One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Festival

However, at this time, Ning times on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, his body shape leaped, his eyes were brighter and brighter, and he immediately made the start of the Eight Diagrams palm. The huge gas field enveloped the ghost boy.


Feeling the huge threat behind him, Ghost Tongwan wanted to turn around and resist, but his body was completely unable to move, and he was deeply trapped in the mire, and was firmly fixed by the Chakra gas field.

"soft boxing. Eight hundred and twenty-eight palms!"

In the field of gossip, Ghost Boy Pill can't resist the thunder-like chakra strength. Ningxia's 128-bit palm falls on Ghost Tong Pill, the yellow cuticle is instantly broken, and the blue Chakra is strong. Like a bullet, it passes through his body, the ground bursts, and the surrounding trees are destroyed.

After one hundred and twenty-eight palms were finished, the ghost boy pill broke off and the body crashed to the ground, and the dead could not die any more.

At the end of a battle, Ning had pulled out the arrow that penetrated his body. Two arrows in his body, one arrow pierced the shoulder blade, and one arrow penetrated the chest, only one centimeter from the heart. If the arrow deviated to the left again, he The heart has long been penetrated.

In fact, it is not luck to avoid the arrow. Although it is impossible to block the arrow with the Chakra airflow around the whole body, at least it can slightly change the running track of the arrow and survive from the arrow of the kill.

Solving the ghost child pill, Ning was seriously injured, and there was not much left in the body of Chakra. Now he is really dying. Can not support the weight of the body, rather than slowly falling to the ground, the consciousness gradually faded, the eyes blurred, looking at the pale sky, the **** face showed a smirk.

Father, I have never lost my face to the Japanese people. I used my life to protect the dignity of the Japanese people. Father, you will be proud of me.

In the blur, Ning times vaguely saw the blue-bird flying over the sky, and the crisp cicada echoed nine miles, flying farther and farther.

Jade Bird, if I am dead, please tell the uncle, I will not be able to protect it again in the future. Sorry, I have not fulfilled my promise...

The more blurred the eyes are, the more vivid the vision is.

In the middle of the forest, Zuo Jin and Duo are also behind Sasuke. The three people galloped all the way, and the wind whispered. Because it is noon, the sun is pouring down, and a little bit of mottled light and shadow is reflected, but some of the brightness is a bit dazzling.

The look of the left is a bit embarrassed, looking back from time to time, seems to be looking for their figure of ghost children, it is reasonable to say that such a long time, Jilangfang and Ghost Tongmao should also catch up, can they say that they have an accident? Thinking of this, my heart is jumping. Some hesitant pairs said: "Saruke adults, Ghost Children's Pills, are they really okay?"

Sasuke stopped and looked at the camera with a lot of fun. "What's wrong, are you worried about them?"

I didn’t dare to face Sasuke’s gaze. He said with a close voice: “Sasuke, for so long, I am worried about what they have, and I ask Sasuke to let me go back and check it out.”

At this time, many people also said: "Sasuke adults, they are my companions after all, so please ask Sasuke adults to allow, I will go to see their situation."

It’s really uncommon feelings. Sasuke is slightly different. He thought that the sound is a group of cold-blooded animals. There is no trace of peer friendship. Now, Zuo Jin and Duo are also so behaving, but he really surprised him a little.

Who said that the tone is a desperate and desperate person?

The beginning of man is good, who is born to be cruel and violent. The distinction between good and evil is only the boundary of deliberate distinction. The true good and the real evil do not exist. Even the poor and evil people have a good side.

In the original book, the Ninja Village of Yin Ren Village was described as a group of evil people, cold and bloody, without human nature. But this is only one of Kishimoto's words. In order to define the so-called good and evil deliberately, it attempts to construct a good and evil point in a one-sided characterization, which makes the audience hate and let the audience fall into the world rules they have formulated. What is the difference between this judgment and the human life?

Humanity is always complicated, there is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason, and there is no hatred between the tone and the wooden leaf ninja. The origin of all struggles is the leader's own fault. Because of the individual, the unrelated person is implicated, dying and burying his bones. It seems that the dictator and the arbitrary leader are the most evil people in the world, and the ones who should be punished most.

Looking at the face and the nearness, Sasuke saw that their worries and tensions were from the heart, nodded, and immediately said: "Well, your performance really surprised me, but since you have this idea, I can't stop you, go."

When I heard Sasuke, Zuo Jin and Duo Youyi also had a happy heart, and they immediately turned to find Ghost Boys.

"Stop!" Sasuke suddenly said.

Sasuke’s words made him close and more, and he was about to stop. He asked more and more doubts: “What happened, Sasuke?”

After hesitating, Sasuke sighed and said: "Nothing, be careful."

In the face of Sasuke's jealousy, Zuo Jin and Duo are also very surprised. The accidental concern of Sasuke is very puzzled. Without much words, the two figures flashed and disappeared into the jungle.

Watching the two leave, Sasuke looks change, knowing that the two will die, no doubt, facing the Naruto three, they will never have any chance to win.

The reason why Sasuke just called Zuo Jin and Duo Duo was actually to move the heart of sorrow and want to discourage them from sending them to death easily. The most precious thing for man is life. Once lost, everything will become empty. However, Sasuke finally gave up, and it is still coming back. Under the wheel of one can escape. This is their fate, this time helping them, when can they live again? Moreover, once this is done, the familiar Huo Ying plot will not become what it will be.

Obviously capable, but did not keep their lives, watched, and even took the initiative to push them into the fire pit. There is no doubt that Sasuke is selfish. He is not a Virgin. People are not going to die for themselves. Under the seven passions, they can truly achieve the world. Moreover, Sasuke did not have the same thoughts to save a group of people who had no connection.

Silence for a while, Sasuke continued to move forward, the goal is the end of the valley, where there is his destiny, he and Naruto's aunt start from there, will also be there to cut off!

More than the left and the near body shape flying, like arrows in the forest, Sasuke's sentence is still lingering in their hearts, "be more careful", Sasuke is worried about them? When I think of it, they look at each other and see a trace of surprise from both sides. The unexpected performance of Sasuke completely overturns the impression in their hearts. He has a passionate heart with a cold appearance.

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