One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Festival

The cherry blossoms flourish, and the blossoming flowers are scattered on the surface of the water, like duckweed, drifting far away with continuous ripples.

Holding the bamboo poles, accompanied by the pottery pottery boat on the small lake, the sun shines on the water, reflecting the golden brilliance, it is a bit dazzling.


The sound of Tao Tao is faint. "Five years, unconsciously, it has been so long..."

"Yeah, it has been five years."

His eyes gazed at the back of the pottery, which contained a touch of gentleness and enthusiasm.

Looking at the cherry blossom forest on the shore, it is a sense of human beings.

“Remember the agreement between you and me? What is your choice now?”

The sound of the pottery is soft, and the running water generally slides through the heart.

"Agreement?" Hehe hesitated. Looking at the face of Yan Tao, it was finally confirmed. "My choice, I want to be a human... with the Tao Tao..."

It seems that I expected it to be so decided. I don’t have any surprises. "This bet is that I won. Hey, I’m glad to hear your choice. I think my sister is equally happy."

Yan Tao always hangs that sister, which makes the cockroaches very uncomfortable. However, in front of 椿陶, 魍魉 不 不 表 表 表 表 表 表 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉 魍魉Adult? I respect her very much."

“Is it?” Yan Tao smiled and stood up. He was across the street and staring at the strange man. “Sister and adult have always been expecting, hoping to resolve your suffocation, and through your help, the space crack will be closed. To solve the disaster of the loss of the earth's aura."


Since I have chosen to become a human being, I am naturally unwilling to live up to the expectations of Tao Tao. Although I am very upset about the 16th night, I nodded and said, "Well, I will cooperate with her through the two of us. Power will surely solve this catastrophic disaster."

"I really look forward to that moment..."

I got a promise of embarrassment, and the burden on my heart was a lot lighter. Finally, I showed a smile, very gentle, very fascinating.

Looking at 椿陶, 魍魉 魍魉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , You have one thing."

"Oh? What?"

"Close your eyes."

Yan Tao said that she would close her eyes. In the next moment, she felt a cold thing in her hand, opened her eyes, but saw a shell-shaped utensil. It's something that is red pigment.

"Is this... lipstick?"

"Ah, that, because I don't know what you like, I will send you this." He was a little embarrassed. He suspected that Tao Tao might not like these things, but he would take the lipstick.

Avoiding the sly movement, Yan Tao smiled and said: "Don't, I like it very much. Speaking of it, I used cosmetics for the first time."

"Yes. Then try it."

"you help me……"

Yan Tao bite his lip lightly, his eyelashes flutter, and he is looking forward to the movement.

Looking at the pink lips of 椿陶, I can imagine the softness of the lips, I thought, such a lipstick will not damage the beauty of nature.


The sound of Tao Tao will wake up from the shackles. "Oh, come."

I stuck a little red from the bay fan, looked at the pink lips, my heart trembled, and finally came into contact with the soft lips. He forgot everything in the world, only the woman in front, and the soft touch. .

Looking at the more tempting red lips, there was an impulse in my heart, and she took away her lips in the scream of 椿陶, 砰砰 砰砰 心 心 魍魉 魍魉 吻 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , In the flying dance, the figures of the two are gradually blurred...

Chapter 23

"椿陶, you actually did that kind of thing with him!"

The woman’s voice is cold, and the sternness and anger are hidden in it.

"Sister, you listen to me..."

Looking at the expression of the sixteen nights, the heart of the pottery trembled. For so many years, she was the first time she saw the performance of the 16th night. For a time, she had a timidity.

"椿陶, I am really disappointed with you. You know, he is a monster. There is no possibility between you and him. I want you to be close to you. I want you to convince him to let him cooperate with me. However, you have to fall in love with him! You Tao, did you think about the consequences?!"

After all, it is her own sister. Yan Tao is very respectful for the sixteen nights. Now, she is angry with her sixteen nights. She wants to argue with her, but her timidity still prevails.

Dare not to look at the sixteen nights of gaze, Yan Tao lowered his head and said: "Sister and older people punish me, all this is my responsibility, nothing to do with him."

"Hey!" The perfect face of the sixteen nights showed a hint of sarcasm. "You care about him very much! But don't forget, the most disgusting thing in my life is the monster. He did that kind of thing for you. Invading your dignity as a witch, now, even if you block, I will kill him!"

The tone of the sixteen nights was fierce, and there was no room for manoeuvre. I know that because of the 16-night childhood, I saw the tragedy of the monster killing, so she hated the monster. Inheriting the power of the devil and the power of the yin and yang seal, the 16th night is guarded by her early vows: to get rid of all the monsters in the world, to end the era of monsters ruling humans!

Over the years, 16 nights have been obeying their own vows, no mercy for the monsters, killing countless monsters with powerful power, even the legendary Tengus are mourning her hands!

"Sister, I have already decided, I must protect you. If you want to kill him, kill me first!"

When I heard the answer from Tao Tao, I was shocked by the 16th night, and then I was saddened. "Don Tao, do you really want to protect him?"

"I swear!"

Yan Tao looked firm and looked at the sixteen nights. This time, she did not retreat. In order to protect the loved ones, she would be willing to give up her life.


Sixteen nights were really angry. I have been with Yan Tao for so many years. It is the first time I have seen her such rebellious performance. For a long time, as a sister, she has been trying to protect her from the pottery for 16 nights. I don't want her to be hurt anymore. Now, Tao Tao and the monster are in love. This is something she can't accept anyway.

As a sister, it is the responsibility of 16 nights to guard against all the pottery, even if it is a love, it must be approved by her!

Now, Yan Tao intends to give up his life to protect a monster. Sixteen nights of heartache also hate that he did not protect his pottery, did not fulfill his sister's responsibility, watching her step by step and the monster's love network.

I think of it, the sixteen nights of my heart have a strong hate, everything is caused by this monster, my lovely sister must be confused by him, so I will protect him regardless of the one, yes, absolutely!

In the mind, sixteen nights have confirmed everything. At this time, there is only one thought left in her heart, and she kills her in any case. Finally, I glanced at the pottery pottery. Sixteen nights turned into a purple light and disappeared in the same place. She was going to kill and kill, and use the power of the devil to break everything!

After sixteen nights disappeared, Yan Tao immediately chased it up. She knew what to do in the 16th night.

However, the strength of the sixteen nights is naturally different from that of Tao. Even if Tao Tao uses the whole body to catch up, but in any case can not keep up with the pace of sixteen nights, only to see her disappear into the distance.

"Oh, don't have anything..."

The look of Tao Tao is worried, she only hopes, and finally she can catch up and save her life.

In the wilderness, the endless blue grassland, the tall wormwood and the tall people, the four fields are all ridiculous.

At this time, the sky is constantly oscillating, the purple streamer and the black streamer are constantly colliding, and the powerful power makes the surrounding space wrinkle-like cracks. Within a hundred miles, all kinds of monsters flee, like the tide. The torrent of black rushes, the pressure of terror makes them tremble, and they can only survive when they survive.


The power of the purple demon slammed into the black field, and the space trembled again. The powerful shock wave rushed from the sky to the sky. In an instant, the clouds broke through the hole from the middle, and the powerful air convection formed a whirlpool storm. Everything in the matter absorbs and forms a piece of black, which turns out to make that sky dark!

Suddenly, the two streams of light stopped, revealing the figure inside, it was sixteen nights and two people.

"16 nights, why are you so forced me?!"

He was glaring at the sixteen nights and was very dissatisfied with her blocking the relationship between herself and Tao.

"Hey, Tao Tao is my sister, something between you and her, I can't promise it anyway!"

"Haha, sixteen nights, as you said, you are just a sister of Tao Tao. Why do you limit her freedom?!"

"Just because I am her sister!"

"Haha, joke! Sixteen nights, you can't help but see you too high. You are an individual, not your slave. Do you know what she thinks? She is eager to leave your control, she longs for freedom, For her, I am everything about her, sixteen nights, you can never compare with me!"

"Yes!" Sixteen nights were not angry and laughed. "Well, let me cut off all this. As long as you kill you, you will come back to me!"

Immediately, the sixteenth night of the whole body glory, the powerful force of the devil broke out from the body, the purple brilliance shines, and the world is covered.

In the next moment, the hands of the sixteen nights, the powerful spiritual fluctuations shook the world, a huge purple array filled with mysterious mantras, which covered all the space within a hundred miles, the battle was condensed, powerful The power of the seal broke out as much as the thunder of the heavens and the earth.

Feel the powerful and incredible power, the pupils shrink, and immediately condense all the forces, under the force of induction, the black stone door suddenly appears.

It is the door of the field!

The door of the black meditation is as high as 100 feet, and the dark runes are all over it. The sorrowful silence continues to come. The next moment, the door of the meditation is opened, and the endless black air rushes out, turning into a huge devil. It crashed into the purple array that covered the world.


The magic sounds whistling, the array of law is stirring, the continuous impact makes the space tremble, the earth cracks, the flash floods, and the ground creatures are devastated!

The powerful airflow from the impact spreads throughout the space, and it protects itself with a purple enchantment on the 16th night, while the cockroach hides inside the door of the meditation domain, and with the door of the meditation domain, it avoids the violent space storm.

After all, the collision between the devil and the purple seal array ended, the purple array turned into a little star, and the devil disappeared.

At this time, he walked out of the door of the meditation domain, and his body was filled with black brilliance. Looking at the sixteen nights inside the enchantment, his eyes flashed infinitely, and his body flashed into a sixteen night storm. Grab it.


The powerful magical spirit formed a huge battle axe in the enchantment of sixteen nights, the black magical axe of the battle axe, the purple stream of enchantment continued to tremble, the power of the devil continually consumed the magic of the scorpion, and finally, the battle The axe did not break through the enchantment of the sixteen nights, and the cockroaches were also hurt by the purple brilliance that broke out by the enchantment!

"Oh, this is the monster, oh, even if you struggle, it is not my opponent. I am sixteen nights, the holy witch, I shoulder the responsibility of guarding humanity, my duty, destroy the monster, lead the human to the peak. !"

Cold-eyed look at the embarrassing embarrassment in the distance, sixteen nights again, the right hand, the pagoda-type bell gongs appear, the spiritual operation, the town soul bells issued thirty-six mysterious sounds, like the heavens and the earth The sound can't be resisted at all, and the powerful penetrating force will suppress it in a flash.

Thirty-six notes, Guanghua Dasheng, formed a purple light curtain, which will be surrounded by heavy shackles, hehe! The notes sound a mysterious sound.


The horrible power of the devil has turned into 36,000 purple arrows to attack!

"It will be so powerful!"

The first time I saw the power of breaking the devil, I was so scared that I was able to maintain the door of the meditation, and I was once again hiding in the door of the meditation.

Three hundred and six thousand arrows collided with the door of the meditation domain. Immediately, the black enchantment of the door of the meditation area blocked the overwhelming purple streamer.


The ripples are constantly, like the raindrops, the continuous shock undulation emerges from the This fluctuation is only maintained for one second. In an instant, the enchantment is broken, and a piece of purple forms a flood that hits the door of the meditation.


The powerful impact made the door of the meditation tremble, and in a short while, the door of the meditation was cracked, and after a burst of cracking sound, the door of the meditation burst from the middle.


The black brilliance flashed, but the cockroach was forced out of it.

In the purple torrent, the fate of the whole body is turned to the whole body, and 100,000 protective enchantments are condensed in the whole body, in an attempt to protect themselves.

The power of the devil can't resist at all. After ten or three seconds, less than ten seconds, the 100,000 guardian enchantment is only 50,000, and the purple torrent is still unabated.

In the face of the horrible demon power, the first time the feeling of death emerged, and under the power of endless demon, he did not know how he could escape this robbery.

"Would you die?"

He muttered to himself, and in the middle of the night, he saw the figure of Tao Tao. He saw that Tao Tao was fighting with the 16th night, fighting with his own low spiritual power and sixteen nights.

Yes, it’s just 椿陶, this time I saw it, and Tao Tao came to save him!

Immediately, he shouted: "Oh, go away! Leave me alone!"

However, the sound of 魍魉 can't be conveyed to the 椿 椿 ear, she is tired of fighting with the sixteen nights at this time, can not tell the mind to see this side.

Perhaps it was the pottery that was involved in the 16th night. At this time, the purple enchantment was broken, and then the 36,000 arrows that broke the power of the demon disappeared.

Seeing that the 魍魉 jiejie is broken, 魍魉 will appear from it, and a glimpse of the glory in the eyes of the sixteen nights, no longer entangled with the enamel pottery, the body shape flashes, turned into a huge purple streamer rushing to the hustle and bustle,

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