One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 232: Festival

Sasuke stood on the bluestone, and the ink in his eyes flowed. Some pale faces were still so sinful. He licked his tongue and looked strange. "Boy, it’s a pity. I thought you could play with me for a while, but I didn’t expect it. It’s so vulnerable, hehe..."

At this time, Sasuke is still shrouded in a black airflow, such as the dreamy Chakra brilliance, there is no slight positive atmosphere, and some are just endless suffocating and strange.

The sun is still so clear and clear, the sun with infinite warmth is unable to break through the black air, like a mist, without any dissipating meaning.

However, afterwards, Sasuke was somewhat silent. He looked at the large blood on the ground. His eyes were full of struggling colors. There was a memory fragment of Naruto in his mind. His look was slight and he muttered to himself: "Naruto If you are dead..."

"Naruto, if you are dead..."


Constantly, Sasuke repeated this sentence, and gradually remembered the scenes when he met with Naruto.

Naruto, dead?

Sasuke looks a little shaken. It’s good if you die.

No, Naruto, who is Naruto? ! How can I be here? who am I! ?

"Who am I?" Sasuke is stunned, his look is changing, and the jade-like eyes are swaying with the brilliance of the clouds.

Yes, I am Sasuke. It was Naruto who was killed by me. He...

The seventh class, Kakashi, Bai, Sakura, Ino, and my aunt, Akai, young, Xiao Li, Red, Asma, three generations, Uchiha...

In an instant, the rich ink color actually had a sway, and Sasuke hugged his head and made a painful embarrassment. "What is going on, this power, **** it!"

The shake was only maintained for a moment, and immediately, the ink color was restored to its original state, even more intense than before. At this point, the refining pots broke out from the Sasuke's chest, and the black brilliance flowed, and the powerful deterrent force continued to come.

The current refining pot is a bit strange, there is no sense of just peace. During the black ripples, huge suffocating and evil thoughts come out.

As I have explained before, the refining pot itself has two strengths, light and darkness, and the power of creation and the power of destruction coexist. It can be said that the refining pot is a double-edged sword, absorbing the evil spirits and bringing its evil spirits. Absorbs and refines, forming the purest energy for the host to use. However, even if it is a refining pot, there is still a very small amount of evil temperament that cannot be purified. It will accumulate in the refining pot and eventually become the power of destruction of incomparable evil.

In the battle against the cricket, Sasuke’s hatred and killing in his heart stirred the evil power contained in the refining pot. At the same time, he accidentally opened the source of the refining pot, thus temporarily possessing Xianli to defeat him and broke him. Monthly reading.

However, the incident was a hidden danger, and the power of evil has remained in the depths of Sasuke’s mind, lurking like a virus. After all, it did not affect the daily life of Sasuke. Therefore, he did not have another strength in his own body.

Now, playing against Naruto, the violent breath of Naruto’s nine-tailed Chakra has affected Sasuke’s mood, and his mood has fallen. The evil power has finally succeeded in invading Sasuke’s knowledge of the sea, and with the powerful power, he has oppressed Sasuke’s knowledge. I forgot my self. For a time, I was completely controlled by the refining pot.

Above the bluestone statue, Sasuke was completely covered in a piece of black, and the black mist lingered, and he could not see his face. Although the refining pot has suppressed the mind, there is still a little bit of wisdom in Sasuke's heart. Even if I don't know who I am, Sasuke thinks that he still has important things to do, and there are many precious things to protect.

Constant thinking, constant struggle, trying to fight against the evil power in my mind, look, struggle, suspicion, tremble, actually fell on the bluestone.

Under the end of the valley, under the waterfall, a piece of blue water, Naruto's body is sinking like a stone, spit out tiny blisters in the mouth, breathing gradually, the whole lungs are penetrated, the lake flows, and the whole is through. The wounds are constantly pouring out bubbles, and it can be seen that the **** heart becomes dark under water pressure, and the rhythm of the heart is gradually weakening.

In the darkness, Naruto’s consciousness kept falling, and the pain in his body made him feel nothing, only infinite faintness. Between the fall, Naruto returned to the dark world again, and the eyes gradually rose brightly, and the huge golden prison door appeared in the field of vision.

As always, the seal on the golden door is still tight and there is no looseness. There was ripples in the water beneath the feet and it spread to the darkness in the distance.

"Here? Nine tails..."

Naruto swears, the spirit is a little wilting, his eyes are blurred, and a huge red monster appears faintly.


The red monster made a huge buzzing sound, and the strong air current surged. The stirring water flowed on the Naruto's body. The cool touch came, and Naruto's vision was finally clear.

Shaking his head and seeing the monster in front of him, Naruto shouted in surprise: "Hey, big brother, how can I get here?!"

Looking at the Naruto's wolverine look, the nine tails snorted and once again hit a stream of air. "The little devil, this grandfather brought you here."

"What's wrong? Big brother?"

Seeing that Naruto is still a stupid and naive look, Nine-tailed shouted: "Little devil, it doesn't matter if you die, but don't bother me!"

"Dead?" Naruto remembered the scene of Sasuke's chest wearing a chest. At that time, his chest was cracked, blood was flowing, falling off the cliff, and he was dying. It was really dying.

At this time, Naruto's face became very lost and sad. "Nine-tailed brother, I am sorry, I am tired of you..." I touched my chest and seemed to feel the weak heartbeat, and my look was awkward. "Sasuke Actually killed me, I really can't think of I really see him as a friend..."

The thing between Sasuke and Naruto is known. I saw Naruto's sadness. Nine tails turned out to be some sympathy and Naruto. "Little devil, between you and him, hehe..."

Seeing the nine-tailed look, Naruto is a bit strange, how? Is it feeling for me? The nine-tailed beast will also have emotions?

Immediately, Naruto will be relieved. Everything is born with spirits. Emotional things are not unique to human beings. It is said that there are people who have animals and animals, presumably, emotionally, and they are similar to humans.

"Nine-tailed brother, in fact, I have long felt that there must be a battle between me and him. I just didn't expect it to come, but it was so close. He would kill me. But now, I want to come, but I want to come. Forgive him, maybe, I am really good to die, away from all the troubles, so that I can meet my father and mother."

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