One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Festival

The sound edge continued, as if not exhausted, and soon, the Chakra film of the tooth disappeared, and the Naruto Chakra film was also broken.

The unprotected teeth are completely exposed to the sound edge, without any hindrance. Dozens of sound edges hit the body of the tooth together. The texture of the splitting sounds constantly, the blood overflows, and the seriously injured tooth falls from the sky and falls. On the ground, unconscious.


Naruto screamed and immediately reached the side of the tooth, but saw that his body was full of scars, the whole person has become a blood color, the same, the situation of the red pill is not optimistic, the breath is in the arms of the teeth.

"You guy!" Naruto turned his head and looked at him with anger. The serious injury of Lumaru and the serious injury of his teeth were caused by the whole woman in front of him. The anger in his heart gradually swallowed Naruto’s reason and anger. Underneath, the nine-tailed Chakra emerged. In an instant, the huge Chakra strength rose from the Naruto. The red gauze condensed, and a red tail swayed. The Naruto’s body became a scorpion. On the ground, it looks like a fox.

This chakra...

I was also surprised to see the changes of Naruto, so that I forgot to continue the attack.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Naruto sounded the beast of a beast, and his body turned into a red lightning. The speed was so fast that it could not be captured at all.


In the twinkling of an eye, Naruto went to the front and the front, the red eyes of the beast staring at the front of the multi-purpose, the evil and violent breath made her heart pound.

In the next moment, I felt that I was like a train hitting the body. The body flew out. The strength of the state 2 was not able to withstand the Naruto's blow. The chest was sunken and the blood of the big strand was broken. The cracked internal organs are ejected.


Naruto catches up with the multi-purpose, and screams, the right hand injury is completely restored, and the spiral pill is condensed again in the hand. However, the spiral pill at this time is not blue, but the red blood is generally red. The human spiral pill has evolved again, and its power is almost ten times that of the previous one.

"Spiral pill!"

The red spiral pill hangs around a circle of fiery red brilliance, like the **** sun, infinitely magnified in front of the eyes. The horror of the horror made it impossible for him to give birth to any resistance. The woman who was seriously injured was paler, her eyes were astonished and unbelievable, and the breath of death would be shrouded in ruins. The Naruto at this moment turned out to be horrible. Such as!

It’s too late to make a scream. Naruto’s red spiral pill has already been swallowed up. The red brilliance suddenly erupts, roaring, and there is only one red in the field of vision. The Chakra particles in the air form a flame-like burning scene. Under the ascent, it is actually breaking up the air molecules!

This shocking, shining red light spread across this space, roaring in the ear, in addition to the rest of the sound is inaudible.


In the distance, the deer pill hiding behind the root of the tree saw Naruto’s blow, and the face was shocked. The Naruto’s move was terrible, completely beyond his knowledge, only to see the red spiral In the next moment, the red storm of up to tens of meters is spread all over the surrounding space, and the red Chakra vortex formed into a red sky. Everything in the field of vision is annihilated, and the powder is turned into a storm. In the end, it turned out to form a beam of light straight into the sky!

"Impossible! How can Naruto be so powerful! His move completely surpasses the scope of ordinary ninjutsu! Yes, this is the s-class ninjutsu, and even the legendary super s!"

After deering in the tree, Lumao muttered to himself, and his strong strength would make him sneak in his clothes, his expression was sluggish, and he was completely shocked by the sight.

Finally, the storm disappeared, the forest within a few tens of meters was destroyed, the ground cracked, the huge potholes that were blown up still shine red light, and the violent wind property Chakra continued to ravage, destroying the particle structure of the soil.

Then, I saw a figure falling from the sky. It was Naruto. In the storm just now, he was also implicated and rolled up. If it wasn’t for the protection of the nine-tailed gown, Naruto’s end is likely to be more From the general, it becomes a powder that disappears in the heavens and the earth.

With a bang, like a sack, the Naruto fell to the ground, and the huge impact made him feel awkward. His face was pale, his body was cut in many places, his blood was flowing, his body was constantly shaking, his right hand was hanging down, and it was obviously broken again.


Naruto struggled, like a creep, and the red Chakra storm again, the red nine-tailed gauze shrouded his body.

At this point, Lumao ran from behind the big tree, and went to Naruto to check the situation of Naruto. At this time, he saw an incredible sight. I saw that Naruto’s injured body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. With.

His power!

Is there already a strong wave in the heart of Lumao? Is it so strong? Naruto, you are a monster. Looking at the Naruto on the ground that is quickly repairing the broken body, the deer pill face has a bitter color. The former crane tail actually has such strength... It is obviously the Konoha ninja, why the gap is so big, for a lifetime, I am afraid I can't surpass him.

After a quarter of an hour, the Naruto's injury turned out to be a full recovery, and the right hand could not see the fracture. Seeing such a scene, Lumao is once again a monster.

However, the main reason why Naruto can recover quickly is the role of the nine-tailed gauze. Under normal circumstances, he wants to recover such a heavy injury at least for a long time. I have to say that the combination of the vortex and the nine tails is really terrible, as long as the nine tails are not pulled away no matter how much injury can be recovered, even if the limb is broken, it can grow completely!

Naruto stood up and couldn't see the wounded. It’s too late to check his recovery status. Naruto immediately said to the deer pill: “Lumaru, the injured tooth is pleased with you. Now I have wasted so much time. If I don’t hurry to catch up, Sasuke will probably leave the leaves. The sphere of influence, when it is time to catch up, it will be troublesome."

Knowing the anxieties in Naruto's heart, Lumaru is inexplicable. Why did he work so hard, and Sasuke has really ignored his own safety, and Sasuke is really important to him? Can not suppress the thoughts in the heart, Lumao immediately said: "Naruto, why you are so attached to Sasuke, Sasuke has already determined Kiba, why should he chase him back?"

When I heard the deer pill, Naruto first looked at it. After thinking about it, there was a smile on his face that only he could understand. "Sasuke, he is my best friend. I can’t watch him go to the big snake pill. On the other hand, Konoha is his hometown, and he must bring him back anyway!"

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