One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 246: Festival

Jun Ma Lu's cool look, the look is still cold, not angry at all.

"It's a weirdo." Xiang Pho looked at Jun Ma Lu and then hid behind Sasuke.

At this time, Jin came over and said to Jun Ma Lu, and said: "Jun Ma Lu adults."

"Are you here too?" Jun Ma Lu's micro-microwave moved, and there was some accident about the appearance of gold.

"It’s the big snake pill adult who sent me here to protect the Xiang Pho adults."

When Jun Ma Lu’s look fluctuated, it returned to normal and said with a voice: “Is it?”

Sasuke and Xiang Pho are somewhat surprised by the conversation between the two. Have they known before?

Seeing the questionable eyes of Sasuke and Xiang Pho, Jin explained: "I used to work under the master of Jun Ma Lu. He is my predecessor."

"Oh?" Sasuke was a little stunned. I didn't expect this relationship between them.

Jun Ma Lu is still so indifferent, said with a voice: "That is all the past, now you are the guard of the phosphorus, should listen to her. And, since it is the order of the big snake pill, you have to Protect her."

Although Jun Ma Lu’s tone is plain, he can still appreciate the irresistible meaning contained in it.

"Yes, adults."

Kim once again fell back and returned to Sasuke.

After all, it was not a place to talk. Afterwards, Xiang Pho took several people to the conference room in the south base.

The conference room is located in the northeast of the south base. It is the place where the south base holds regular meetings. The decoration here is quite good, and you can experience a post-modern style, although it is incompatible with the serious conference room atmosphere.

A few people sat down at random, and the fragrant phosphorus naturally sat next to Sasuke. Kim first hesitated, and finally sat next to the fragrant phosphorus. However, everyone with a discerning eye can see that Kim’s original goal is Sasuke’s side, but he has looked at the fragrant phosphorus and finally changed his choice.

Kim’s performance made Sasuke slightly surprised. He looked at the fragrant phosphorus and looked at the gold. He shook his head and did not speak.

Jun Ma Lu sat down to the next one. For the upper position, he did not attempt. In his eyes, that position will always belong to the big snake pill, and no one can take it away.

For a while, Jun Ma Lu talked about today's things.

The sound is still plain, like a boiled water. "The headquarters received a distress signal from the south base. When the situation was urgent, I sent him and Sasuke to come to the rescue. Fortunately, I caught up."

When I heard Jun Ma Lu called Sasuke "Adult", Xiang Pho and Jin were first glimpsed, and then the face showed a thoughtful look. Sure enough, Sasuke has already gone to the big snake pill? Moreover, it was regarded as a guest by the Great Snake Pill, and even Jun Ma Lu was very respectful to Sasuke.

It is no wonder that Jun Ma Lu’s look for Sasuke’s obedience has been so. Thinking of this, Xiang Pho is somewhat proud, and Sasuke is really a man she looks at, it is not ordinary.

Immediately, the phoenix's gaze flashed a fascinating sacred light. It turned out to be Sasuke, and he leaned close to him, using his chest to slap Sasuke's arm. "Saruke, handsome... ..."

This scent of fragrant phosphorus is slightly embarrassing to Sasuke. After all, in front of outsiders, the fragrant phosphorus is so intimate that he really can't stand it.

Constantly stunned, Sasuke clearly felt the touch of the chestnut before the chest, with a softness in the soft, Sasuke knows that it is the youthful vitality of the girl, which is very different from the adult woman's touch, at the very least, and The feeling of the hand is not the same, the hand is endless soft, like cotton candy, it is very comfortable, there is a feeling of being inclusive.

"Cough." Sasuke gently coughed, not looking for traces to get rid of the entanglement of fragrant phosphorus, indicating that she should not be in front of everyone.

Phosphorus finally let go of Sasuke, but still so sticky, leaning his body against Sasuke, it seems that he does not want to leave him.

It is no wonder that Xiang Phosphorus, after all, Xiang Pho has long been admired for Sasuke's heart. This time, it is hard to see each other. It must be intimate. Moreover, the chakra smell of Sasuke is like a drug that tempts the phosphorus and makes her want to stop. The more you get along with Sasuke, the more you become addicted to it.

Seeing that I can't get rid of it, Sasuke will give up this, and let Xiang Pho rely on herself.

The intimate action of Xiang Pho was seen in the eyes of Jun Ma Lu and Jin. The gentle look of Jun Ma Lu was normal, as if to say, you continue, I have not seen anything.

In contrast, Kim’s reaction is much more unique. His look is twinkling, he bows his head, and looks at it from time to time. His eyes are full of envy and a kind of light called bitterness.

Really, she also hopes that, like the phosphatide, she will be more intimate with Sasuke, breathe the taste of his body and feel his body temperature. However, Kim knows the difference between herself and Xiang Pho. She is only a single-minded person. Sasuke does not feel anything about her now. She feels that Sasuke is like a stranger to her. Although it is not too cold, there are still A sense of distance, and that distance seems to be untouchable for a lifetime.

Subsequently, Jun Malu once again said: "In view of the riots in the South Prison, the great snake pill decided to abandon the South base, and thus abolished the duties of all the personnel of the South base. Xiang Pho, removed the position of the head of your south base, Follow me and the Sasuke headquarters."

After conveying the order of the big snake pill, Jun Malu continued: "This incident is sudden, and the responsibility for you will not be pursued. After returning to the headquarters, the big snake pill will have another task to hand over to you."

I heard the words of Jun Ma The face of Xiang Pho has instantly turned into bitter melon color. "There are tasks. Don't, I don't want to leave Sasuke."

Saying, like an angry girl, holding the arm of Sasuke tightly, there is no meaning of loosening.

"This is the order of the big snake pill. I just conveyed it. What happened? I went to the headquarters to tell the big snake pill."

"It’s really dead." Xiang Pho snorted and made a squeaky voice. "Sasuke, you go to the big snake pill and say, let me stay by your side. I really don't want to perform any tasks." It is."

Xiang Pho is so behaved, Sasuke is helpless, and waved his hand and said: "No problem, I will go to the big snake pill and say, rest assured."

After confirming Sasuke, Xiang Pho put his body into the arms of Sasuke, planted a strawberry on his side, and said with joy: "Long live, great, I can stay with you all the time." Yeah!"

Aside, Jin silently watched the two people, the look on the face changed, and finally, turned into a long sigh, bless you, for me, just keep looking at you like this, just fine... 1.

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