One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Festival

With a bang, several black cannonballs were fired on the motorboat. The artillery roared, the mountain shook, and the huge avalanche was about to devour Kakashi.

No time to save the wind, Kakashi and Sasuke were a few people to escape, and the jump finally escaped the avalanche and went to a safe place.

At this time, there is no trace of Naruto.

"Sasuke, where is Naruto?!"

Kakashi asked Sasuke.

Subconsciously, Sasuke looked to the side of the motorboat, but saw that Naruto grabbed the edge of the motorboat with an elongated flying claw, dragging it behind the kite.

Sure enough to catch up? Sasuke’s look was indifferent, and he was not surprised at all. He knew the story, and the original Naruto was like this.

Sasuke did not help Naruto. He knew that this was Naruto's own business. He knew that some things would be better not to participate. This is the fate of Naruto. Now, let's wait and see, as long as it does not hinder Naruto.

After all, it’s a class, and the white heart is still worried and asks: “Sasuke, Naruto, he’s fine.”

"Well, don't worry, he is also very strong, believe him."

"Yeah. That is, White Sister, Naruto, the guy is not so easy to die." Sakura knows the abnormality of the human body, so there is no worry.

Above the motorboat, Naruto hangs behind the airship through flying claws, and the huge airflow is overwhelming, and the face of the cold wind blown like a knife hurts.

"Be sure to bring your sister back."

With this determination, Naruto strives to stabilize his body shape, pinching the rope with his feet, temporarily fixing his body, and printing in his hands, multiple shadows!

In an instant, dozens of Naruto appeared, and with the formation of the ladder, Naruto easily climbed the motorboat.

Inside the motorboat, the wind is sitting on a comfortable sofa, opposite to the raging waves, and the table is full of food.

"You are beautiful, Xiaoxue."

The opposite anger looked at the prostitute in front of him. I haven't seen it for a few years. The little girl who once gave birth to a temperament beauty has become a temperament beauty.

In the face of his own enemies, Fenghua took a faint look and turned his head to ignore it.

As the head of a country, I am not angry with the rudeness of Fenghua. I know that Fenghua has hatred for myself. It is very good to show no hatred in front of him.

Drinking a sip of red wine, the raging faint asked: "Is the hexagonal spar brought?"

Sure enough, is the attention paid to hexagonal spar?

The wind blew, her father was dying, and she wanted to protect the hexagonal spar. It was said that it was related to a treasure and must not be taken away by others.

Is it for the treasure? The wind is indulging.

Unconsciously, the wind covered the hexagonal spar exposed in the collar.

I saw the glimmer of the hexagonal spar, and the angry face showed a satisfied smile. "Very good, that is the only link that connects the Fenghua family, and it is the only key to open the treasure!"

Sure enough for the treasure!

Later, the angry wave slowly said: "Do you know? The Fenghua family has always circulated a legend. There is a treasure in our family. There are countless moneys in it. What is important is that there is a more important treasure in it. With that, you can instantly improve your strength and have incredible power!"

In the end, in the eyes of the angry Tao flashed a trace of light, apparently very eager for the treasure.

Is there something like that? The look of the wind has changed. If that is the case, give the key to him and I don’t know what to do.

After a meal, Nu Tao said again: "After a long inspection, I finally found the place where the treasure was hidden. Under the rainbow ice wall, there is a keyhole matching the hexagonal crystal key. If you can get the treasure China can gain the power to surpass the five great powers! By then, the world will be a country of snow!"

Nu Tao seems to have foreseen the scenes of the five major countries being conquered by themselves, and can't help but arrogantly laugh.

"As the princess of the country of snow, wind flowers, for the country of snow, you have to contribute everything, so the hexagonal spar must be handed over to me!"

"I won't let you succeed!"

"I won't let you succeed!"

The sudden sound made the anger and the wind flower slightly surprised, and looked back, but saw that Naruto appeared in the hatch.


Fenghua did not expect that Naruto would dare to come and save her. I was a little moved when I was surprised.

Damn it! How could he come up, and the wrath said: "You guy, you have come here!"

"Hey, don't underestimate the ninja, my sister, I will save you."

Naruto said, it is necessary to come to the rescue.

It was an impulsive boy, and there was a smirk in the corner of the anger, and he made a snap, and suddenly! Seven or eight snows wearing Chakra armor appeared on the metal beams inside the motorboat.

"Naruto is careful!"

Fenghua wants to remind Naruto that it is too late.

In the next moment, countless metal wires will be tied to the unsuspecting Naruto as a cobweb!

"It’s a stupid guy!" said the angry man, slowly coming over and looking down at Naruto as a nephew.

"Rage, you are going to let your sister go, or I will kill you!" Naruto struggled, trying to break free of bondage, but found that the metal wire was tough and abnormal, and could not escape with brute force.

"Hey, it’s really hard, oh, windy, how do you say that I should deal with this kid?"

Nu Tao turned his head and looked at the wind, his eyes covered with inexplicable light. However, the wind has avoided it, not to look at the Naruto, and said loudly: "Hey, what you want is nothing to do with me."

However, after the words were finished, they secretly sneaked at the Naruto, and the fear in the look was self-evident.

The action of the wind flower is naturally glimpsed by the angry waves. He knows the temperament of the wind flower, and the indifference is dull. It is a natural thing to have such performance.

It’s really dishonest. The mouth of the anger is a little curved, and immediately ordered: “This kid’s strength is not weak, hey, give him that thing.”

Subsequently, Xue Ren took out a metal block of yin and yang taiji from the inner stage of the control room. The taiji contained a strange power, and the power of swallowing continued to diverge.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Snow tolerate the struggling 狞 着 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太The straw pierced into the Naruto, and the shining current raged, and Naruto made a painful scream.

How can it be? !

Naruto's eyes widened and he found that his chakra was constantly being sucked away by Tai Chi. During the break, all the chakras in the body were swallowed up.

Some worried about the situation of Naruto, and the wind immediately asked: "What is that?"

"Chakra's control device can absorb the Chakra of the installer. Once installed, it is impossible to leave!"

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