One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 234: Festival

The lake surface became more and more unsettled, and the huge tsunami-like wind and waves hit the surrounding cliffs and made a roaring roar. The next moment, the red light column suddenly disappeared, but saw a red streamer from it, the target is Sasuke!

The red streamer speed is too fast, like the speed of light, the Sasuke on the bluestone is struck out of the distance, the red streamer and the black streamer are constantly entangled, and finally, the two-color brilliance hits the distant cliff and continues to crash. The mountains are shaking, the huge rocks are rolling down. In the last sound of the impact, the mountain is completely cracked, and the huge cracks are like spiders.

The smoke and dust were everywhere, and the field of vision was blurred. When the dust settled, I saw two figures lying in the ruins. The black and red Chakra constantly fluctuated, and the air continued to make a slamming sound. This was the Chakra contest. Burst.

Suddenly, Sasuke, who was covered by the black Chakra mist, slowly climbed up, as if looking at the Naruto on the ground. "Boy, not bad, hey, your chakra, I really want it... ”

Say, Sasuke licked his tongue, and the black lightning in his hand lit up, step by step to Naruto.

The pace is not very fast, and can even be described as slow. However, this step is very powerful. Every step, the momentum of Sasuke is enhanced. The black light is surging, like the devil, almost Choose someone to eat!

At this point, Naruto's body shook a little, and then, the five tails burst out instantly, like five arrows, turned into a powerful red streamer rushing to Sasuke, and wanted to pass him through.

The speed is too fast, Sasuke is not responding at all. The five tails are in the middle of the chest, and the impact is unabated. Sasuke has been slamming into the cliff, and the roar is heard. Sasuke is hit into the cliff. It is not finished yet, and the tail is like a glimpse. Sweeping thousands of troops, the body with Sasuke has been hit from the side of the mountain to the other side, and eventually it is actually the entire mountain traverse!

The impact stopped and the mountain collapsed. Sasuke was buried deep into the fallen rock. The red five tails suddenly recovered and re-condensed behind the Naruto. The next moment, several chakras formed into the shape of a palm, Naruto The body is lifted from the ground until the feet are three feet off the ground, and the five red tails are swaying behind each other, and each sway will bring a violent Chakra storm.

At this time, Naruto did not show any emotional fluctuations, and he could only see the pupils that were almost white holes.

The blood vessels burst under the skin of rénpí, and the **** fog of his body turned the chakra gauze on his body completely red. The amount of the five-tailed Chakra given to Naruto was obviously beyond the body that Naruto can now withstand. Scope, under the powerful chakra oppression, Naruto consciousness fell into a coma, and now only rely on the spirit to fight.

Sasuke was buried by the fallen rocks. Naruto did not pursue it. He just waited quietly, and the body floated in the air. The red Chakra constantly fluctuated from his body, forming a flame-like Chakra brilliance.

The rolling stones fell all over the place, and the original tall mountain collapsed, forming a hill-like shape with the falling rocks.

Within the mountain sac, the huge mountains and rocks are impenetrable. Among them, there is a human body buried deep in it. The whole body was covered with black Chakra mist, forming a field to stagnate the surrounding rocks, and the huge mountains and stones could not be half-step.

In the black mist, Sasuke opened the jade-like eyes, and the pale face showed a strange smile. "It's a really good boy..."

Immediately, the darker fog was vacated from Sasuke's body, some of which lingered in Sasuke's chest, and between the black brilliance, the five wounds healed quickly. Because there is some kind of strength protection, there is no blood outflow in the wound of Sasuke. Only the black energy brilliance is constantly seen in the wound.

In less than a moment, Sasuke’s injury has recovered, and the black mist is solid and suddenly bursts into a powerful energy storm.

Outside, the hills and mountains were surging, and the Wandao black brilliance erupted from it. Only a roaring explosion was heard. The thousands of rocks were scattered, and Sasuke, shrouded in black fog, appeared in the field of vision. I saw that the fog on his body was constantly fluctuating. Every wave of fluctuations provoked a shock wave-like Chakra storm. The huge rock that was shaken and shattered in continuous fluctuations, and finally turned into a powder to dissipate between the heavens and the earth.


The airflow hovered, and Sasuke took back the chakras that were constantly fluctuating, and the black mist became solid again. Like the black armor, Sasuke is tightly guarded, as if it were a medieval warrior.

Looking at the Naruto in front of him, Sasuke smiled awkwardly, and the black body was ignited in the body, and the momentum was even stronger.

"Kid, this time I will never give you a chance, feel my strength..."

Sasuke smiled and his body was thunderous, and the black mist was almost physical. The shining thunder constantly condenses the left hand, instantly transforms into a thunderbolt light ball of several tens of feet, the black thunder emits a sharp blast, and the continuous fluctuations, the tens of thousands of thunder and light, the powerful, violent black thunder exudes a devastating atmosphere. .

On the other side, Naruto felt the horror of this trick, the body shape exploded, and the five tails were used as hands and feet, almost rushing out of the 100 meters in a flash, and the huge pillar formed by Chakra was suspended in the air.

Subconsciously, Naruto's red Chakra continued to solidify, and the chakras that flowed out were all in one place, but the huge five red long tails were gathered together. All the red chakras were condensed by five tails, red. Under the hurricane, a black energy group is constantly consolidating, and the near-substantial energy air mass is restrained and heavy, but it can feel the horrible power.

This is a unique attack method that is unique to the tail beast jade! In the front, Sasuke once faced the tail beast jade, which is the so-called air cannon. At that time, a tail animal can easily destroy the mountain, the power is no less than the s-class ninjutsu.

Now, Naruto has obtained the amount of five-tailed Chakra, and the tail beast jade that is displayed is more powerful in nature. Moreover, the energy division of the Shouhe and Jiuweiwei beasts is no longer a system, and the tail is one end. I don't know how many times Although it only has the amount of nine-tailed Chakra, it is also a chakra that is more than half of Naruto's body. This time, the performance of the tail beast jade, the power is full twenty times the air cannon!


The space tremors, the black Chakra figurine has become a continuous thunder and lightning, the air is penetrated, making a sharp explosion!

The black mine ball in the assistant is no longer expanding, but it is also a super-thunder ball with a radius of several tens of meters. At this point, Sasuke's black fog has blurred a few points. Obviously, such a blow consumes a large part of the strange energy in his body.

A sneer, a helper in the thunder ball turned into a black streamer, such as the same round of large black stars, quickly rushed to the Naruto side, where the black thunder ball passed, a huge lightning flashing out, a powerful discharge Forming a powerful arc of up to hundreds of thousands of volts, the power of endless destruction is overwhelming, almost devour everything around you!

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