One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Festival

The breeze smashed through the window, and the silky gauze that was blown was like a wave, and the tassels were light. Through the heavy gauze, you could see the tatami in the house. A silver-haired woman was sleeping lightly.

Although she is asleep, she still feels the woman's intriguing beauty. The silver hair is soft and draped behind her head, carefully pressed under her body to form a silver waterfall, her eyes closed, her nose and lips are perfect. The contours of the face are finely crafted, and the temperament is elegant, but there is a beauty that is dusty and refined.

The woman is not calm when she sleeps, her face changes, her breathing is short, and it seems that she is dreaming of something terrible.

Ding! A sudden bell rang.

Suddenly, the woman's eyes opened, but she saw her original blue eyes turned into amethyst color, purple brilliance, pupil change, Wanhua mirror shape, green crystal mirror like crystal, change Unpredictable eyes burst into the light of seeing through everything!

As dreamy, the woman clearly saw a scene full of magma underground, a purple-black monster screaming, the body gave birth to the tentacles, a powerful pressure surge.

At this point, a white figure descended from the sky, you can see that it is a man, but see the thunder in his hands. The most amazing thing is that the thunder is purple! The harsh lightning thunder continued to sound, and the purple thunder and lightning touched the monster's tentacles, giving a sizzling sound, and a white smoke spurred. The long tentacles quickly corroded and decayed into muddy matter and fell into the magma.

The monster screamed and screamed, and the purple black brilliance of the body rushed, and thousands of tentacles rushed to the man in white, flooding him completely...


With a scream, the silver-haired woman woke up from her nightmare, her purple brilliance slowly disappeared, her face pale and her face looked sullen, still seemingly immersed in the sudden nightmare.

At this time, the outside guards heard the woman’s scream, and the guards thought that something had happened, and immediately shouted outside: “Aster, you are all right!”

The shout of the guards finally awakened the asters from the shackles, stood up, and covered the blankets on the body, exposing the bumpy shape, but seeing her wearing a witch costume, the white and red witch costumes could not cover the figure. Wonderful, long hair like a waterfall, casually scattered behind, but there is no trace of confusion.

After calming down, there was no fluctuation in the pale face of Aster, but it was a faint voice: "Nothing, you continue to guard."

The people guarded outside the house heard the voice of Aster, and the hanging heart was put down. If the adult had something to do, they couldn’t eat it. The name of the country of the ghost country must be protected, so if you want to protect the asters, She lost one hair and they will be severely punished.

Inside the house, Aster was sitting on a tatami mat, and the cool moonlight sprinkled on some of her delicate body, dyeing the red and white witch costumes in silver.

Holding the bell hanging on the chest, the asters look inexplicable, remembering the monster that appeared in the dream, swearing: "Has that part been awakened? Hehe..."

The country of the marsh, the dark abyss, the gray air current wanders between the cliffs.

Dead and abyss, the mysterious abyss suddenly burst into a dazzling purple brilliance, turning into a beam of light that rushed into the sky. The horrible pressure came from the abyss, and the ancient savage beast awakened, and the endless suffocation covered this world.


With a sharp whistling, I saw a figure wrapped in purple streamer flying slowly from the abyss, followed by five uniformed ninjas, who should be followers and watch The man in front of the purple light shining in front of him, the five faces are full of reverence and courtesy.

However, I heard one of the ninjas named Shumen said: "Congratulations to Huang Quan, who succeeded in unblocking the body of the adults."

Surrounded by purple streamers, it is Huang Quan. At this moment, he is full of magic, and he is really a humanoid demon.

"Oh, after all the hard work, I finally got it. However, the other part needs the power of the witch, and there is no soul. It is a body that cannot restore the power of destroying the earth before life."

Then, the female ninja named Jiu Sha said: "Yellow Huang Quan, we will grab the witch now and let her help you with the rest of the business."

"I am planning this too."

As saying, Huang Quan’s momentum slowly recovered, and the purple streamer was absorbed by the body one by one, but he heard a smooth embarrassment. “This power is really strong, but unfortunately, even if it’s completely Unblocking, but still can't play the super strength of a hundred years ago."

Suddenly there was some doubt, and immediately asked: "Adult, what do you mean?"

Huang Quan turned around and looked at the five ninjas behind him. The tone was faint. "At that time, when the 16th night and the battle of the squad, she used her own devilish power to smash her body and use a strange The seals sealed most of the power, and now even if the 魍魉 is completely resurrected, it can only exert about 30% of the power of the year."

"Thirty percent of the power..."

In a flash, the look was awkward. Previously, when Huang Quan untied the seal, the power of evil was so scary that he seemed to face the most powerful monster. The power was not all in the world. Know how powerful the heyday is..."

"Yeah, during the heyday, even the Amaterasu **** has to shun the house, but such a powerful cockroach has actually lost in the hands of sixteen nights. It is incredible. Feel the power left in my body, I I can imagine the strength of the horror of the sixteen nights, and that power far exceeds the scope of God. Now the ninjutsu is not worth mentioning."

Reminiscent of the strength of the sixteen nights Huang Quan face color reveals a faint color, the human symbiosis period, the human power at that time far exceeds the present, even if it is the most common witch, she The power that is possessed is not much more than the shadow level. It can be said that the power at that time is simply beyond the reach of human beings.

Not to mention the gods, even the monsters are extremely powerful. At that time, only the martial arts and the spiritual roads could compete with the super-powerful demons. At that time, the ninjutsu was just the side of the road.

The loss of Aura, the martial arts and the spiritual path were declining. Later, the big tree made the night to capture the fruit of the **** tree, which led the road to the peak. In this way, the road became the power system that has been passed down to the present.

Since martial arts and spirituality are too horrible, even the gods will be afraid of three points. Under the rules of heaven, they will never allow more than their power to exist, and they will hinder human development through various means. After all, the awkwardness of the earth, the aura of the earth, the decline of martial arts and spirituality, and the disappearance of those gods.

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