the lover was killed, how can I bear it!

Under the anger, the potential of the explosion is unusual, the avalanche screams, the hand is fast, the hail. The big hail!

In an instant, a huge iceman is formed, and the ice man is wearing ice armor, up to several tens of meters, and the hand is condensed with a large ice knives, and he is swaying and screaming, and he is trying to cut off the glaciers!

The avalanche was full of anger, and immediately ordered: "Hail, crush them!"

The hail is like giving life. If it is like a giant, the foot is stepping on it, and it is enough to cross the distance of seven or eight feet. It is almost a moment to get to Sasuke.

In the hands of a horse knife, you must rush to Sasuke!

This guy! Sasuke snorted and did not dare to resist. With his flexible body, he continued to swim. The ice was huge, but the weakness was obvious and the flexibility was very poor. Every time, when the hail is going to attack Sasuke, Sasuke can always avoid it with high body surgery.

Suddenly, Sasuke appeared in the neck of the hail, the red spiral in his hand lit up, and the fragile point of the hail was a press!


The red spiral is turned into a powerful fire attribute storm, and the energy is raging, it is actually breaking the hail head!


The avalanche is so dark, it is so powerful! Just facing Kakashi is already overwhelmed. If Sasuke is added, he will die.

Seeing that Sasuke was going to attack him, the avalanche took the opportunity to stand up and screamed at the snow that was stagnating in the white and white: "Blow the snow, withdraw!"

However, at this time, Naruto had a shadow, and in an instant, hundreds of avatars appeared, and the snow was tightly surrounded, and he could not escape.

Seeing this, the avalanche teeth are bitten, hateful! Immediately hesitated, his body turned into a string of arrows, and he fled alone.

On the other side, Naruto surrounded the blowing snow, all the hustle and bustle, like a snowball, the snow is tightly wrapped, because the number is too large, the weight is too big, blowing snow is actually a few want to be stunned.

Suddenly, all the avatars disappeared, just when the cedar was blown but saw a blue spiral in front of him infinitely enlarged.

"Spiral pill!"

Naruto screamed and condensed the whole body of Chakra. The original spiral pill was expanded six times like a balloon! In an instant, the spiral pill hit the snow, and the chakra enchantment around the whole body burst into tears. In the horrified eyes, the spiral pill was in his body, hehe! A huge spiral of strength is constantly raging. Under the armor, the body that blows the snow is broken through a big hole. The blood in the mouth is mad, the face is white, and the eyeball is everted. Obviously it is not alive.

Packed out the incoming snow forbearance, Kakashi took Sasuke a few people to the wind and snow, saw that the wind did not suffer any damage, just fainted, the group was finally relieved.

At this point, the distant crew finally finished shooting. This time, the battle scenes they captured were shocking. They can cut these battle scenes and believe that they will shock the audience. When it’s time, it’s hard to sell them. .

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