One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Festival

This night, I will end up...

In the deep jungle, a white figure was drawn in the night sky, and the figure flashed and disappeared quickly. Although the speed was very fast, but there was no sound, like a breeze, it passed.

This person is Sasuke, did not disturb other people, but he secretly came out from the village of Yin Ren, his goal is the country of ghosts in the distance, knowing that Tian Zhiguo and the country of ghosts are far away, simply use high speed all the way. The physical skills of the road, almost in less than an hour, is to leave the sphere of influence of Tian Zhiguo.

Sasuke understands the story about the Ghost Country and knows that this is a theatrical version of Naruto's original work. Here, Naruto is predicted to be killed by the Aster, and many things have happened along this route. However, the final protagonist is still too Powerful, the ancient demon turned out to be defeated by the combination of Naruto and Shion. This kind of thing is really embarrassing.

Before the Ming Ming, how powerful it was, almost destroyed the world, but in the end it turned out to be like this, like a small boss that is not influx, it is easy to be defeated, not flashing 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes is simply unhappy. In the end, even Aster is fascinated by Naruto, threatening to replace the children of life, such an ending is really blood!

Depressing the unnaturalness of the heart, Sasuke rushed to the country of ghosts. He clearly remembered that the first night of the awakening, Aster was assassinated by Huang Quan. If it wasn’t for the woody ninja, she would arrive in time. It is very likely that this fragrance will disappear.

Sasuke doesn't know if the wood leaf ninja will appear in time. If there is any scorpion, the asters will be killed, and he will cry without tears. After all, Sasuke also wants to seize the power of 魍魉, he will never let the asters die before using the power of the aster to unravel the soul seal.

"Be sure to catch up!"

Sasuke helped the body to refine the demon pot, and the raging energy poured out, but he saw his black brilliance in the whole body, wrapped in black chakra, and the speed of advancement increased again, almost even the afterimage could not be seen.

The night is gradually expelled, the stars in the sky are dim, and the remnant moon has become awkward. All this shows that the night is full and the dawn is coming.

Asters still maintains a squat posture. Although she sat for one night, she did not have any discomfort. After all, she was a witch. It is necessary to practice squatting. The basic course of these witches is still very good. it is good.

Looking through the light gauze, the blue eyes of the Aster have no emotions, and their looks are as usual. Just like the past, they are completely integrated with the surrounding scenery, as if they existed here.

Suddenly, the soul bell trembled, and the crisp bell sound was exceptionally clear indoors. Although the sound was small, the sound wave spread all the way to the house, and all the guards heard it clearly.

"finally coming?"

Aster stood up, and the large witch costume was not scattered. The old well was not in the heart, waiting for the arrival of his own destiny.

A mountain that is not far from the house where the asters are located, a burst of sound came from the air, but saw five people flashing and landing, and looking at it, it was the moment.

Looking down at the opposite mansion, I smiled slowly. "Our goal is there, remember, kill the witch!"

Jiusha was very surprised by the order of the moment, and immediately said: "Big Brother, Huang Quan is not letting us not hurt her before unsealing the seal?"

But I heard a cold cry. "Do you really want to help Huang Quan resurrect? You really got the power of jealousy, and his temper will definitely not leave us alive. Instead of doing this, it is better to destroy his plan and let Huang Quan It’s not a good thing for such people to master."

"Big Brother, are we going to betray Huang Quan adults?"

"What is it? I have had enough in these years. Are you willing to be enslaved by him forever?"

In the face of the question of the moment, the rest of the people silently said that, in fact, Huang Quan is not very good to them, and can even be described as mean.

For many years, they have endured the enslavement of Huang Quan for many years.

After all, after a while of silence, Jiu Sha spoke: "Big brother, I am following you, I have long wanted to betray Huang Quan, now is a good opportunity!"

When I saw the performance of Jiusha, I nodded with satisfaction and then looked at the rest of the people. "What do you mean?"

Unable to withstand the gaze of the moment, the rest of the people still compromised.

"We also followed the big brother, what the big brother said is what."

"Listen to the big brother."

"I have no opinion."

See the rest of the people compromised, and the corner of the mouth was light, saying: "Very good, after killing the asters, several of us immediately left here, looking for a hidden place to hide, completely get rid of the control of Huang Quan! Now, I will die for you all."

Then, in the moment, the purple light surging, I saw four dead soul worms crawling out from under his skin. Under the control of the moment, these dead soul worms were like snakes, and quickly fell into other people's bodies.


The dead soul worm swept toward Jiusha and others. The sharp mouth pierced the skin, and the red blood leaked out. The dead soul worm smelled the blood, and the whole body was full of purple light, screaming like a snake. human body.

The body trembles, the strange feeling brought by the death of the dead insects is so strong, after all, the dead soul insects live near their heart, feel the heat of the heart, the soul of the dead soul bites the heart that keeps beating They are forcing the pain of eclipsing like a million ants, letting go of their bodies and minds and welcoming the invasion of dead souls.


Suddenly, Jiusha has a purple brilliance in them. The powerful Chakra is constantly coming out from the heart. Then, the appearance of Jiusha and others has changed dramatically. The original black and white pupils turned black and the hair was scattered. The violent breath fills this space.

This kind of power, the power of the dead soul insects to the host is constantly flowing, and several people who are parasitic by the dead souls feel that their chakras have at least increased by a factor of ten. Now, their strength is infinitely close to the shadow level.

Strength improvement Jiusha has never had this kind of experience. She feels that she is so strong, and her heart is so refreshing, she even made a long shout.

"This power is really good."

Nine sand clenched his fists, and the purple streamer lingered in the meantime. She felt that she could do anything at the moment.

The rest of the people were quite satisfied with the strength given by the dead soul worm. Chakra was promoted to such a degree that it was something they had never thought of before. Now it has finally reached this level, and several people are actually a little excited.

Looking at the performance of Jiusha and others, he nodded briefly and said: "Your strength has been improved as never before. Now go to complete your mission, kill the woman, remember, no matter who you are, just dare to block Hard, kill innocent!"

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