One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 202: Festival

The anger did not panic, and the tone said faintly: "Hey, **** Kakashi, do you hit the night? It is the same as expected."

Snow forbearance rushed to the outer court from all over to support the battle. Even the prison guards were all dispatched. Suddenly, they saw Naruto who broke the chain and fell to the ground.

"Damn, when did this guy break free!"

The prison guard immediately untied the lightning seal of the prison gate and opened the iron gate to prepare to tie the Naruto again.


The Naruto, who had been fainting on the ground, opened his eyes and jumped in shape. It was a violent attack in the eyes of the prison guards.

Hey! The two prison guards were knocked down to the ground. Naruto immediately found the key and laughed. "I said it early, don't underestimate the ninja!"

When I arrived at Fenghua, I opened the prison door twice and looked at the wind on the ground. Naruto extended my right hand. "Sister, I am here to save you."


There was a flash of light in the eyes, and the left hand was subconsciously stretched, and the hand of Naruto who stretched out to her was tightly held. "I have been waiting..."


Naruto smiled, pulled the wind and fled here, took the elevator, and finally passed through the corridor to the interior of the palace.

At this point, a ninja dressed up in the snow has stopped the way for the two.

"Damn!" Naruto snorted and attacked the snow.

"Wait, Naruto is me!" Snow forgot to open the mask, revealing a familiar face, it is Kakashi.

Naruto looked at Kakashi with amazement, some accidents, "Kakashi teacher, how are you here?"

"I and Sasuke help them to save you. Now, when I am not talking, I will leave with Snow Princess." Kakashi threw the bag to Naruto.

Fenghua saw Kakashi, remembered the hexagonal crystal thing, and immediately said: "Hexagonal crystal is being dropped by you."

Listening to the wind and saying this, Kakashi promised, "Well, I guess they might be for this thing, so they dropped the bag."

Later, Kakashi returned the hexagonal crystal to the wind.

At this time, a few broken voices, Sasuke, Sakura, White, three people appeared here, it seems that just a bunch of snow bears, it is late.

When I saw a few Sasuke, Naruto liked it, and immediately called out the names of several people.

Sasuke promised them, and then rushed to the palace where Nu Tao was under the leadership of Fenghua.

Going to an empty palace, it was dark and black, but you can still see a figure on the high side sitting on it. Suddenly, the lights are turned on, and under the bright lights, the figure of the anger is exposed to everyone's sight.

There is no tension or accident in the anger, and the look is very dull. It seems that everything is in control.

Slowly got up, calmly watching the crowds under the high platform. When looking at the wind, the face showed an inexplicable smile. "Working hard, Xiaoxue."

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Fenghua ran to the raging water and handed the hexagonal spar to the raging waves.

At this time, everyone understood everything, and Fenghua had already colluded with the anger, and brought them to the hexagonal spar.


Just as Kakashi was preparing to rush to the wind, a snow wearing a chakra armor blocked his footsteps and formed a encirclement that surrounded several people.

Looking at the wind standing next to the angry waves, Naruto asked: "Sister, why?" The tone is full of incredible and painful feelings.


Being watched by Naruto, the wind trembled, but still calmly said: "Don't forget, I am an actor, you are fooled."

The anger was followed, and some arrogant said: "Haha, everything is the case, this is the performance of Xiaoxue..."

Looking at it with Naruto, there is a sad feeling in the eyes of the wind, yes, all this is acting, Naruto, forgive me, the wind quietly opens the small knife in the hidden sleeves, in the eyes of everyone’s horror, 狠狠Stinging the anger.

Looking up at the angry waves, the corner of the wind screamed the arc of victory. "Forgive me, I am an actor..."


The angered and horrified grasp of the hands of the wind, but still can not resist the sharp blade stabbed his movements.

On the court, the sudden situation surprised everyone. A lot of snow wanted to rescue the raging waves in the past, but it was blocked by Kakashi and others.

With a mortal heart, the look of the wind is calm, watching the anger of a head taller than himself, and the strength in his hands is constantly increasing.


The raging face looked, showing a painful look, and suddenly, the neck of the wind flower was stretched. Under the force, Fenghua only felt that his breathing was extremely difficult, and his neck was broken.

"Sister!" Fenghua was smashed, Naruto was nervous, and he was going to rescue.

"Naruto, I understand."

The wind was hard to say, and the movement of Naruto stopped.

"When I come back here again, it is my death, so at least I have to kill him..." The harder the breathing, but the sharp edge of the wind in the wind is still increasing the strength, remembering that it is short with Naruto. The scenes when I was in a few days, the face of the wind showed a rare gratification, "Naruto... This is thanks to you... In the end, I still... no escape, thank you..."


The more critical the situation is, the Naruto wants to rescue in the past, but it’s a slap in the face, it takes a while to break through the blockade, and it’s too late to help the wind. Moreover, they have changed and forced the anger, he is likely Immediately killed the wind and made a ruin.

"Damn!" Naruto's fist gripped tightly, became **** red because of the strong, really looked at it like this, but couldn't save his sister? No power, just watch!

The neck was made, the breathing was difficult, and gradually, Fenghua felt dizzy in front of her eyes. In the daytime, she seemed to see her father again, and saw the three Taihufu who gave their lives for the country of snow...

"Father, Uncle San Taifu, I..."

Fenghua eyes closed ~ ~ body dumping, with a huge inertia, the body of the anger hit the high platform, two people like a sandbag, a slamming drop to the ground.

How can it be like this! do you died? Some people on the field were a little shocked, and there was no movement at all.


Naruto watched the wind and flowers fall, the heart was nervous, and the snow was forbearing, and immediately rushed to the past, and went to Fenghua to prepare for the inspection of the wind.

At this time, suddenly, the body of the angry sea stood up like a ghost, and the Naruto who rushed over was a straight punch.

what! Naruto did not anticipate this situation, and was prevented from being caught in the raging waves.

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