One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Festival

At first, the three generations did investigate a few times. However, they were finally obstructed by the high-levels of the wood leaves. Even several names of the wood leaves came out at the same time to prevent the actions of the three generations, and even threatened the three generations with the village of Muye. If the investigation continues, They will no longer support Konoha.

At this point, the three generations finally understood everything about the matter. They knew that there was a great connection between the death of the mirror and the high-rise of the wood leaf. In order not to cause the turmoil in the village of Muye, the three generations gave up the thoughts of the investigation, in order to explain to the Uchiha family. The high-level wooden leaves fabricated a false evidence, and they randomly found a scapegoat for the Uchiha family. The Uchiha family still believes in the wood leaves, and they will not pursue it. Finally, the matter is given up.

After a few years, the nine tails came and the four generations died. Muye counted the guilt on Yu Zhibo’s head and hated the extremes of Uchiha, but because of the powerful strength of Uchiha, they still suppressed. Destroy the mind of Uchiha.

Later, the Uchiha family came out with a peerless genius, Uchiha stopped the water, and Uchiha was firmly convinced that with the water stop, the Uchiha family would definitely go to prosperous again. Therefore, the Uchibo family rich Fuyue stopped the water for Uchiha. I will cultivate it vigorously and hope that he will grow up as soon as possible. Fortunately, the water stop has not lived up to the expectations of the Uchiha people. It opened the kaleidoscope in the early years and has an incredible ability.

At the same time, the Uchiha family was born with another peerless genius, Uchiha, and as the son of the Uchiha patriarch, the expectations given to him were even greater. Together with the water stop, they also called Uchiha, who are in the heart of the Uchiha people. The two are the hopes of the Uchiha family. Everything about tomorrow must be on them.

Uchiha has a peerless genius, and still two! This fact has shocked the tops of the wood leaf. At this time, there is almost no strength in the village of Muye that can compete with the Uchiha family. Even if it is a thousand hands, there is only one thread left. Dare to compare with the Uchiha family.

Seeing that two new stars have risen, the tops of Konoha have foreseen the day when Uchiha’s family rebelled against the Konoha regime. After all, the decision of the Konoha executives completely destroyed Uchiha and must not threaten their regime. The family survived in the world.

At this time, the group has already established the "root" department. As a general existence similar to the East Factory of the Ming Dynasty, it exercises the duty of supervising and guarding the wood leaves. Of course, at this time, the authority of the Uchiha police station has been overhead. The security aspect of the entire wood leaf can be said to be in the hands of the "root" department.

Due to its strength, the task of destroying the Uchiha family was handed over to the "root" department, and the group was concealed. The plan to destroy Uchiha was planned. First, the kaleidoscope of forcing the water of Uchiha was forcibly seized by its authority. Sasuke’s life threatened and asked him to join Uchiha’s genocide plan.

He was so painful that he knew everything about the group from the water, and he knew that the Uchiha family could not get rid of the fact of being destroyed. He was uneasy. "This is fate..."

I still remember the relief when I stopped giving my eyes to him. "Hey, Uchiha family will ask you, take care of it..."

Can you really save Uchiha? I know clearly that the current Uchiha, Uchiha, which is regarded as the nail in the eye by Muye, will be destroyed by Konoha in any case. For the younger brother, he finally made a decision to destroy Uchiha.

Even if you carry all the nicknames, let Sasuke survive. For the younger brother, he still betrayed his best brother, best friend. Tongyu Zhibo brought earth, group, and "root" elites, and completely killed all the people of Uchiha on the moon night.

That night, the blood, the once brilliant and fascinating Uchiha was finally destroyed, and the whole family of 328 people, except Sasuke, was spared.

When I was dying, my face was full of horror, my eyes were convex, and my eyes were unbelievable. The blushing writing eyes reflected the figure of the slaughter, killing, and constantly killing, regardless of men, women and children, all the souls of the dead, **** Straight into the sky, let the moon become blood.

Death, icy death...

"Uchiha, a family with many fates..."

Sasuke's look is silent, and the blushing round eyes don't see any mood swings. After reading the long secrets, the body and mind are tired, and the body is supported by the hand, leaning against the bookshelf, and the pale color appears on the face.

"One family, what is a family? Oh, no matter what right or wrong, murder can not be forgiven. I am a Uzbek family, no matter who, I am sorry for the Uchiha family, I will not be merciful. Look, I I will use my way to revitalize Uchiha. Even if my hands are covered with blood, even if I fall into the infernal purgatory, I want to make the Uchiha family truly revived!"

In the wide dojo, the lights sprinkled, and the surrounding darkness was driven away. Sasuke sat on the knees, and the body was brilliance, and the black Chakra was not scattered.

Since the end of the World War I, the Chakra in Sasuke has changed. The original blue has turned black. Inside the sea, there is a thick ink color, which is the abundant Chakra fluctuation.

Such changes, Sasuke hopes that the refining pot is at work.

The last time I was invaded by the power of evil, Chakra changed dramatically. The blue Chakra was blackened. The evil and evil suffocation affected the nature of Chakra. Although the evil power was dispelled from the body, the color of Chakra But it can't change back, this is the aftereffect.

Chakra color changed, Sasuke did not have any resentment. Compared with the blue Chakra, the black Chakra contains more energy. This Chakra change is qualitative, although the amount has not increased Sasuke felt that his strength was a bit stronger than before.

At this time, Sasuke felt a move and opened his eyes. The next moment, the wooden door of the dojo opened, and a purple figure appeared at the door, but it was fragrant phosphorus.

The fragrant phosphorus eyebrows are smiling, with a tray in the hand and a freshly brewed tea. Go to Sasuke and sit down and put the tea tray on the tatami. "I am still practicing."

Sasuke looked at the phosphor in front of her, but she still wore usual clothes, tight leather pants, long red hair and black rimless glasses. At this time, the latter's pair of Danfeng eyes also looked at him. Sasuke smiled a little and said: "Well, the cultivation must be persevering, and in order to improve the strength as soon as possible."

"Sasuke is really hard work. It's no wonder that the strength is so strong." Xiang Pho's eyes are stunned, and there is a bright light in it. "If I have such a strong strength, Sasuke is good."

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