One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 267: Festival

Asters shouted softly, hurried to the side of Maitreya, and finally hugged Maitreya, the touch was really true, only the warmth of the mother's adult made her indulge.

"Mother, I finally saw you again, I miss you..."

Aster did not let go of his hand, and put his head on Maitreya's chest, feeling the mother's tolerance and gentleness, very enjoyable.

Seeing Shion’s childlike performance, Maitreya grinned. “It’s all so big, like a little girl, it’s really naughty.”

Shion swayed Maitreya's body and made a spoiled look. "I am a child next to my mother, just feeling the mother, I feel very happy."

"Oh." Maitre patted the Aster and pushed her away from her, making a faint voice, "Aster..."

Pushed away by Maitreya, Aster was somewhat reluctant, and looked at Maitreya with confusion. He said, "What happened to the mother?"

Maitreya’s eyes flashed the mother’s unique kindness. “Child, I am already dead, but don’t forget your mission, as a witch in the country of ghosts, your mission, seal 魍魉...”

Said, Maitreya's body turned out to be transparent. Shion wanted to catch Maitreya, but she grabbed an empty space and saw her hand easily pass through Maitreya's already illusory body, and did not touch anything.

"Goodbye, child..."

Maitreya was still so gentle and kind, and eventually turned into a little starlight dissipated in the space.

"Mother is an adult..."

Asters sat on the ground and looked blank. She still stayed in the feeling of getting along with Maitreya. "Why would you leave me, mother and grandmother..."

Asters felt that their mood was empty, and it seemed that something important was getting farther and farther away from her, and it was never able to get back again. This feeling really made her uncomfortable.

At this time, the space in which Aster was located suddenly violently trembled, and immediately, a sharp whistling sound came, like the roar of some kind of beast.


The surrounding space was cracked. The next moment, the scene in front of the asters was changed, but it was a completely strange scene.

The flash floods, the thin magma, the cracking of the earth, all kinds of birds and beasts fled, the human beings are like ants, easily swallowed by various unknown beasts, the sky is dark, and a huge storm vortex of several hundred feet wide appears. Between the heavens and the earth, a large number of monsters with large bodies emerged from the ground, and many of them are monsters whose names cannot be named by Aster.

Aster saw it. There were a few white giant dogs in the sky. The body was huge. It was like a mountain. It broke through the clouds, and the whole body was filled with endless demon. The horrible momentum made all the monsters on the earth yield, whistling and sending out. The intriguing embarrassment, the earthquake trembled, the thunder and lightning blew, and several giant dogs flashed past, carrying a huge spiral of strength to sweep away from the distance.

At this time, Aster recognized it, isn't the giant dog the legendary Tengu? !

"this place!"

Looking at the four wild, Aster heart shocked, she remembered the story that Maitre told her when she was a child, about the story of the symbiotic era of the five hundred years ago.

The scene in front of Ziyuan changed again. The dark clouds were penetrated by huge purple streamers. The powerful spiritual power fluctuated constantly. The torrent flood wave devours all the demons on the ground. In the shock wave, it sees the monsters horrified. Howling, the body cracked, and was completely purified under the constant purple power, and it became a light particle that dissipated in the air.

The next moment, the whole sky is shocked, the powerful demon and the pure spiritual power are fighting, the spiritual power is surging, but it is the suppression of the demon!

The earthquake is shaking, the sky is discolored!


With a sharp shackle, I saw a white giant dog descending from the sky, it is the Tengu!

At this time, the Tengu lost his former life, but he saw his hair messy, his body covered with deep visible bone wounds, red blood sprinkled, forming a **** rain, the dog seems to be afraid of what power, the bell of the twins There is an infinite fear in the middle.

The sky is full of purple brilliance, and the powerful spiritual power covers this space. The sacred, powerful and powerful demon power is sprayed out.


Along with a fascinating ringtone, a woman wearing a witch costume shines from the purple streamer. When the woman appears, the Tengu sends out a fearful sigh and immediately flees to the distance.

When Shioyuan saw the woman's face, she couldn't help but hold her mouth, and it was unbelievable. "How could it be!"

"16 nights adults..."

A strange ringtone, like coming from the sky, is deep and deep, reaching out to the clouds!


The woman’s voice is crisp and she looks a bit smart and empty. The whole body is shrouded in purple brilliance, the crystal purple is not scattered, and the whole sky has turned into one color.

Shion was shocked and looked at the sky for sixteen nights, but she saw her graceful appearance. The darkness of the waterfall was like a long hair, and the face of a fish was like a geese. It was like a celestial temperament. It was not all human beings. Just watching it, she was unconsciously. The breath of the body is attracted.

Purple brilliance flows, the momentum of the sixteen nights skyrocketing, that power, with Mo can be, the power of powerful devils mixed with the power of yin and yang seals, the power of breaking the magic is the power of the witch, but the power of yin and yang seals It is the unique power of sixteen nights. Under the mixture of these two forces, even the gods must tremble.

The Tengu escaped, but the 16th night was not in a hurry, the wind was light. However, she saw a wave of energy fluctuations in her hands. The next moment, the pagoda-like instrument with the power of breaking the magic appeared in the hands of sixteen nights. The instruments appeared, and the surrounding space was oppressed a few points. It was the soul of the town!

Looking at the Tengu that has escaped, the 16-night corner of the mouth evokes a good arc escaped? ”

Immediately, the soul of the town sounded a mysterious sound, thirty-six notes of purple light flow, forming a wave of space fluctuations, the next moment, the space is a stagnation, the thirty-six notes rushed out, but in an instant, it was the entire body of the Tengu They are all enveloped in it.

The notes fluctuated, forming an environment similar to the enchantment. The Tengu was trapped in it and clashed, but in any case, it was impossible to get rid of the note enchantment, but left a water-like shock on the enchantment.


Another sound of the soul of the town, the thirty-six notes continue to shrink, the purple light is flourishing, the formation of the enchantment burst out of the horrible devilish power, purple brilliance into a million arrows, a moment is the day dog Like a knife-cut tofu, Wan Dao runs through the wounds throughout the big dog's body.


The Tengu made a painful roar, and his body struggled, like a lamb waiting to die, and there was no resistance at all under the power of the devil!

Speaking of it, the power of the devil is the biggest nemesis of the world's monsters. As long as the monsters are stained, the light ones are seriously injured, and the seriousness is gone.

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